BP-World Economy-International Business
Speciality Code:
Speciality Name:
World Economy
Faculty of Economics and Management
Field of study:
Social Science and Business
- A) Purpose
- development of students’ personal qualities; formation of universal and professional competences in accordance with requirements of the labor market for “International Business” major;
- producing specialists in International Business with fundamental economic knowledge and who are capable of working as analysts and visioners, International Relations and World Economy experts, who are able to analyze processes in separate spheres such as economics, politics, security or culture and information technologies.
- B) Specification
- 1.Course/subject area
- Main courses: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Mathematics in Economics, Logistics, Accounting and Audit, Taxes and Taxation, Strategic Management, Global Economics and Global Goods Markets Forecasting, Contemporary History of International Relations, Regional Studies, Multilateral Diplomacy, International Economics, International Business, Business Analytics, Entrepreneurship and Basics of Business, Stock Exchange Market, Fundamental and Technical Analysis of Stock Markets, Electronic Business and Developing Technologies for Entrepreneurship, Infographics and Communications
- 2.General information/Specialization
- “International Business” educational programme is aimed at professional training of specialists, able to forecast trends and respond to the strategic challenges of an ever changing global business environment by applying the theory and methodology of economic science to investigate world economic processes and to put their conclusions into practice, analyzing world commodity and financial markets, enhancing the competitiveness of goods and services, various types of foreign economic activity and international payments, patterns in integration processes throughout the world and the activities of international economic organizations.
- 3.Major
- Social Sciences, Economics and Business
- 4.Peculiarities
- Graduates of the “International Business” educational programme are focused on:
- business analytics,
- world economy;
- international relations;
- global political, economic, military, ecological, cultural-ideological and other processes.
- 1.Course/subject area
- C) Employment and further education
- 1.Employment
- the companies doing foreign trade, banks and other financial institutions, government agencies, embassies and trade offices of Kazakhstan abroad;
- international economic organizations;
- Kazakhstani and foreign enterprises, noncommercial and public organizations, dealing with international economic issues;
- the media, covering issues of international economic activity.
- 2.Further education
- “International Business” graduates have a possibility to continue their studies within Master’s degree programmes in accordance with the related specialties or any others under the stipulation that they pass all prerequisites for the educational programme.
- 1.Employment
- D) Educational
- 1.Teaching and learning approaches
- Competence approach, student-oriented teaching, subjects integration and interdisciplinary approach are emphasized.
- 2.Assessment methods
- The main criteria of Bachelor’s degree completion is completing a minimum of 129 credits of theoretical studies and 9 credits of professional internship according to the Kazakhstani system or 211 credits of theoretical studies and 20 credits of professional internship according to the ECTS.
- 1.Teaching and learning approaches
- E) Programme competences
- 1.General competences
- ability to think systematically, generalize, analyze and perceive information, formulate goals and choose the ways to achieve them, bring out the implication of international issues;
- ability to think and write logically, reasonably and plainly;
- сapability to analyze socially significant issues and processes;
- ability to use basic principles of natural sciences in professional activity, apply methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research;
- having politically correct corporate culture of international communication (formal and informal), skills of finding compromises through negotiations;
- capability to make organizational and administrative decisions in different situations and take responsibility for them;
- ability to apply regulatory and legal documents in professional activity.
- 2.Professional competences
- thorough knowledge of the history and current state of international relations;
- knowledge of the key principles and methods of analytical work in economic sphere;
- comprehension of the logics of global processes and development of international relations in its historical, economic and legal dimension;
- knowledge of the content and instruments of macroeconomic policy;
- ability to analyze the state of the business environment on the basis of international business theories in order to make appropriate managerial decisions;
- understanding the structure of global processes in scientific-technological innovations, perspectives of its changes and the place of Kazakhstan in these processes;
- ability to calculate macroeconomic indicators and analyze their impact on the national economy and national business entities as components of the international economic environment;
- ability to assess the economic and social conditions for business in the international business environment;
- understanding the strategies of international economic development;
- ability to conduct researches of the state and market conditions, segmentation of business entities, competitive situation, consumer behavior;
- ability to comprehensively analyze the problems of international business development, applying economic-mathematical and econometric methods;
- ability to determine the macro- and microfactors of the motivation for Kazakhstani enterprises to enter the world markets;
- ability to analyze the system of regulatory mechanisms of foreign trade policy and adapt foreign trade activities of specific companies in the international business environment;
- possession of conceptual apparatus and theoretical knowledge in the field of International Relations and Global Economics;
- knowledge of the features of political and legal environment and infrastructure of international trade activities;
- ability to draft foreign trade contracts and take into account the specifics of intraregional trade;
- ability to use professional-specialized knowledge and practical skills to solve practical issues in the field of International Business.
- 1.General competences
- F) Full list of education results within the programme
- fulfilling obligations of assistance and administration with the knowledge of foreign languages in economic institutions of the governmental and non-governmental system,
- carrying out organizational and administrative functions in institutions, organizations and enterprises, dealing with external economic activity;
- participation in organization of international negotiations, meetings, conferences, seminars on International Relations, international Business and World Economy issues;
- applying the theory and methodology of economic science to investigate world economic processes and putting their conclusions into practice.
Degree programme: Bachelor of Economics and Business in 5В051300 “World Economy” specialty, educational programme “International Business” | |
Degree and term | Single degree (one university) (211 ECTS credits / 129 Kazakhstani credits) |
Educational institution | Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz |
Accreditation | Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) http://nkaoko.kz/ |
Validity | The present program is approved by the University for the 4 year period for those, who get an academic degree at the University since 2017 |
Level | QF-EHEA (The Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area): 1st cycle; EQF (The European Qualifications Framework): Level 6; NQF (The National Qualifications Framework): Level 6 |