• Платонус

  • ATTENTION! From January 20, 2021, the official name of the university was changed to "PRIVATE INSTITUTION "KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY OF KAZPOTREBSOYUZ" All contracts concluded before the date of re-registration are valid until the conditions are fully met. Please take into account the change in the name of the university when sending documents to our address.


Meeting with a practitioner: a graduate shares her work experience in psychology

Meeting with a practitioner: a graduate shares her work experience...

Psychologists have been trained in the educational program "Psychology and Management in Education" at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz since 2021, and the first graduation took place in 2023. Our first graduates are currently working as psychologists in various fields: healthcare, education,...
International Round Table on the Improvement of Students' Research Work in Universities

International Round Table on the Improvement of Students' Research...

On October 17, 2024, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted a significant event – the International Round Table as part of the implementation of the grant project AP19676691, “Innovative Model for Improving Students' Research Work in Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” The round table...
Day of Spiritual Harmony: round table at the University

Day of Spiritual Harmony: round table at the University

October 18 is the Day of Spiritual Harmony. The date dates back to 1992, when the first World Congress of Spiritual Harmony took place in Kazakhstan. On the occasion of the Day of Spiritual Harmony, a round table was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the topic: “Problems of secular...
Presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program at the University

Presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program at the University

Our university hosted the presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program, which opens up new opportunities for talented graduates and professionals. The program provides a unique chance to become a teacher in regional schools of the country."We recruit and select promising graduates/leaders of leading...
The University's Career Center has received international recognition!

The University's Career Center has received international recognit...

The Career Center of Karaganda Kazpotrebsoyuz University has become a full member of the Kazakhstan Career Development Association (KazCDA), affiliated with the Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA). The certificate confirms the active participation of the Center in the activities of...
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Challenges

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Ch...

On October 10, 2024, the University held the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Artificial Intelligence and Challenges of the Digital World” in offline and online formats.During the conference, topical issues of using artificial intelligence in various fields were discussed. Participants...

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Information systems (profile direction)


    Engineering science and technology

  • Contingent of master students on educational program for 2021-22
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis

The structure of the educational program in the specialty 7М06102 "Information systems" in the profile direction branched into two educational trajectories:
1) Educational trajectory 1 has the direction "Informational systems and technologies in business", the goal priorities for the development of knowledge tools design of information systems and the skills of modeling business processes using new technologies. Study courses: "System research in management tasks", "Modern software", "computer-aided design tools and systems management", "Methodology and tools for modelling business processes", "Information system for mobile devices" and etc. These subjects enable you to acquire competence in the knowledge of the main types and classification of information systems, flow of information processes, methods of search processing and presentation of professionally relevant information, to be able to carry out effective planning, implementation, configuration and support of computer infrastructure of the organization and therefore to develop software and manage information systems support at all stages of the life cycle.
2) Educational trajectory 2 - is areas: "Data management", the goal is to create a modern approach to conceptual design of information systems, the principles of organization of management information data. Study of the discipline: "automation of managerial decision-making" and "language data management", "Models and methods data mining", "information resources Management", "Cloud and mobility" and etc. These disciplines are focused on building the students understanding of classical concepts and models, design of information systems, ability to apply knowledge of control system data for the development and maintenance of software, skills of application of modern IT technologies and systems management data in the development of the software.

The objects of professional activity of graduates of a magistracy in the specialty 7М06102 – Information systems are:
- professional training: public administrations; industrial enterprises; financial institutions, etc.;
Graduate is given a degree:
- in a profile direction - the master of technics and technology in the specialty 7М06102-Information systems.
Duration of study: in a profile direction – 1.5 years.
Form of study full-time.

The degree program:
Master student _ the master of technics and technology __
On specialty _7М06102__ «_Information system__»
(profile direction)
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)
(103_ ECTS – credits/ _48__Kazakhstan credits)
Institute of Higher Learning Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education – Consulting (IQAA)
Term of validity TThis program was approved by the University for a period of 1,5 years for those who is receiving a degree at the University from 2017
Level QFforEHEA(Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 2nd cycle; EQF (European qualifications framework): level 7; NQF (National Qualifications Framework): level 7
  • A) Purpose
    • The purpose of this master's program is to prepare highly qualified specialists in the field of research, designing and exploitation of applied information systems, information services and decision support at all levels of enterprise management.

      Successful graduates can work in public and private companies and organizations developing, introducing and operating information systems in various fields, namely science and education, telecommunications, administrative management, banks, economy, business, service sector, engineering, metallurgy, transport, agriculture, construction, management of various technologies, that is, in almost all spheres of human activity.

  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline/ Subjectarea
    • Main discipline: Design applications of information systems Modeling and business process reengineering, data Management in information systems, Analytic information technologies in the economy, the Design of intelligent systems in economy, Technology, cloud computing.
    • 2.General Information/ Specialization
    • Information systems and technologies in the business.
      Data management.
    • 3.Direction
    • Engineering science
    • 4.Features
    • The educational program in the specialty 7М06102 "Information systems", the profile direction is focused on providing high-quality educational services; in-depth study of economic-mathematical methods and models in the area of information management to business performance; the study of modern methods and technologies of design, development, and integration of information systems.
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
    • Graduates of the program 7М06102 "Information systems" specialized areas prepared to work in private and public companies, financial institutions etc. as an engineer, programmer, system engineer, administrator, networking engineer at automated control systems, in accordance with his qualifications.
    • 2.Further Education
    • Doctoral studies
  • D) Style of education
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The educational program is of applied character, aimed at fostering the skills of working with IT-technologies. In the learning process using problem-oriented packages of applied programs, learning systems, electronic textbooks, slide films, video lectures, e-learning, webinars; methods used: team work, lecture-discussion, lecture two, lecture with errors, Dalton-plan, problem lecture, game methods (brain-ring, business games, jeopardy, Rivals, Exam classes, etc.), and virtual laboratory facilities for laboratory and practical classes. Attracting undergraduates to participate in research projects under the departmental research theme, which aims to support the ideas and works of masters and bringing them to commercialization. Additionally, undergraduates can participate in projects of SCO and to go for research internships in countries near and far abroad.
    • 2.Evaluation methods
    • The University of the University system of the quality of training undergraduates, including the current, interim, interim and final control of knowledge of students.
      Assessment methods: oral questioning, reports on laboratory works, their defence, project reports, individual assignments, colloquia, written tests, presentations, trainings, essays, tests, etc.
      The current control of progress and intermediate certification of students in the educational program conducted on a 100-point rating system of academic and extracurricular achievements of students.
      The examination mark for the discipline is defined as the sum of the maximum indexes of progress on the watershed controls – 60% intermediate certification (exam) – 40% and 100%
  • E) Programmatic competencies
    • 1. General competencies
    • The program is complies with the requirements of the State educational standards of postgraduate education to ensure the quality of academic programs at the second level of cycle.
      This includes the general competencies (also known as key skills)of expected graduates of the second cycle (seeon the website http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P1200001080 ).
      The competencies listed beloware the summaryand the most characteristic competencies for this program:
      - to have an idea about the current trends in the development of scientific knowledge about the current state of economic, political, legal, cultural and technological environment of the global business partnerships;
      - be able to apply scientific methods of cognition in professional activity, critically analyze existing concepts, theories and approaches to the study of processes and phenomena;
      - know the methodology of scientific knowledge, the main driving forces of the economy structure, features and rules of investment cooperation;
      - speak a foreign language on a professional level, allowing to conduct scientific researches and practical activities;
      - have skills solutions standard scientific and professional problems, scientific analysis and solution of practical problems in the organization and management of economic activities of organizations and enterprises, expanding and deepening the knowledge necessary for daily professional activities and continuing education in doctoral studies, the use of information and computer technologies in the sphere of professional activity;
      - be competent in the field of methodology of studies in the specialty in ways to ensure constant updating of knowledge, extend professional skills and abilities.
    • 2. Specificcompetencie
    • Graduate students in the specialty 7М06102"Information systems" have the following competencies:
      - have knowledge about the trends and prospects of development of modern information technologies, models, methods of information systems design
      - know the basic types and classification of information systems, flow of information processes, methods of search processing and presentation of professionally relevant information;
      - be able to carry out effective planning, implementation, configuration and support of IT infrastructure of the organization;
      - to be able to program using modern tools to create technical documentation to develop an information system to analyze their own and foreign experience in the development and implementation of information systems;
      - have skills of work with hardware and software complexes of information systems, architecture selection and integration of hardware of information systems;
      - be competent in the methodology of development and implementation of information systems and their elements in specific areas.
  • F) The complete list of results for this training program
    • In the context of professional practice, in the workof organizations, institutions and companies, graduates are able to demonstrate the ability of the following:
      - have experience programming applications businesses on modern algorithmic languages;
      - to design separate modules of information systems;
      - to develop project documentation for the creation of information systems;
      - to apply modern mathematical models and methods in the development of software systems for solving problems of science, technology, Economics and management;
      - be able to carry out modeling of processes and objects on the basis of standard packages of automated designing and investigation of information systems;
      - participate in the organization of the following activities: organizational and technological, calculation and design, service and maintenance, production and technological;
      - design and develop software, databases, web applications, administer networks, etc..
      - generate technical specifications and participate in the development of hardware and/or software.
      - apply modern technologies create complex systems with the use of CASE-tools, to control the quality of the developed systems.
  • "Design of information systems applications" 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • The aim of the course is to study the design of applications of information systems, the choice of structure and the set of software components that implement the requirements for the information system, the study of modern information systems of various types.
      The list of disciplines that precede the study of this discipline: "Fundamentals of Information Systems", "Information Technology", "Database Systems", "Information Systems Design" (bachelor).
      The list of disciplines that are interrelated with this discipline: "Infrastructure of information systems", preparation of the master's thesis.
      In the process of studying the discipline, undergraduates must:
      have an idea
      about the basic design of applications of information systems, about the composition of the basics of designing applications of information systems, tools for creating applications, for tracking and scaling applications of information systems;
      basic requirements for the design of applications of information systems, software components of information systems, the functional tasks of the information system, modern information systems of various types;
      be able to:
      choose a functional structure and design software components of the information system, use modern technologies for designing applications of information systems;
      have the skills:
      practical design of applications of information systems on the basis of modern technologies for creating software applications that ensure the effective functioning of the information system;
      be competent:
      in the methods of designing and maintaining applications of information systems, in assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of applications.

      Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of technical sciences, professor Ten T.

  • "Psychology " 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • The field of higher education is one of the most responsible
      Professional training in the chain of organized Institutes of the educational system. The content of education as the most important Economic and social progress should be directed towards Creation of conditions for self-realization of the person. In this regard, the unified goal of the educational system at all its levels and stages is the creation of conditions for Comprehensive development of the individual.
      Educational landmarks that have received international recognition,
      Suggest the projection of the learning process on the personality of the trainee, to its Requests and needs, providing opportunities for its self-disclosure,
      Development of intellectual functions and abilities.
      In the conditions of formation in the Republic of Kazakhstan of a new system of education, oriented towards entering the world educational Space, there are significant changes in theory and practice Psychological science. The updating of the training is carried out in the context of Leading educational trends, including an active The mastering by man of the methods of cognitive activity. Therefore, an important The use of the possibilities of modern psychology in improving the effectiveness of educational structures, the scientific justification and
      Practical implementation of innovations. The course "Psychology" is intended for undergraduates of all specialties and Aimed at developing their professional reflection in the field of psychology Training and education, the effectiveness of which depends on Scientific approach, psychological competence and skillful use of psychological resources. Thus, the need for the development of a psychological-
      Pedagogical competence of specialists in the new conditions of public
      Development determines the relevance of this course in the higher
      Vocational education.
      The purpose of the course "Psychology" is to teach the undergraduates the basics of higher school psychology, to expand their professional capabilities in terms of applying psychological knowledge in the field of pedagogical activity.
      The tasks of studying the discipline:
       To reveal the psychological and pedagogical essence of the educational process in higher education;
       Give master students a holistic view of the most significant theoretical concepts, empirical research and basic applications of general, social, age and pedagogical psychology in relation to the course "Psychology";
       To consider the basic tendencies of development of the higher school at the present stage;
       To develop psychological and pedagogical thinking of undergraduates.
      It means:
      A) accept the idea of the uniqueness and uniqueness of each person, his mental make-up. Do not allow purely prescription actions;
      B) develop an attitude towards the person as the supreme value. This excludes the manipulation of the student to achieve other goals;
      C) to form an idea of the active, creative character of the human psyche. This will help to recognize that direct intervention in the psyche to change it is unacceptable. All skills, skills, knowledge, personality traits, interests and values are formed or changed in activity. Any external, direct interference in the psyche, bypassing its own activity, can be disastrous;
      D) understand that the relationship of man with other people is the main driving force, the source of new formations of the individual psyche.
      As a result of studying the course "Psychology" undergraduates should master the following basic competencies (knowledge, skills, skills):
       The socio-psychological nature of pedagogical activity;
       The properties of mental processes included in cognitive activity;
       Content and specificity of psychological and pedagogical influence;
       Individual features of objects of influence.
      Be able to:
       Effectively apply modern methods and methods of teaching in higher education;
       Use the necessary psychological and methodological resources for the preparation and conduct of classes (lectures, seminars, SRMP and examinations);
       Apply adequate psychodiagnostic methods of studying the personality of the student and the student group;
      Acquire practical skills:
       Management of the learning process on various aspects of communication in the field of professional activity;
       Professional reflection;
       Possession of the main methods of psychological influence;
       Professional communication.
      The meaning of the course "Psychology" is determined by its leading role in
      Formation and disclosure of the creative potential of professional-
      Oriented personality. A graduate of a master's degree will have an opportunity
      Carry out the following types of professional activities:
       Educational, research, diagnostic and correctional;
       Expert and advisory; Cultural and educational.
      The study of the course "Psychology" is based on the knowledge gained
      Master students in mastering the previous academic disciplines: "Philosophy", "Age Psychology", "Social Psychology", "Pedagogical psychology", etc.
      The psychology psychology school is interconnected with "General psychology", "Pedagogy of higher education" and other psychological disciplines.

      Full name of the lecturer: candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Kenzhebaeva S.K.

  • " Foreign language (professional)" 2 credits / 3 ECTS
    • At the present stage of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
      Education is an important reserve in the implementation of socio-
      Economic transformations in the country, the main instrument of successful
      Social activities in multicultural and multilingual Society, a factor of cultural and intellectual development and upbringing Personality, possessing planetary thinking.
      At the present time, a social order for graduates Universities with a profound knowledge of foreign languages, in connection with which The role of a foreign language in the training of specialists is significantly increased New formation. The discipline "Foreign Language" occupies a special place among Other courses in the system of training masters - specialists of the second stage Higher education, since it is impossible to overestimate the importance of foreign Languages in access to global academic knowledge, necessary Young sovereign Kazakhstan.
      Teaching foreign languages in a master's degree in a non-linguistic institution, as Profile, and research direction should be Aimed at mastering the future masters of the language for professional and Academic goals at an advanced level, which will allow to operate freely Scientific-conceptual apparatus of the specialty, to expand the scientific-Information base, master the skills of interpreting the scientific Information, argumentation, persuasion, scientific controversy, academic
      The peculiarity of teaching a foreign language in a magistracy is
      In the study of relevant general scientific and specialized literature, the use of
      Innovative methods and technologies, and the attraction of modern means
      (Internet resources).
      The main goal of teaching a foreign language in a master's program is to
      Systemic deepening of communicative competence within the framework of international standards of foreign language education on the basis of further development of skills and Skills of active language proficiency in the professional activities of the future Master's degree. Specific teaching objectives of the teaching correspond to this goal Disciplines "Foreign Language":
      - Improvement of oral communication skills in a foreign language in monologic and dialogical forms on the basis of skills development
      - arguments and controversies within the framework of general scientific and scientific-professional Problems;
      - further development of reading skills of foreign literature on Relevant specialty and articles of socio-political Orientation with subsequent processing and interpretation of the extracted Information;
      - training in the written explication of scientific information on
      A foreign language in the generally accepted basic forms;
      - the study of the linguistic characteristics of the genres of business speech,
      Official-business and scientific functional styles on the profile
      Training of a specialist;
      - improving the skills of translating texts from a foreign language into
      The language of instruction and the language of instruction in a foreign language on the basis of authentic texts of general scientific and professional orientation;
      - further improvement of listening skills on the material
      Professionally-oriented content.
      The foreign language course in the Master's program meets the requirements
      Continuity and is one of the links of the three-tiered Education. This typical program is aimed at continuing the study of a foreign language, improving the database created on the previous Stage, and is thus closely related to the discipline "Foreign Language" in Baccalaureate. In addition, the teaching of a foreign language is based on Linguistic knowledge of students, they received in practical courses on Kazakh language, Russian language, as well as knowledge and skills of undergraduates specialties.
      Since in the course of studying the discipline "Foreign Language" students
      Work with special literature related to the scientific project, Accordingly, they actively use the knowledge obtained in Process of studying a foreign language, for presentation in their course and Master's theses. In addition, undergraduates can draw their knowledge Foreign language, acquired skills and abilities in any related
      Discipline, studied in parallel. Thus, after completing the course "Foreign Language" Master student should know:
      - Functional-stylistic characteristics of scientific presentation
      Material in the foreign language being studied, General scientific terminology and terminological sublanguage Corresponding specialty in a foreign language, -basis of business correspondence in the framework of international cooperation;
      Be able to:
      - freely read, translate the original literature on the chosen specialty with the subsequent analysis, interpretation and evaluation of the extracted information,
      - Explain in writing (abstract, abstract, summary) scientific information,
      - participate in professional discussions, scientific debates, discussions, discussions at the round table, give presentations on scientific research (at seminars, conferences, symposia, forums), listen to and understand public speeches with direct and indirect communication (lectures, reports , TV and Internet programs);
      Have skills:
      - oral communication on the specialty in the forms of monologue, dialogue / polylogue (report, communication, discussion, debate, debate, round-table discussions), preparation of written information materials on the specialty (scientific report, communication, abstracts, poster report, Abstract, abstract);
      - work with lexicographic sources in a foreign language (traditional and on-line);
      - the use of modern approaches to the study of a foreign language (national buildings of foreign languages).
      According to the curriculum, practical classes in a foreign language are assigned not only to classroom lectures, but also to independent types of master's work (SRMP). In this connection, it is proposed to make reading and translating texts of a general scientific and professional nature for the SRMP, that is, the so-called "academic reading" with the appropriate oral and written presentation of the material, and at a subsequent monitoring stage this type of work is the basis Abstract and / or presentation of the individual design work of the undergraduate. This program consists of recommended for the type of program recommended parts: Introduction, the Basic part, the tasks for the independent work of the undergraduate, the topics of the independent work of the undergraduate, the Requirements for the control of knowledge and forms of control, the List of recommended literature.

      Full name of the lecturer: Candidate of Philology, professor Aubakirova G.T., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Yertysbaeva G.N

  • "Management " 1 credits / 2 ECTS
    • The inclusion of Kazakhstan in the global economy and the global market, the emerging new international division of labor, the forthcoming modernization of the national economy require the ability to effectively develop and use the existing competitive advantage of the country - natural capital. The solution of the problems facing the country in this sphere largely depends on the professional body of managers with university education for managing complex systems of various levels and in various spheres of the country's economy.
      The discipline "Management" considers the methodology, principles and methods of effective management of a modern organization that operates in a complex volatile environment. Studying the discipline "Management" will help develop the masters of scientific thinking, management skills, the ability to make managerial decisions in the field of practical activities.
      In this program, the theoretical and methodological foundations of management, the goals and functions of management are logically considered; Methods, content. Management is viewed as a management adequate to managing the subject in a market economy and representing a system of economic relations of an entrepreneurial nature responsive to market conditions and competitive conditions.
      Masters for studying this discipline should know the content of the disciplines: "Economic theory", "Microeconomics", "Macroeconomics", "Statistics", "Mathematical methods in economics" "Marketing", "World economy and international economic relations."
      The student in the development of this course will know about:
       the latest trends of management development in modern conditions;
       the relationship "organization-environment";
       the design of adaptive organizations in terms of change and innovation;
       dynamics of organizational behavior, the changing nature of leadership in modern conditions;
       contemporary approaches to motivation, identify types of teams in organizations;
      to be able to:
       to analyze the relationship of the organization with the changing external environment;
       to implement high-performance planning in a fast-paced environment;
       to distinguish between a modern team and network structures;
       to develop the concept of integrated quality management;
      to own skills:
       effective crisis management;
       ensure communication of corporate culture and the external environment;
       application of models and methods that contribute to effective decision-making in modern organizations;
       management of multicultural teams, applying modern approaches to motivation, communication in crisis situations, monitoring and integrated management quality.

      Name of lecturer: candidate of Economics, senior lecturer Gelashvili N.

  • «System research in management tasks» 2 credit/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: System analysis and operations research (baccalaureate)
    • Post-requisites: Automated design of facilities and control systems
    • Purpose: Obtaining master's knowledge necessary to understand the complexity of the surrounding reality, presenting it as a complex system; the study of features in management tasks related to the identification of the principles of optimal control and behavior; creating models of comparison and choice, decision-making in conflict, risk and uncertainty.
    • Brief description of the course: Systemology. Applied general theory of systems. System analysis. Simulation models, systems, methods. Models of knowledge and expert systems. Optimal control. Models of comparison and choice. Decision making in conditions of conflict, risk, uncertainty. Empirical-statistical modeling. Dynamic models and research. Problems of management in technical, industrial, economic, ecological systems. Forecasting development. Improvement and optimization. Ensuring reliability and security.
    • The expected results: Competencies in the field of systems theory and system analysis, knowledge of simulation modeling, dynamic models, optimization models.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor Yavorsky V.
  • «Automation of the formation of management decisions» 2 credit/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Basics of computer modeling (baccalaureate)
    • Post-requisites: Information resource management
    • Purpose: formation of knowledge and skills on the application of economic and mathematical methods and computing tools for the development of management decisions in various subject areas.
    • Brief description of the course: Principles of economic and mathematical modeling. Construction of the simplest model of the "ministry-enterprise" system. Elements of the theory of games in the problems of modeling economic processes. Types of economic and mathematical methods of analysis of economic processes. Fundamentals of the theory of deterministic modeling of dynamic processes. Modeling and forecasting of economic processes. Models of the state budget. Models of the tax system. Models of the banking system.
    • The expected results: Ability to model economic processes and systems in the sphere of their professional interests; formulate their information needs; to develop statements of practical problems requiring the application of economic-mathematical methods.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor Yavorsky V.
  • «Modern programming tools» 3 credit/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Software of information systems (baccalaureate)
    • Post-requisites: Information systems of mobile devices
    • Purpose: the study of the methodological foundations of software development technologies, the application of these technologies in the formation of programs in a certain functional area.
    • Brief description of the course: Modern software development tools. Decomposition and abstraction in the design of software. The methodology of object-oriented programming. Technological means and technology of software development. Microsoft Visual C language.
    • The expected results: Competencies in the field of modern software development tools, mastering programming skills in the Visual C language.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Drozd V.
  • «Data management languages» 3 credit/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Designing a Database (baccalaureate)
    • Post-requisites: Object-oriented databases
    • Purpose: studying the principles of the construction and classification of modern data management languages, as well as the formation of basic skills for students to use them for solving practical problems.
    • Brief description of the course: The basics of the SQL language. Languages of data management. The ANSI standard for SQL. The main areas of application. Types of SQL commands. SQL statements. Data types. Constants. Expressions. Functions. Creating databases. The language of DDL. Schemas in SQL. Tables: creation, conditions of uniqueness, deletion, aliases, indices. Manipulating data. The DML language. Adding new data. Delete the data. Update the data. Requests. The DQL language. Types of SQL commands. Manipulating data. The DML language. Using queries to manage data in MS SQL Server.
    • The expected results: Knowledge of the basic concepts of data management languages, the ability to use the basic skills of working with modern software, to use the capabilities of SQL queries to create custom applications.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Drozd V.
  • «Models and methods for planning experiments» 2 credit/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Mathematical analysis, Basics of computer modeling (baccalaureate)
    • Post-requisites: Methodology and tools for modeling business processes, Designing Intellectual Systems in Economics
    • Purpose: study Models and methods for planning experiments
    • Brief description of the course: Basic concepts of modeling theory, the current state and general characteristics of the problem of modeling IP. Methodological basis of modeling. Modeling as a cognitive process. The use of modeling in the study and design of information systems. Classification of types of modeling systems. Classical (inductive) approach. Systems approach. Possibilities and efficiency of modeling of systems on a computer. Deterministic, stochastic, static, dynamic, discrete, discrete-continuous, mental, visual, hypothetical, analog, symbolic, linguistic and symbolic modeling. Analytical and simulation modeling. Mathematical model of the object. Continuously deterministic models. Automatic control system. Methods for planning experiments.
    • The expected results: Knowledge of the principles of modeling, classifying the ways of representing IP models, methods, methods of formalizing objects, processes, phenomena and their realization on a computer, mastering the technology of modeling, representing models in mathematical and algorithmic form.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor Yavorsky V.
  • «Models and methods of data mining» 2 credit/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Basics of computer modeling (baccalaureate)
    • Post-requisites: Models and methods of decision support
    • Purpose: the study of means Models and methods of data mining
    • Brief description of the course: Tasks of decision support systems. Database as the basis of decision support systems. The architecture of decision support systems. The concept of data warehouse. Organization of the data warehouse. Multidimensional data model. Definition of OLAP - system, basic concepts. Conceptual multidimensional data representation. Architecture of OLAP - systems. "Data Mining" - data mining. Data Mining Tools. Tasks of multidimensional data analysis. Forecasting methods.
    • The expected results: Knowledge of the basic concepts of the theory of data mining, perform a comprehensive analysis of information with the purpose of decision-making based on the use of modern methods and systems for data mining.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences Ten T
  • «Automated design of facilities and control systems» 2 credit/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: System research in management tasks
    • Post-requisites: Designing Intellectual Systems in Economics
    • Purpose: the study of means Automated design of facilities and control systems.
    • Brief description of the course: Tools and technologies for complex automation of the design phase of tools and control systems (SSAs). Models and methods of analysis of the SSU in the automation of the design phase. Models of synthesis of SSA and verification of design solutions for automation of the design phase. Models of synthesis of SSU and verification of design solutions for automation of the design phase.
    • The expected results: is aimed at getting students practical development skills and application of models, methods and tools for automated design of technical systems and controls in the complex computerization of the design phase.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Drozd V.
  • «Computer Aided Design Tools» 2 credit/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Designing of information systems (baccalaureate)
    • Post-requisites: Distributed Systems Technologies and Parallel Computing
    • Purpose: is the acquisition of knowledge about methodologies and advanced information technologies for design, professionally oriented information systems, methods of modeling information processes in the field of economics, developing skills to create systematic and detailed IP projects.
    • Brief description of the course: Standards and profiles in the field of IP. IP design tools. Methodologies and technologies for designing IP. Structural approach to the design of IP. Methodology of SADT. Technologies and tools for modeling business processes and information flows. Object-oriented approach to the design of IP. The RUP methodology. Technologies and tools IBM Rational. Architectural approach. Zakhman's method and other techniques for describing architectures. Technologies and tools IBM Rational / Telelogic System Architect Basic business models (MRPII, ERPII, HRM, CRM and others). Fundamentals of the methodology of ITIL, ITSM. Methodology of system design. The role of system design in the process of creating information systems. Purpose of system design. Stages of the system design process. Results of system design. Pre-project survey of the object of informatization. Analysis of the results of the pre-project survey. Formation of requirements to the system. Functional and non-functional requirements. Development of a system project. Formation of TK for a system project. Project management at the stage of creating a system project on IP. Estimation of project cost. Estimation of economic efficiency of the project. Fundamentals of detailed design of the components of the IC.
    • The expected results: knowledge of application area analysis methods, information needs, formation of IP requirements and possession of domain modeling tools.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor Omarova Sh
  • «Methodology and tools for modeling business processes» 2 credit/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Models and methods for planning experiments.
    • Post-requisites: Master's project
    • Purpose: is an in-depth study of process control, modeling and analysis and optimization of business processes, advanced familiarization with modern instrumental systems for modeling and analysis of organizational processes.
    • Brief description of the course: Methodology of modeling and its technical implementation. Integrated description of activities. Types of presentation and levels of description. Instrumental system ARIS. Modules of the instrumental system. Overview of the main ARIS IS modules. Modules ARIS Business Architect, Toolset and ARIS Easy Design (overview and comparative characteristics of functionality). Initial settings for ARIS. Basic information about ARIS Explorer and ARIS Designer. Modeling the subject areas of the organization. Modeling activities and modeling processes. Subject areas in the activities of the organization. Levels of description. General principles of activity modeling. Integrated description of the organization's activities. Working with the ARIS database: Generating models. Consolidate the database. Merging information from different databases.
    • The expected results: the ability to conduct research and analysis of business systems, build their description in the form of formal models, formulate proposals for improving business processes, carry out quantitative forecasting and modeling of business process management.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Tazhbayev N
  • «Системная инженерия» 2 credit/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Designing of information systems (baccalaureate)
    • Post-requisites: Master's project
    • Purpose: ability to work on the creation (development) of complex systems of various types and purposes.
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction to system engineering. Overview of the history of system engineering, its subject. The place of system engineering in the development and operation of information systems. Communication of system engineering with software engineering and project management. Processes of management by system engineering. Standards of system engineering. Concept of the system. Element of the system. Types of systems. Multiplicity of groups of descriptions of the system. Function - design - processes - material, evolution, the relationship between system thinking and system engineering. The form of the life cycle of the system and its choice. Description of the life cycle. Typical versions of the life cycle of different systems. Control points and revisions of resource allocation. Engineering and management group descriptions of the life cycle of systems. Format of the standard description of practice (ISO 24774): name, purpose, results, composition (events and cases). Absence of an indication of methods of performing practices. Necessity of a choice of a method and tools. The concept of engineering requirements. Types of requirements: stakeholder requirements, system requirements, logical architecture requirements, physical architecture requirements, non-functional requirements. Trace requirements to each other. Architectural design. Data centric integration of data. Management of system interfaces and system integration.
    • The expected results: As a result of mastering the discipline, students must know the key concepts of system theory and system modeling; own applied engineering technologies in their specialty, in particular, technologies for the development of software in general and information systems in particular.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Tazhbayev N
  • «Practical marketing of information products and services» 2 credit/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Information Marketing (baccalaureate).
    • Post-requisites: Master's project
    • Purpose: acquisition of practical skills of work in the environment of marketing software products
    • Brief description of the course: Practical application of information technologies in the marketing activities of the company. Software for planning and marketing analysis. Marketing information system Marketing Expert / Analytic. Elements of computer design to improve the marketing of information products and services. The Internet in the marketing strategy of the company.
    • The expected results: Knowledge of the practical application of information technologies in marketing, the ability to use software products in the marketing activities of firms.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Spanov B.
  • «Information resource management» 2 credit/3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Automation of the formation of management decisions.
    • Post-requisites: Master's project
    • Purpose: study of information resource management systems
    • Brief description of the course: Modern methods of analysis and modeling of modern corporations, domestic and foreign software tools for enterprise resource management. Construction of document management systems for territorially-distributed organizations and enterprises.
    • The expected results: Knowledge of modern methods of analysis and modeling of enterprise resource management, use of software in the management of information resources.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Spanov B.
  • «Designing Intellectual Systems in Economics» 3 credit/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Automated design of facilities and control systems
    • Post-requisites: Master's project
    • Purpose: acquisition of skills in the design of intellectual systems in the economy
    • Brief description of the course: Models and methods of intelligent systems. Expert systems based on knowledge. Representation of knowledge in intellectual systems. Knowledge processing and decision-making. Architecture and tools of intelligent systems. Applied intellectual systems in economics
    • The expected results: Competence in the field of designing intelligent systems in the economy, mastering the languages of representation of knowledge.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences Ten T.
  • «Models and methods of decision support» 3 credit/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Models and methods of data mining
    • Post-requisites: Master's project
    • Purpose: is aimed at developing practical skills in decision-making based on new information technologies using models and decision-making methods.
    • Brief description of the course: Statement of the problem of decision-making. Classification of management decisions. Decision making process. Classification of methods of development and adoption of management decisions. Classification of decision-making tasks. Participants in the decision-making process. Points of view on the management decision.
    • The expected results: practical training of undergraduates in applying mathematical methods of justification and making managerial decisions.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Doctor of Technical Sciences Ten T.
  • «Object-relational databases» 3 credit/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Designing a Database (baccalaureate)
    • Post-requisites: Master's project
    • Purpose: consideration of object-relational database management.
    • Brief description of the course: Infological design of the database. The "entity-relationship" model. Graphical representation form of the database schema. Datological design of databases. Overview of industrial databases and trends in the development of banks and databases. Object-oriented databases. Problems and prospects Object-oriented databases
    • The expected results: to design object-relational databases.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor Omarova Sh
  • «Object-oriented databases» 3 credit/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Databases in IS (baccalaureate)
    • Post-requisites: Master's project
    • Purpose: studying modern data storage technologies
    • Brief description of the course: Review of modern requirements for storage systems (storage). Areas of use. The main characteristics of modern storage systems. Classification of storage. Architecture of storage systems. Physical and logical components of the host (terminal nodes of storage systems). The architecture of the main interfaces in computer systems. Overview of interfaces used by modern storage systems. Physical storage devices. The technology of RAID arrays. Networked storage. Components of SAN. Comparison of different models of data storage. Elements of the NAS. Monitoring and management of storage systems. Security of data storage environments. Virtualization technologies in storage systems.
    • The expected results: Competencies in the field of modern storage technologies: data warehouses, multidimensional databases, etc. Mastering the skills of designing various types of storage systems.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor Omarova Sh
  • «Business and innovation in ICT» 3 credit/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Information business (baccalaureate)
    • Post-requisites: Master's project
    • Purpose: the study of theoretical and practical in the field of informatics and information technologies, to give a broad vision of the role and place of computer technologies in the economy, science and education.
    • Brief description of the course: The role of innovation in modern economic progress. Cardinal shifts in the world financial system based on information technology. Innovative process: the principles of management, the concept of "performance", its indicators. Principles and criteria for increasing the efficiency of the bank's activities based on the use of innovations. Methods for assessing the effectiveness of the introduction of information technology. Programming languages. Directions and trends.
    • The expected results: mastering the bystander ideas about modern information technologies, the trends of their development and specific implementations, including in the professional field.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Master, senior lecturer Dyuseykeev K.  
  • «Information systems in the media business» 3 credit/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Information business (baccalaureate)
    • Post-requisites: Master's project
    • Purpose: familiarization of students with the structure, content, functional purpose of information systems in the media business, technology of automated solution of media business problems
    • Brief description of the course: The concept of the media market and its development. Differences. The basic laws of the market, adopted in the media business. The laws of supply and demand. The price as a balancing element between supply and demand. The price of demand. The offer price. The division of the media market into producers, partners, suppliers, buyers, the audience and other participants. Business models and main directions in the media business. Finance in the media business. Marketing in the media business. Business planning in the media business. Building a Web site for a given economic theme. Creating an "engine" of the website of an electronic newspaper using ASP technology.
    • The expected results: Knowledge of the application of information technology in business structures, mastering the skills of practical work with software products in subject areas.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Master, senior lecturer Dyuseykeev K.
  • «Information systems of mobile devices» 3 credit/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Modern programming tools
    • Post-requisites: Master's project
    • Purpose: training to create their own applications for devices running Android OS and Raspian OS, developing an application for audio and video materials, working with graphics, using 2D and 3D OpenGL, processing Web pages and Web services, storing data on mobile and embedded computers.
    • Brief description of the course: Quick start Installing tools, Java 5.0+, Eclipse, Android SDK Starter Package, Android SDK Components, Plugins for Eclipse, Creating the first program, Running the program on the emulator, Running on a real phone. Key concepts. General picture, Linux kernel, Libraries, Android runtime, Application framework, Applications and widgets, Application workflow, Process and application, Application life cycles, Building blocks, Activities, Intentions, Services, Content providers, Resource utilization, Security and security. Development of the user interface.
    • The expected results: the ability to apply basic and specialized knowledge in the field of modern information technology for solving engineering problems.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Tazhbayev N
  • «Cloud and mobile technologies» 3 credit/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Web technologies. Computer networks (baccalaureate)
    • Post-requisites: Master's project
    • Purpose: studying the theoretical foundations and tools for creating cloud and mobile applications.
    • Brief description of the course: Introduction to cloud technology. Scenarios for use and detailed consideration of opportunities. The ideology of private cloud construction, basic types of services such as IaaS, PaaS, SaaS are considered. Microsoft SQL Azure databases are a relational "cloud" database management (RDBMS) service that is based on SQL Server® technologies. Mobile and embedded systems present specific requirements for power consumption, dimensions, software. Saturated Internet applications, or RIA (Rich Internet Application) give browsers new properties. Preparing a workstation for stand-alone development of cloud applications; familiarity with the main developer tools.
    • The expected results: know the composition and structure of cloud and mobile technologies, methods and tools for creating cloud and mobile software applications, the methodology for designing, developing and maintaining software applications.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Drozd V.
  • «Cloud computing technology» 3 credit/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Web technologies. Computer networks (baccalaureate)
    • Post-requisites: Master's project
    • Purpose: studying the technology of cloud computing
    • Brief description of the course: Functions of the "cloud". Availability, virtualization technology, autonomy and mutual independence of computing resources. Characteristics of cloud computing: scalability, scalability, elasticity, multi-tenancy, payment for use, self-service. The main attributes of cloud computing, affecting the solution of tasks to increase revenue and reduce the costs of the organization. Infrastructure and support for the processing and storage of data on the Microsoft cloud platform.
    • The expected results: Have an idea of the current trends in the development of hardware, leading to the emergence of cloud computing technologies; multiprocessor and multi-core computing systems, development of blade systems, storage systems and networks, consolidation of infrastructure.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Drozd V.
  • «Distributed Systems Technologies and Parallel Computing» 3 credit/5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Computer Aided Design Tools
    • Post-requisites: Master's project
    • Purpose: the acquisition by students of theoretical knowledge and sustainable skills of practical work with the means of parallel and distributed programming.
    • Brief description of the course: Architecture of high-performance systems. The architecture of the client-server applications. Parallelization of computations within a single process. Main synchronization mechanisms and interprocess communication in modern operating systems. Parallel computing and parallel algorithms. The main software tools for parallel computing are -PVM, MPI, OpenMP, Linda. Characteristics, scope of use. Parallel computing in the .Net environment. Prallel Extensions Library.
    • The expected results: preparation of undergraduates for work on creation and support of modern distributed information systems.
    • Full name of the lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Drozd V.
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