• 2024-2025 учебный год

    Университет және бизнес диалогы

    Университет және бизнес диалогы

    On December 11, 2024, a friendly meeting was held between Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of Karaganda Kazpotrebsoyuz University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Gulmira Yermekovna Nakipova and Aydin Altaevich Akparov, Managing Director of the Karagandatranstelecom branch. On the agenda is the coordination of an action plan within the framework of the signed memorandum of cooperation and joint work on important tasks of regional development.

    At the meeting, questions were considered about the possibility of professional development of the company's employees both through master's degree in scientific, pedagogical and specialized areas; through double-degree programs under the USHOS project and in the MBA master's degree, as well as advanced training through courses on modern business process management technologies using digital transformation of the enterprise and artificial intelligence systems.

    In turn, the company "Karagandatranstelecom" offered students of various educational programs of our university an internship with their further employment in a branch of the company.

    The meeting was held in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and agreement. In the future, the partners will have to implement a large number of joint initiatives and projects.

    Joint projects and cooperation with big business help the university and the region move forward!

    CirculEC: Sustainable Development on the Agenda

    CirculEC: Sustainable Development on the Agenda

    CirculEC: Sustainable Development on the Agenda

    CirculEC: Sustainable Development on the Agenda

    On November 27, 2024, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted a Career Festival, which became a platform for interaction between students, graduates, and regional employers. Special attention at the event was given to the Erasmus+ CirculEC Project (“Development of innovative curricula and modules in the field of circular economy and sustainable development”).

    About the CirculEC Project:

    CirculEC aims to integrate the principles of circular economy and sustainable development into educational programs. This opens new opportunities for students and contributes to preparing professionals ready to address modern ecological and economic challenges.

    Key Highlights of the Event:

    The project’s goals and objectives, including the development of educational modules to support sustainable development, were presented.
    A survey of employers was conducted to analyze satisfaction with graduate training quality and identify labor market needs.
    Opportunities for collaboration with stakeholders and regional companies were demonstrated.

    The project attracted significant interest from business representatives and students interested in acquiring new competencies.
    Companies emphasized the importance of incorporating sustainable development concepts into specialist training.
    Survey results will help adjust educational programs to better meet market demands.
    The Career Festival became an important step in promoting the CirculEC project, strengthening interaction with employers, and preparing graduates for successful careers. We thank all participants and partners for their interest and contribution to a sustainable future!

    Psychology in education: meeting with an expert

    Psychology in education: meeting with an expert

    Students of our university have a unique opportunity to meet regularly with professionals working in various fields. These meetings help students expand their knowledge, learn more about the profession and get valuable advice from experts.

    So, on November 27, 2024, students of the OP "Psychology and Management in Education" took part in an online meeting with Dayrova Botagoz Alievna, a psychologist at the National Scientific, Practical, educational and Wellness Center "Bobek" (Almaty). Botagoz Alievna, the winner of the republican contest "The Best psychologist of the Year", shared her experience in the social sphere and education, told about her practice and answered students' questions.

    The subject of the discussion was the activity of a psychologist in an educational environment. Students learned a lot of interesting and useful things about the specifics, purpose and content of the work of a psychologist in educational institutions: psychodiagnostic, psychocorrective and counseling work of a psychologist, about current problems of modern adolescents and methods of psychoprophylactic work with them.

    The students noted that such meetings inspire, help to better understand the specifics of the profession and motivate for personal and professional growth.

    Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz continues to create opportunities for students to communicate with professionals, strengthening the link between theory and practice.

    We thank Botagoz Alievna for her professionalism, interesting and useful information!

    University Career Festival: New Horizons for Students

    University Career Festival: New Horizons for Students

    University Career Festival: New Horizons for Students


    On November 27, 2024, one of the largest events of the year, the Career Festival, took place at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. This event brought together about 80 employers and provided a unique platform for interaction between students, graduates and business representatives.

    At the opening ceremony of the event, the rector of the university, Aimagambetov Yerkara Balkaraevich, made an introductory speech, noting the importance of creating such platforms for career growth and strengthening ties between the university and the professional community. Representatives of the Employment Center also made welcoming remarks, emphasizing the importance of supporting young people in their professional development.


    University Career Festival: New Horizons for Students University Career Festival: New Horizons for Students University Career Festival: New Horizons for Students University Career Festival: New Horizons for Students University Career Festival: New Horizons for Students


    «Inspiration and knowledge – a meeting of marketing students with the head of a marketing agency»

    «Inspiration and knowledge – a meeting of marketing students with the head of a marketing agency»

    «Inspiration and knowledge – a meeting of marketing students with the head of a marketing agency»

    We continue to gain knowledge and valuable experience from professionals and experts. On November 18. 2024 a meeting was organized for marketing students with the head of the marketing agency INSTALIFE A. Mitina on the topic: «Basics of marketing promotion for the Kazakhstan market».
    Students became familiar with the features of market analysis, target audience analysis and marketing trends in the development of promotion strategies. The application of theoretical knowledge in practical cases helps students see real examples of successful marketing campaigns and their implementation. During the meeting, students learned to evaluate the success of marketing campaigns, identify key success factors and areas for improvement.
    Mitina A. helped students determine career orientation, which motivates students to set professional goals and develop the necessary skills. These competencies will help prepare students for successful careers in marketing and help them adapt to changing market conditions.

    Meeting with representatives of the anti-corruption service: dialogue with students

    Meeting with representatives of the anti-corruption service: dialogue with students

    Meeting with representatives of the anti-corruption service: dialogue with students

    The Anti-Corruption Coworking Center of the University hosted a regular meeting of students and teachers with employees of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption in the Karaganda region.
    The speakers of the event were the deputy head of the Department for Detection and Suppression of the Department, Major of the Anti-Corruption Service Abdiev Olzhas Kalybekovich and the officer for particularly important cases, Major of the anti-corruption service Sharkov Zakhar Sergeevich.
    The guests shared their experience, talked about the key aspects of the work of the Agency and the Department, as well as the specifics of operational and investigative activities. Special attention was paid to the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2026.
    Such meetings play an important role in the formation of an anti-corruption culture among students and teachers. An open dialogue with representatives of the service allows young people to better understand the mechanisms of combating corruption, learn about legal aspects and responsibilities, as well as realize their role in combating this phenomenon. The University continues to actively support initiatives aimed at developing civic responsibility and legal literacy among its students.

    The Department of Economic Investigations introduces students to career prospects

    The Department of Economic Investigations introduces students to career prospects

    The Department of Economic Investigations introduces students to career prospects

    On November 6, 2024, representatives of the Department of Economic Investigations for the Karaganda region of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Financial Monitoring visited the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
    The Department's specialists told the students about the specifics of their work, the goals and objectives they solve, as well as about the wide career opportunities in the field of financial monitoring and economic investigations.
    Representatives of the Department paid special attention to explaining the procedure for employment in the civil service. The students were told about the stages of the competitive selection, the necessary documents and the requirements for candidates. Key competencies and skills that are valued in government structures were discussed, as well as advice on preparing for the selection process.
    During the meeting, students learned about the Department's current projects, representatives also talked about internship opportunities and invited graduate students to try their hand at a team of specialists.
    Such meetings help our students to learn more about professions in the field of financial monitoring and create real employment opportunities for them after graduation.

    A master class from a university graduate

    A master class from a university graduate

    A master class from a university graduate


    A master class on «Management solutions in the hospitality industry and their effectiveness» was held at the university, which was conducted by our graduate, Anastasia Pavlovna Ilyicheva, manager of the Negroni restaurant. Her education in the Restaurant and Hotel Business program has become the foundation of a successful career for her, and now she is happy to share her experience with current students.
    Ilyicheva told how she implements the knowledge gained at the university in her work, and how management solutions help to effectively organize processes in the restaurant, provide a high level of service and create comfortable conditions for employees. Students had the opportunity to ask questions and find out how the theory passed in the classrooms is implemented in practice.
    Such meetings with our graduates inspire students and demonstrate real examples of career growth based on professional knowledge and experience gained within the walls of our university.

    Workshop with representatives of the company “Asia Trans KZ”

    Workshop with representatives of the company “Asia Trans KZ”

    Workshop with representatives of the company “Asia Trans KZ”


    On October 30- 2024 a workshop was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz with representatives of Asia Trans KZ LLP.
    Asia Trans KZ LLP is an experienced transport and logistics company operating on the market since 2005. Over almost two decades of successful work, the company has accumulated expertise in the field of international transportation and earned the trust of clients around the world.
    The company has its own fleet of modern vehicles, which allows it to quickly and reliably deliver cargo of any type and volume to anywhere in the world.
    The company’s logistician, Alena Dolidchik, shared her experience and knowledge in the field of logistics and the peculiarities of working with clients.
    HR manager of the company Inna Strogonova spoke about the motivation system in the company, about the constant work to improve the skills of employees and care for them. Students specializing in Logistics and Marketing were invited to the company for internship and further employment.
    Students asked questions about the process of adaptation to a professional environment, the characteristics of working in a team and the importance of continuous learning. At the end of the workshop, a session on writing a resume was held, where participants received advice on how to write one and prepare for an interview.
    The workshop was successful and was highly appreciated by the students. This event helps to improve interaction between the university and business, as well as to increase the level of students’ preparation for practical activities.

    Meeting with a practitioner: a graduate shares her work experience in psychology

    Встреча с практиком: выпускница делится опытом работы в психологии

    Встреча с практиком: выпускница делится опытом работы в психологии

    Psychologists have been trained in the educational program "Psychology and Management in Education" at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz since 2021, and the first graduation took place in 2023. Our first graduates are currently working as psychologists in various fields: healthcare, education, business environment or engaged in individual psychological practice.

    An interesting online meeting of students with Alina Nikonova, a graduate of our university in 2024, took place on October 22, 2024. Alina– a novice practicing psychologist who is just starting her career, shared with students about her first achievements, answered numerous students' questions about her first experience working with clients, about methods and approaches to solving psychological problems, and various aspects of psychotherapy. Alina especially noted how important it is to be attentive and empathetic, as well as to be able to ask the right questions to help the client better understand himself. After the meeting, the students noted Alina's enthusiasm and her desire to develop, and were inspired to further study psychology. It was an interesting and informative experience for our students-future psychologists!

     Presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program at the University

    Презентация программы Teach for Qazaqstan в университете

    Презентация программы Teach for Qazaqstan в университете

    Our university hosted the presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program, which opens up new opportunities for talented graduates and professionals. The program provides a unique chance to become a teacher in regional schools of the country.
    "We recruit and select promising graduates/leaders of leading local and international universities and specialists from various fields of activity. We train selected candidates so that they become officially accredited teachers. We employ them as teachers in rural schools for two years," the representatives of the Foundation noted.
    This is not only a great opportunity to contribute to the development of education, but also a great chance for employment and career growth. The program helps students and young professionals develop skills that are highly valued in the labor market, as well as provides useful experience and broadens horizons.
    The Foundation operates according to the State mandatory standard of general secondary education and the Professional standard "Teacher" in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    Participants take the national Teacher Knowledge Assessment test. Upon completion of the pedagogical retraining, the finalists of the project receive a special certificate.
    Participation in Teach for Qazaqstan is not just a job, but an opportunity to become part of a community that changes the future and improves the education system in Kazakhstan.
    The University's Career Center has received international recognition!

    Центр карьеры университета получил международное признание!

    Activities within the framework of employment

    The Career Center of Karaganda Kazpotrebsoyuz University has become a full member of the Kazakhstan Career Development Association (KazCDA), affiliated with the Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA).

    The certificate confirms the active participation of the Center in the activities of the association aimed at the development of career counseling and professional orientation both in Kazakhstan and in the Asia and Pacific region. This achievement testifies to the high level of our work and the desire to provide students and graduates with the best opportunities for professional and personal growth.

    Thanks to cooperation with KazCDA and APCDA, the Career Center will actively develop new programs, conduct trainings and master classes on career issues, as well as expand its network of partnerships with leading employers in the region and beyond. We are confident that this step will allow students and graduates to plan their professional trajectory more effectively and achieve significant success in their chosen field.

    We continue to develop, taking steps to improve the quality of career services and expand prospects for all our students!

     Practical lesson: students met with a professional psychotherapist

    Практическое занятие: студенты встретились с профессиональным психотерапевтом

    Практическое занятие: студенты встретились с профессиональным психотерапевтом

    Modern education requires not only theoretical training, but also the study of practical aspects of the chosen profession. The cooperation of universities with professional specialists helps students to expand their knowledge and gain valuable experience.
    On October 7, 2024, within the framework of the discipline "Consumer Behavior", a meeting was held with Nina Sidorenya, a certified psychologist and body psychotherapist. The main theme of the event was the influence of bodily condition on human behavior.
    Nina Sidorenya, a practicing body-oriented psychotherapist, told students how physical condition can influence decision-making, motivation and perception of the world. Special attention was paid to the importance of body awareness and its importance in everyday life, as well as in professional areas related to consumer behavior.
    The meeting provided students with a unique opportunity not only to get acquainted with the theoretical aspects of body psychotherapy, but also to communicate with a practicing specialist. This has become a valuable experience for those who plan to apply the acquired knowledge in their future professional activities.
    The event provided a deep understanding of how working with the body can contribute to personal and professional development.

    Meeting of students with representatives of the civil service and youth policy

    Встреча студентов с представителями государственной службы и молодежной политики


    On October 02, 2024, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted a meeting of 4th year students of the educational programs «State and Local Government», «Jurisprudence» and «Judicial and Law Enforcement Activities» with representatives of the Youth Policy Department and the Agency for Civil Service Affairs of the Karaganda region. The meeting was attended by:

    Abdrakhmanov Daniyar Kayyrzhanuly – Head of the Civil Service Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in the Karaganda region

    Zhasulan Tishtykovich Khamitov – Chief Specialist of the Department of Intersectoral Coordination and Development of Youth Policy of the State Institution «Department for Youth Policy of the Karaganda region»

    Marina Vasilyevna Shiller – head of the project «School of a young civil Servant»

    During the meeting, the conditions for participation in the project «School of a young civil servant» were explained to the students. The speakers stressed the importance of preparing the younger generation for future challenges in the public sphere.

    This project is an ideal start for graduate students who dream of a career in the civil service. пен мансапты бастау, маркетинг студенттеріне арналған мүмкіндіктердің тұсаукесері

    Старт карьеры с Презентация возможностей для студентов-маркетологов

    Старт карьеры с Презентация возможностей для студентов-маркетологов

    Жоғары оқу орындарының бизнес-қоғамдастықпен ынтымақтастығы бәсекеге қабілетті және сұранысқа ие мамандарды даярлауда маңызды рөл атқарады. Бұл серіктестік студенттерге теориялық білім ғана емес, сонымен қатар практикалық тәжірибе алуға мүмкіндік береді, бұл олардың табысты жұмысқа орналасу мүмкіндігін айтарлықтай арттырады.
    Бизнес кәсіби дағдыларды қалыптастыру үшін қажетті нақты тәжірибені ұсынады. Тағылымдамалар, жобаларға қатысу, тренингтер-мұның бәрі студенттердің нақты жұмыс жағдайларын жақсы түсінуіне ықпал етеді. Компаниялар өз мамандарын "өсіруге" мүдделі. Бұл студенттерге мансаптық бастауды қамтамасыз ете отырып, оқудан мамандықтың алғашқы қадамдарына дейінгі жолды жеңілдетеді.
    Бизнес-серіктестермен кездесуді жалғастыра отырып, 2024 жылғы 3 қазанда Маркетинг мамандығының студенттері үшін компания өкілдерімен "" дөңгелек үстел ұйымдастырылды. "" - бұл Қазақстан нарығында көшбасшы орын алатын әлемдік деңгейдегі әмбебап интернет-дүкені.
    Бүгін ол белсенді түрде кеңейіп, маркетинг саласында жас мамандарды тартуға мүдделі. Кездесуде маркетинг бөлімінің басшысы - Яровенко Луиза және HR бөлімінің басшысы - Готфрид Екатерина сөз сөйледі. Олар маркетологтың электрондық коммерциядағы жұмысының ерекшелігі туралы айтты: бұл маркетингтік стратегияны әзірлеу, мазмұнды жүргізу, жарнамалық науқандарды басқару және тұтынушылар базасымен жұмыс істеу.
    HR бөлімінің басшысы ағымдағы бос жұмыс орындары туралы ақпаратпен бөлісті және студенттерді компанияға одан әрі жалдау мақсатында ағымдағы жылдың қазан айында өтетін маркетологтар үшін қарқынды оқытуға шақырды.
    Бұл кездесу студенттерге практикалық тәжірибе алуға, негізгі дағдыларды игеруге және команданың бір бөлігі болуға бірегей мүмкіндік болып табылады.
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