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Student life in university is very interesting and varied!

Student life in university is very interesting and varied!

There are different artistic collectives:

  • Choreographic ensembles “Zhaina”, “Ayala”. Children’s dance ensemble “Ayala” and teenage choreographic ensemble “Zhaina” are multiple laureates of republican creative competitions and international festivals in  Republic of Belarus, Russia, Spain, Turkey, Egypt, Germany;
  • Ethnographic theater and museum of national costume. Students take part in scientific researches and find information about national costumes, make designs of Kazakh national costumes. Then they represent them taking part in international competitions. The theater and museum invite research workers, designers and models.
  • Theater of fashion and studio of artistic styling. Students styling modern young people's collections of clothes, pursue decorative and ornamental art (embroidery, painting clothes using the technique of batic ).
  • Vocal studio “Melody” where students can realize their vocal potential.
  • Comedy clubs where students taking part in competitions and show their sense of humor and keenness of wit. Comedy club of Karaganda economic university is the multiple champion of the region.
  • Vocal and instrumental ensemble, in which students take part as musicians, arranger and composer.
  • Literary club where students visit literary evenings dedicated to famous Kazakh and foreign writers and poets. This club holds theme book exhibitions.
  • Ethnographic ensemble of national instruments where students play different Kazakh national instruments: dombra (Kazakh stringed folk instrument), kobyz, sherter and others.
  • Student Theater “Inspiration”. All students who have theatrical ability and passion for dramatic identification take part in it.
  • Debate club “Birlik” (“Unity”) – is the place where student debate with each other about actual problems of public development.
  • Center of culture and moral development hold activities in promoting values of domestic and foreign culture, the best samples of folk, classic and modern art.

Аlso we have a lot of associations:

  • Alliance of students;
  • Youth Center “Lider of XXI century”;
  • “Choise of young generation” of Karaganda region;
  • Public and politic movement “Kaisar” of Karaganda region;
  • Karaganda Comedy Club;
  • Football team “Saryarka” in city of Karaganda;
  • The youth wing “Nur Otan”.

Guests of the university are national culture centers, representatives of "Little Assembly" of nations of Kazakhstan.

The university organizes a lot of sport competitions and Olympics. Student take part in different interacademic, municipal and republican sport competitions.

University has Youth activity Committee which manages student youth policy of the university and diversify student life.


Since 2004 at the university functions credit system of training.

The total duration of the academic year is on all areas of training not less than 30 weeks, with 2 semesters of 15 weeks.

The total duration of vacations is 7 weeks.

Practice - 6 weeks.

The sequence of the learning process is described in the academic calendar of the University.

Each program includes 128 credits, 36-38 credits for each year. Each training program consists of compulsory subjects and disciplines of your choice.

The university operates office of Register - Student support services concerned with recording the history of academic achievements and the registration of elective disciplines.

Registration for elective disciplines

Determining the choice of subjects is carried out under the guidance of Advisor. Advisor by the presentation offers students an alternative to each discipline from the list of elective courses, advises in determining the sequence of the study subjects.

Choosing discipline, the student forms his/her individual curriculum.

Individual training plan is drawn up for each year of training.

On the basis of individual training plans are formed academic groups and streams.

If a student is not registered for elective disciplines, the basis for his teaching was adopted core curricula drawn up for this course.

The student also has the right to choose the candidate of teachers of compulsory subjects. Teacher candidates’ choosing makes by order of registration priority.

The preferential rights to choose candidates have excellent teachers’ successful students.

Your’ schoolmaster – tutor and advisor

Each of the university students has two schoolmasters – tutor and advisor.

Tutor carry outs educational-training work, makes more closely contact between university administration, public organizations, university’s academic staff and group students.

Advisor is a teacher, who helps to choose individual education trajectory and development of programs during the training period.


Monitoring complex and evaluations of student’s knowledge intend to carry out operating, landmark, final control and final state attestation.

By the all types of control grade for each disciplines sets on-scale a lot of scoring alphabetic system of evaluation of knowledge

Operating control is a systematic evaluation of the student’s knowledge, which is carrying out by the teacher in classes.

Landmark (rating) control of student’s knowledge- carries out on each discipline twice – the first and second rating accordingly on 8th and 15th weeks during the semester.

The final control of students’ knowledge. It carries out during the exams.

Student can call on the results of exam.

As an indicator of student's use GPA (Grade Point Average) - the weighted average estimation of the level of educational achievements of students in the chosen specialty. 

Summer semester

University organizes paid summer semester for students, who have backlogs. For remedial students-who couldn’t transfer rating, or pass academic failure during the summer semester, provided second academic year.

For what can EXPEL from university?

The violations under the Charter of the university duties, internal regulations, the violation of discipline, the university have the right to expel you from the university.

You may also be forcibly expelled from the university, if we assume 40 or more passes during the academic year without good cause and supporting documents.

About KEU

University mission - Creation of all conditions, including modern infrastructure for growth and personal development of students and academic and administration staff of the university.

КEU defining trait - its innovative activity, advancing character of development

Decision of the Council of Ministers and Resolution of the Board Centrosoyuz USSR in 1966, was formed Karaganda Centrosoyuz Cooperative Institute - a specialized institution, which was entrusted with the mission of training for the system of consumer cooperatives, not only for their own republic, but also to Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan adjacent to Kazakhstan, the Russian regions.

The idea of training specialists with higher education in the Republic of Kazakh Union of Consumer Societies was supported by the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR. The Council of Ministers Decree № 215 on March 22, 1966 and the Board Centrosoyuz USSR Decree number 84 of 9 June 1966 decided to open the Karaganda cooperative institute, which began its activities on the basis of a five-story academic building-Soviet Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, located in the center of Karaganda, next to the Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, and transferred gratis Council of Ministers of Kazakh Consumers Unions (Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR № 679-r dated April 29, 1966).

Institute almost became operational in the second mid-June 1966. Rector of the Institute was appointed an experienced business executive - head of the Karaganda Regional Department of Trade, the Great Patriotic War’s veteran Paul Filippovich Kotlyarov.

The building of the institute in 1966, located at 18140 m and 3223 m total usable area, where there was an auditorium for 450 people, two lecture halls for 150 people, 22 classrooms. Classroom Foundation allowed the Institute to engage in one shift.

In 1993, the university was transferred to the Kazpotrebsoyuz and transformed into the Kazakh Institute of Consumer Cooperatives. And after passing the state certification and its recommendations in 1995 Resolution of the Board Kazpotrebsoyuz from 5th of July, 1997 it was transformed into Karaganda Economical University of Kazpotrebsoyuz (KEUK).

The policy of the University:

  • Continuous work on maintaining and improving the image of the university, as the consumers of educational services, and the corporate world and the state;
  • Continuous improvement of all university processes according to international standard ISO 9001:2000;
  • The introduction of innovations, including innovative teaching technologies;
  • Formation of high information and communication culture;
  • To explore the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.

The defining feature of KEUK - its innovation, advanced character development.

KEUK has 3 dormitories, a complex of bars, a center of medical services, sanatoriums, recreation, educational and recreational facilities, and sport halls.

KEUK has a palace of culture of the students in the structure of which consists of various creative associations of the University, the universal library, multimedia classrooms, information and educational center, the center of educational television.

The University consists of five departments: Accounting and Finance, Business and Law, Economics and Management and the two absentee-distance faculty, College of Economics, Business and Law, Centre for instructional television, computer center, laboratory of innovative teaching methods; Research and Education Center, Department of personnel management department of planning, organization, monitoring and control of educational process, the department of postgraduate and further education, Center for Quality and Marketing, Publishing Center, University Museum, Library, Information and Education Center.

KEUK has 7 distance learning centers in the cities of Astana, Kustanai, Shymkent, Pavlodar, Arkalyk, Semipalatinsk and Kyzylorda.

There are 17 chairs at the university. Teaching staff is 400 persons, from them - 22 professors, doctors of sciences and 168 candidates of sciences, senior lecturers. The number of enrolled students is 3500 and about 5 thousand students on distant learning courses.

KEUK is a member of Magna Charta Universitatum, signed it in September 2006. In 2008 the University entered into the International Association of Universities (IAU).

KEUK has a certified quality management system IQNet.

Karaganda Economical University Kazpotrebsoyuz is a specialized economic institution, which trains specialists, knowledgeable in the field of market relations, management and marketing, business and entrepreneurship, accounting and auditing, international economic relations, the legal regulation of economic activity, economic customs.

The university has a multi-level system of education: pre-university - Senior High School - College of Economics, Business and Law undergraduate bachelor's degree, postgraduate - Master's Degree, Post Graduate, Ph.D., the Council for the Protection of doctoral and master's theses.

During 2007-2008 published 25 monographs, 106 units of textbooks and teaching aids, 3 textbooks with a signature stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

There is a post-graduate and doctoral study in three fields: "Economic Theory, Finance, credit and circulation" and "Economics and management of the economy. Since 2005, operates a doctoral dissertation council on the specialty 08.00.01 "Economic Theory", 08.00.05 "Economics and management of the economy (in the fields and spheres), 08.00.10" Financial, credit and circulation. For 5 years the Council's work of graduate students and applicants of the University protected 52 dissertations. In its work involved a number of scientists from the economic institutions of the CIS countries: from Moscow, Novosibirsk, Poltava and Samarkand.

In 2005 KEUK registered its quality management system.

In 2009 the University successfully passed the institutional accreditation, certification in 2010 the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The university regularly hosts international academic conferences, inviting scientists from Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Belarus.

University publishes its scientific journal “KEU’s Bulletin”.

KEUK currently implemented case and the network of distance learning technologies, is a leader in Kazakhstan on implementation of credit and distance learning technologies in the humanities (MES Order № 441 of July 22, 2008) and included in the list of basic education institutions in priority areas of higher and postgraduate education MES.

KEUK concluded 26 agreements on economic cooperation with leading universities of the CIS and the world, including with the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia) State University - High School of Economics (Moscow, Russia), St. John's University (New York, USA), University of Regensburg (Germany), University of Trento (Italy), etc.

The university is working on four international grants TASIS and TEMPUS quality assurance study on the project "Creating a new curriculum on the theory of international trade and econometrics," university-Business ", ”Education and profession”.  In the framework of international grant was organized regional training seminar with the participation of employers in Karaganda region.

As the presidential program "Bolashak" 5 university students studying abroad, three teachers are holders of the title "Best teacher of the year, 6 students have scholarships of the President of Kazakhstan. According to the rating conducted by the Independent Kazakhstan Quality Assurance Agency for Education (IKQAAE), our university is among 60 leading universities of Kazakhstan and won 16th, and the humanitarian and economic area - 4th place.

In KEUK created a model of electron-innovative university. Electronic University is also distance learning university.

Currently, the university conducted the following activities:

1. Completion megaproject "Building an e-university";

2.Creating educational innovation center "Electronic Tax Committee" together with the Tax Committee of the Karaganda region;

3. A virtual enterprise (Kazakh and Russian version);

4. Information and Education Center;

5. Formation of new doctoral (PhD) programs in economics;

6. Pre Masters Program PFUR and HSE in the project "Double diploma education";

7. Development of remote-credit technology courses;

8. Creating an educational portal;

9. Obtaining international accreditation.

CirculEC Press Release

01/10/2024 Pathways to Sustainable Development: The Role of Higher Education and Stakeholders in Central Asia

On October 1, 2024, an online workshop titled "State of Play Analysis and Validation for Stakeholders in the Central Asian Region (Kazakhstan)" was held. The event was organized to discuss key aspects of the circular economy and sustainable development in higher education institutions, as well as to analyze stakeholder engagement in this process within the framework of project 101129169 CirculEC.

The goal of the workshop was to bring together and unite experts from different sectors to discuss the current issues of sustainable development and the circular economy in Central Asia. Particular attention was given to the role of higher education institutions in promoting these concepts and integrating sustainable approaches into the educational process. During the meeting, participants reviewed practical examples of implementing sustainable development principles in educational institutions and discussed the challenges universities face in realizing these initiatives.
One of the key segments of the program was a discussion about the role of stakeholders in supporting and developing the circular economy. A detailed analysis was presented, highlighting key participants in the process, their influence, and interests, which helped to better understand the existing structure of interaction and identify potential growth areas for collaboration.
The event concluded with a Q&A session, where all participants had the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences, and discuss possible ways to further develop partnerships in the region. The workshop brought together representatives of higher education institutions, sustainable development experts, and other stakeholders, fostering a constructive dialogue and exchange of knowledge.
Such events not only strengthen cooperation between institutions and experts in the field of sustainable development but also help find new solutions to current environmental and social challenges in the region. The workshop left a positive impression on the participants and set the direction for future joint initiatives.

25/09/2024 Economy of the Future: Information Day on the CirculEC Project

On September 25, 2024, information day for the project "Development of innovative curricula and modules in Circular Economy and Sustainable Development" was held at the university. The event brought together students interested in sustainable development.

During the Information Day, participants learned about the project's goals, which are aimed at creating modern educational programs that help students develop knowledge and skills in the field of the circular economy. Students actively asked questions and discussed ideas for improving the courses.

Dean of the Faculty Gimranova G.I., as a member of the project team, emphasized: "Our goal is to make education not only relevant, but also practice-oriented. We are creating programs that will promote the development of environmental responsibility in students".

"We strive to create educational programs that will help our students become leaders in the field of sustainable development and innovation", said Zariya Aitova, a member of the project’s working group.

The event concluded with announcements about further implementation of the project and the creation of student initiatives that promote the principles of sustainable development.

29/04/2024 Federico II: bridges to Central Asia with CirculEC
The partnership with Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan universities has been strengthened in the name of sustainable development.

Federico II University welcomed with great enthusiasm colleagues from ten universities and research institutes in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan as part of the new Erasmus+ CirculEC project. The project, which will end in 2026, aims to develop an innovative university Master’s degree focused on the strategic themes of sustainable development and the circular economy, with a multidisciplinary approach that combines skills and knowledge from different areas of expertise.

The first meeting in Italy with Asian colleagues was held on Monday, 29 April, at 10.30 am, at the TeMA Lab of the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering. The meeting saw the participation of very representative institutional figures, including the Kazakh rectors of Alikhan Bokeikhan University and Ualikhanov University, two vice-rectors from the East Kazakhstan Technical University and the Tajik State University of Commerce, and some faculty deans of the universities involved.

“The collaboration with the universities of Central Asia represents an extraordinary opportunity, for our University and our DICEA Department, to transfer not only know-how but also visions and ways of approaching scientific research”, declared Professor Carmela Gargiulo, scientific manager of the project together with engineer Gerardo Carpentieri. “This project will allow us to exchange knowledge and skills in a strategic sector such as sustainable development and to strengthen ties with a rapidly growing geographical area”.

The Asian partners have already expressed their willingness to start further collaborations with the Federician community, expanding the synergy in research, training and third mission. The event represents a further step forward in the internationalization path of Federico II University, which confirms itself as a point of reference in the international academic panorama, always attentive to promoting valuable cultural and scientific exchanges.

29/04/2024 First real meeting in the European-Central Asian EU project “CirculEC”
(Circular Value Creation and Circular Economy at Universities)

The event began on April 22 at FHM in Bielefeld (Germany), continuation in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and Naples (Italy).

Participants: Central Asian delegation from four countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan).

The aim of this international project meeting is, in addition to getting to know the project participants in real life for the first time, above all to pass on the basics of circular value creation in research and teaching as well as from the economic perspective in Europe to the Central Asian partners.

The following objectives will be pursued during the project period from 2023-2026:
- Integration of circular economy concepts into university coursework in Central Asia
- Organizing events and workshops at universities in Central Asia on the circular economy, such as lectures, panel discussions or hackathons, to get students and teachers interested in this topic.

The program in the two days in Germany started with a general presentation of the Fachhochschule des Mittelstandes and its activities in relation to Circular Economy in research and teaching. This program included a workshop to work out the transferability of a course “Circular Economy” in Bielefeld for course programs in Central Asia. On the second day, the participants were given an insight into existing FHM research projects in the field of circular value creation. Here they had the opportunity to talk to a practice partner: Marc-Philip Lamm from the bakery Lamm in Bielefeld was on hand to answer questions on the topic of sustainable and circular value creation in his own company. After an overview of the EU project “Linear 2 circular”, the participants had the opportunity to try out the tested tools and methods for themselves. The second joint day was rounded off with a presentation by Armando Garcia Schmidt from the Bertelsmann Stiftung, who gave the participants an understanding of the political and legal situation in Europe and Germany on the topic of the circular economy.

The event concluded with an idea phase in a design thinking format to integrate what they had heard into their own projects and learn from the wide-ranging input. The participants worked according to the prevailing motto in the field of the circular economy: “If we could build an economy that uses things instead of consuming them, we could build a future.” (Ellen MacArthur, Ellen MacArthur Foundation).

25-26/04/2024 Visit of the delegation to the University of Santiago de Compostela

Last Thursday 25th and Friday 26th of April we have had in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the USC the visit of a delegation of 11 universities from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. This visit has been carried out in the framework of the CirculEC project funded by the Erasmus CBHE programme of the European Commission. The aim of the project is to enable these 11 Central Asian Universities to improve training in circular economy and sustainability. The first day of the visit focused on training the attendees on Circular Economy and Sustainability and the different aspects of this topic, which ended with a participatory session to identify the needs of the universities and the subsequent debate. On the second day, a visit was made to the Water Technology Centre, CETAQUA - VIAQUA where the participants had the opportunity to attend the explanations given by Teresa Alvariño, director of the Centre, on the operations and projects of CETAQUA. Also in attendance was Ana Botas, manager of VIRATEC, Clúster Gallego Soluciones Ambientales y Economía Circular (Galician Cluster for Environmental Solutions and Circular Economy) with whom a productive debate on potential forms of cooperation for mutual learning took place. The visit ended with the summary of the visit and the closure of the event.

08/04/2024 Newsletter Announcement

Subject: Launch of the International Workshop Series on Implementing Circular Economy Disciplines

We are thrilled to announce an upcoming series of transformative workshops designed to integrate Circular Economy disciplines into academic curriculums. This prestigious event will embark on a journey starting in Bielefeld, then moving to Santiago, and concluding in Napoli. Spanning two days at each institution, our aim is to foster a rich exchange of experiences among EU partners on the successful incorporation of Circular Economy (CE) principles into educational frameworks.

Event Overview:

- Title: International Workshop Series on Circular Economy

- Locations: Bielefeld, Santiago, Napoli

- Duration: Two days per institution


The primary goal of this series is to empower professors from the Central Asia region with the necessary skills to effectively implement changes within their curriculums, ensuring the success and sustainability of Circular Economy education projects. This initiative is a stepping stone towards creating a more sustainable and resilient future through education.

Join Us:

This series is a unique opportunity for educators, sustainability advocates, and policy makers interested in the practical implementation of Circular Economy concepts within higher education. Together, we can pave the way for a sustainable future through collaborative learning and shared experiences.

Understanding the importance of accessibility to the event, Project partners will provide live streaming of the workshop series. This will be complemented by a video recording made available post-event, ensuring educators worldwide can benefit from this initiative"

Stay Connected:

Follow us on social media and check our website regularly for the latest updates, registration information, and specific dates related to the workshop series. Join the conversation and be part of our growing community committed to sustainability education.



We look forward to welcoming you to this enlightening journey through Circular Economy education.

Warm regards,

CirculEc Project Team

08/04/2024 "International Workshop Series to Foster Circular Economy Education Across Europe and Central Asia"

The workshops are designed to bridge the gap between current academic offerings and the pressing need for sustainability through the principles of Circular Economy. Participants, including professors from the Central Asia region, will engage in a comprehensive learning experience, sharing the innovative practices of EU partners in embedding CE concepts into their courses.

  1. Masterclass on Circular and Sustainable Economy:

The centerpiece of this initiative is the "Masterclass on Circular and Sustainable Economy", which aims to provide educators with the tools and knowledge to integrate CE principles into their teaching.

  1. Empowering Educators for a Sustainable Future:

CirculEc is committed to leading the charge in sustainability education. By equipping educators with the knowledge and tools to teach Circular Economy concepts, we are investing in a more sustainable and resilient future," said Madina Yussubaliyeva, Project Coordinator of CirculEc project. "This workshop series is just the beginning of a global movement towards incorporating sustainability into every aspect of education in Central Asia."

About the CirculEc Project:

The CirculEC (Development of innovative curricula and modules in Circular Economy and Sustainable Development) project is aimed to build the capacity of the human capital in the HEIs of Central Asian countries on a circular economy in order to provide staff, students and wider public with skills and competences aligned to the needs of local labour markets and environmental challenges CA countries face.

Project will update current disciplines that HEIs have in the circular economy adapted to the needs of each country (KZ, TKM, TJ, UZ).

CirculEC project documents

Скачать этот файл (CirculEC Kick-off meeting Agenda.pdf)CirculEC Kick-off meeting Agenda.pdf 478 Кб
Скачать этот файл (Event report_Capacitation_.docx.pdf)Event report_Capacitation_.docx.pdf 1756 Кб
Скачать этот файл (Grant Agreement - GAP-101129169.pdf)Grant Agreement - GAP-101129169.pdf 4432 Кб
Скачать этот файл (KarUK - Приказ о составе рабочей группы CirulEC.pdf)KarUK - Приказ о составе рабочей группы CirulEC.pdf 126 Кб
Скачать этот файл (KarUK Pre Kick.pdf)KarUK Pre Kick.pdf 1079 Кб
Скачать этот файл (Minutes 25.06.2024.pdf)Minutes 25.06.2024.pdf 712 Кб
Скачать этот файл (Minutes 26.03.2024.pdf)Minutes 26.03.2024.pdf 696 Кб
Скачать этот файл (Minutes 27.02.2024.pdf)Minutes 27.02.2024.pdf 385 Кб
Скачать этот файл (Minutes 30.01.2024.docx)Minutes 30.01.2024.docx 157 Кб
Скачать этот файл (Minutes_25.09.2024.pdf)Minutes_25.09.2024.pdf 789 Кб
Скачать этот файл (Pilot Plan.pdf)Pilot Plan.pdf 839 Кб

Circles Partner Universities

East Kazakhstan Technical University named after. D. Serikbaeva (Kazakhstan) https://www.ektu.kz/?lang=ru

Kokshetau University named after. Sh. Ualikhanov (Kazakhstan) https://www.shokan.edu.kz/ru/

Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management (Turkmenistan) https://tsiem.edu.tm/ru/about-us/

Technological University of Tajikistan (Tajikistan) https://tut.tj/?page_id=1742&lang=ru

Alikhan University Bokeikhana (Kazakhstan) https://abu.edu.kz/

Westminster International University (Uzbekistan) https://www.wiut.uz/parents-rus

Tajik State University of Commerce (Tajikistan)

Central Asian University (Uzbekistan) https://caiu.edu.kz/

Turkmen State Financial Institute (Turkmenistan) http://tdmai.edu.tm/rus/index.html

Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan (Turkmenistan) https://science.gov.tm/

University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) https://www.usc.gal/en

University of Naples Federico II (Italy) https://www.international.unina.it/

University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld (Germany) https://www.hsbi.de/

Development of innovative curricula and modules in Circular Economy and Sustainable Development

Development of innovative curricula and modules in Circular Economy and Sustainable Development


The composition of the Circle working group Circles Partner Universities CirculEC project documents CirculEC Press Release

Project number: 101129169

Project implementation period: 2023-2026

Objective of the project:

The CirculEC (Development of innovative curricula and modules in Circular Economy and Sustainable Development) project is aimed to build the capacity of the human capital in the HEIs of Central Asian countries on a circular economy in order to provide staff, students and wider public with skills and competences aligned to the needs of local labour markets and environmental challenges CA countries faces.

Project will update current disciplines that HEIs have in the circular economy adapted to the needs of each country (KZ, TKM, TJ, UZ).

Aims of the project:

  • To introduce and integrate the topics of Circular Economy and Sustainable Development into the educational programs of partner countries.
  • To accelerate the transition to more circularity and foster the implementation of Sustainability Goals and Green Deal actions.

Composition of the working group

1 Oxana Bezler, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship - project coordinator from the University;
2 Galiya Gimranova, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship;
3 Svetlana Glazunova, Head of the Strategic Development Department;
4 Karina Nevmatulina, Head of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship;
5 Yevgeniya Puntus, Chief Expert of the Center for the Development of Scientific Research and Monitoring;
6 Zariya Aitova, Deputy Director of International Programs and Projects Center

Development of innovative curricula and modules in Circular Economy and Sustainable Development

Development of innovative curricula and modules in Circular Economy and Sustainable Development


Project number: 101129169

Project coordinator: East Kazakhstan Technical University named after D.Serikbaeva

Project partners:

D.Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University (Kazakhstan)

Sh.Ualikhanov Atyndagy Kokshetau Memlekettik Universiteti (Kazakhstan)

The Turkmen State Institute оf Economics аnd Management (Turkmenistan)

Technological University оf Tajikistan (Tajikistan)

Alikhan Bokeikhan University (Kazakhstan)

Toshkent Shahridagi Xalqaro Westminster Universiteti (Uzbekistan)

Tajik State University оf Commerce (Tajikistan)

Central Asian University MCHJ (Uzbekistan)

Turkmen State Institute оf Finance (Turkmenistan)

Turkmenistan Ylymlar Akademiyasy (Turkmenistan)

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Universita Degli Studi di Napoli Federico (Italy)

Fachhochschule des Mittelstandes (Fhm) Gmbh - University оf Applied Science (Germany)

Project implementation period: 2023-2026

Objective of the project:

The CirculEC (Development of innovative curricula and modules in Circular Economy and Sustainable Development) project is aimed to build the capacity of the human capital in the HEIs of Central Asian countries on a circular economy in order to provide staff, students and wider public with skills and competences aligned to the needs of local labour markets and environmental challenges CA countries faces.

Project will update current disciplines that HEIs have in the circular economy adapted to the needs of each country (KZ, TKM, TJ, UZ).

Aims of the project:

  • To introduce and integrate the topics of Circular Economy and Sustainable Development into the educational programs of partner countries.
  • To accelerate the transition to more circularity and foster the implementation of Sustainability Goals and Green Deal actions.

Composition of the working group

  1. Oksana Dmitrievna Bezler, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship - project coordinator from the University;
  2. Gimranova Galiya Ilyasovna, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Entrepreneurship;
  3. Glazunova Svetlana Borisovna, Director of the Strategic Development Department;
  4. Nevmatulina Karina Anvarovna, Head of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship;
  5. Evgeniya A. Puntus, Chief Expert of the Center for the Development of Scientific Research and Monitoring;
  6. Aitova Zaria Bulatovna, Deputy Director of the Center for International Programs and Projects.


Composition of the CirculEC working group

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