Scientific research work of students (SRWS) – systematic activities of university students, based on the collection, processing and synthesis of scientific material through the use of accumulated theoretical and practical foundation, the individual characteristic of thinking and working. Members of the Students' Scientific Societies KEUK are creative and most capable research students. In 2022 the number of members of the SRS was 615 students. Student Research Society (SRS) of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz is a voluntary organization that brings together university students interested in research work. The main purpose of SRS is to promote quality improvement of personnel training, the conservation of scientific potential and creation of conditions for the development of scientific creativity of young people learning, integrating it into a scientific and educational space by intensifying scientific - research activity of students. At the moment, the students themselves are the initiators of many scientific, discussion events not only at the level of university, but also inter-university level. Among them: the scientific roundtables, workshops with the participation of teachers, debates on current issues in science.

