Faculty of Finance, logistics and digital technologies (FFLDT)

Faculty of Finance, logistics and digital technologies (FFLDT)

Faculty of Finance, logistics and digital technologies has been working in the market of educational services since 1966. it has Trained more than 40 thousand specialists working in all spheres of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad (CIS countries). The history of the Faculty of Finance, logistics and digital technologies begins in 1968. It was formed on the basis of the faculty of Economics, acting at that time the main unit of the Karaganda Cooperative Institute of the Centrosoyuz.
At different times of the existence of Faculty of Finance, logistics and digital technologies deans were: Akimbekov S. A. (1966-1968), I. I. Kharchenko (1968-1970), Chumakov Z. S. (1970-1981), Kuanyshev S. S. (gg 1981-1988, and 1990-1997), Zhakupov G. S. (1988-1989), Karasholakov S. A. (1989-1990), Almajano E. A. (1995-2005), Nakipova G. E.(2005-2006), Kudaibergenova S. K. (2006-2008), Nakipova G. E. (2009-2017 years). Since September 2017, the Dean of the Faculty of Finance, logistics and digital technologies is Ph. D., associate Professor Serikova G. S.
The faculty consists of six departments: "Accounting and audit", "Marketing and logistics", "Finance", "Bank management and financial markets", "Digital engineering and IT-Analytics", "Higher mathematics".

Faculty of Finance, logistics and digital technologies trains highly qualified specialists in the following educational programs:
6B04103-Accounting and audit
6B06101-Information systems
6B06102-Computer engineering and software
6B06103-IT Analytics

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 Faculty of Finance, logistics and digital technologies (FFLDT)

Dear entrant!

Entering the University, yesterday's students acquire a new status-a student. At our faculty as well as in the whole University all necessary measures for successful adaptation of students in the new environment are taken. Dean and curators of the first year at any time ready to answer any questions students have. To each student we find an individual approach, which subsequently has a beneficial effect on his learning, and most importantly-his desire to learn. The Dean's office constantly maintains relations with parents of students, notifies about successes and achievements of their children.
The peculiarity of the first year of study is that during this period students study mainly General humanitarian disciplines. This allows us to strengthen the base of the humanitarian worldview, on the basis of which the profiling knowledge will be built.
The main thing in the first year – to teach the student to learn and skillfully organize their time. The most important role in training is played by the teaching staff, because it is the teachers who give knowledge that subsequently help the student to select from a variety of areas that will be interesting.
Outside of study, students lead an equally active life. Students of our faculty take an active part in various social events, sports competitions.

Sincerely, Dean of Faculty of Finance, logistics and digital technologies
Ph.D., Associate Professor Serikova Gulzira Salmaganbetovna
Contact phone: 8 (7212) 441629 ext. 130

Address - Academicheskaya street, 9
- 280 cabinet - dean
- 282 cabinet - deputy dean
- 283 cabinet - secretaries
Phone: (87212) 44-16-29 (ext. 130) - dean; ext. 163 - deputy deans; 136 - secretary.
Email: uff.2019@mail.ru

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