

According to the Academic policy of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, for the main professional educational programs of higher and postgraduate education (bachelor's / master's / doctoral studies), practice is an obligatory part of educational programs.

It is a type of educational activity aimed at the formation, consolidation, development of practical skills and competence in the process of performing certain types of work related to future professional activities.

The main types of internships for undergraduate EP students implemented at the university are: educational, industrial, pedagogical and pre-diploma practice. Pre-diploma practice is carried out in order to collect material and prepare for the defense of the final qualifying work. Students of the master's and doctoral levels undergo pedagogical, industrial and research practice.

Practice for persons with disabilities and the disabled is carried out taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status.

The practice can be carried out in state, public, commercial and non-commercial organizations that carry out activities on the profile of training students, the content of which corresponds to the professional competencies mastered in the framework of educational programs.

The organization of the practice, provided for by the curriculum of the EP, is carried out on the basis of contracts for the conduct of professional practice with organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

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