Policy Statement Erasmus + Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz was founded in 1966. It is one of the leading economic institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which prepares highly qualified specialists with knowledge and competencies in the priority areas of social, economic and political development of the country. This is achieved through the use of innovative and interactive teaching methods supported by the latest technology and a powerful material and technical base of the university.

The university implements educational programs at three levels of education in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process: bachelors, masters and doctoral studies.

Successful implementation of the research activities at the University promotes the functioning of research institutes, the presence of stable relationships with leading foreign universities of the CIS countries, the Republic of Korea, Central and Eastern Europe in the implementation of joint research projects, academic and research mobility.

The mission of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz is the implementation of educational and scientific activities as the basis for the professional and personal growth of competitive specialists for the sustainable development of the region.

KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz supports the European agenda of modernization and internationalization in higher education. It covered the Bologna Process from the very beginning, as well as a European Research Area project actively involved in the modernization of higher education institutions education throughout Europe; and networking with universities in other parts of the world.

In order to ensure the quality of education and research, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz cooperates with institutions from all over the world. When choosing partners, KarU Kazpotresoyuz takes into account three main elements: the quality of education and research, the needs of university students.

KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz cooperates with numerous institutions from all over the world, while paying attention to its partners from the EU. KarU Kazpotresoyuz is aware of the role of student and teacher mobility, realizing that it is important to ensure quality education. Considering that not all students and teachers can participate in such events, KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz provides an international experience by offering lectures from foreign teachers, practitioners and encouraging foreign students to study at our university. Despite the annual increase in the number of foreign students, KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz realizes the need to increase their number and creates the necessary conditions for this.

The purpose of participation in the Erasmus+ program is to provide students and teachers with the opportunity to receive high-quality education, enriching their academic, research and personal experience. After participating in the Eraspus+ program, students and teachers have the opportunity to benefit from a broader offer of training and research, they can enter into relationships, they can benefit from their professional lives. Thanks to this experience, participants of Erasmus+ programs acquire soft skills, expand their language competencies, but, above all, become independent and independent individuals, ensuring the implementation of the best world practices in their future jobs.

The integration of the university into the international scientific and educational space is one of the key priorities of the approved development program of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz until 2023.

The target indicator for the implementation of this priority is the internationalization of the university, the use of modern forms and training, the positioning of the university as an authoritative partner of foreign universities and organizations, a participant in prestigious programs and projects.


  1. Achievement of international quality standards in research and training programs.
  2. Ensuring student mobility, mobility and involvement of employees in the international educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna process, the development of the university as a center for the mobility of foreign students.
  3. Increasing the international authority of the university among business structures, students, and international partners.

Expected results:

  1. Integration with the international educational space and improving the quality of educational activities by inviting foreign professors and foreign managers to the university for academic and management activities, achieving international quality standards in the field of research and educational programs.
  2. Increasing the share of incoming and outgoing mobility as a tool for implementing the principles of the Bologna process.
  3. Improving the quality of educational activities and increasing the university's ranking through participation in international projects and programs.

To measure the attainability of the tasks set, the development program includes indicators.

Indicators for Objective 1:

- the number of foreign specialists invited to read disciplines at the KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz;

- take part in the program "Enter the top 701 + of the QS-WUR rating"

- the number of well-known scientists from far and near abroad involved in joint scientific and grant research.

For Objective 2:

- the number of students participating in academic mobility programs;

- the number of foreign students studying at the KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz;

- number of international internship / internship programs with partner universities.

Indicators for Objective 3:

 - the number of international projects and programs in which the university participates;

- the number of individual scholarships received from international organizations and foundations, foreign universities and the Bolashak program;

- the number of foreign specialists involved in management and teaching.

Specific numerical values ​​of the indicators are reflected in the Strategic Development Program of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz until 2023.

University rector                                  Y. Aimagambetov

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