Research Studies Institute


The Research Institute of Economic and Legal Studies was formed by Order of the Rector of the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz No. 42/1-p dated October 1, 2010.


The purpose of the scientific research institute of ELS is the integration of scientific activity and the educational process at all levels of higher and postgraduate education, improving the quality of fundamental and applied research in the field of economics and law.


The main objectives of the research institute of ELS:

- increasing the level of scientific content of the educational activities of the university, the quality of training of graduates;

- high-quality implementation of research work and participation in regional and republican research programs in economic and legal areas with the involvement of the scientific potential of the leading departments of the university;

- improving the organization of research activities of the teaching staff, undergraduates and university students and the implementation of their scientific achievements, scientific and pedagogical experience;

- establishing cooperation with related research institutions of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, for the successful implementation of work on complex problems, as well as for testing the results of scientific research;

- intensification of scientific activity of the university faculty through the involvement of international, interuniversity and university conferences, round tables, scientific seminars on pressing problems of economics and law with the invitation of leading scientists and the public;

- improving the quality of scientific publications, providing the possibility of publication in journals with a high impact factor.

The main functions of the research institute of ELS:

- legislative activity (participation in working groups on the development and discussion of draft laws and other regulatory legal acts);

- expert legal activity (preparation of expert legal opinions on draft laws of other regulatory legal acts, as well as legal examination of existing laws and other regulatory legal acts);

- monitoring and comparative legal research of regulatory legal acts;

- theoretical and applied research on current issues of social and economic development, lawmaking and lawmaking;

- promoting the legal skills of public servants;

- publishing (publication of scientific and practical commentary on legislation, periodicals, collections of scientific articles, scientific information, scientific, practical, educational, monographic and other works on pressing problems of economics and law);

- study of the problems of the effectiveness of law and enforcement, the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of offenses;

- legal support of economic activity (law and economics);

- development of legal means to ensure market conditions in the economy;

- research and analysis of the ratio of private and public interests in the legal regulation of economic processes and the development of proposals;

- fundamental and applied research;

- participation in the development and implementation of legal support for investment and other social projects;

- organization and holding of conferences, symposia and other forums;

- organization and holding of cultural events;

- preparation of analytical and methodological materials;

- participation in tenders and competitions for the development of scientific-applied and contractual research;

- participation in tenders of the Ministry of Education and Science for the development of textbooks, monographs, textbooks on economic and legal specialties;

- search and development of joint programs and projects on pressing issues of science, education and practice;

- search and development of joint programs to update the legal support of the customs union in the framework of agreements concluded with universities of the countries of the union;

- development and conclusion of agreements and agreements on cooperation with leading universities of countries near and far abroad.


Current fundamental scientific research carried out by the Research Institute of Economic and Legal Research under grants of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

Within the framework of the concluded agreement No. 267 of November 12, 2020 with the State Institution "Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan", a fundamental scientific research "Situational approach in increasing the effectiveness of countering offenses and crimes of terrorist and extremist orientation" is being carried out. Implementation period: duration - 27 months (October 2020 - December 2022).

Scientific adviser: Chief Researcher of the Research Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz, Doctor of Law, Professor Nurgaliev B. М. (Executors from the Research Institute Khanov T.A., Bashirov A.V., Pupysheva T.N., Inerbaeva D.О.)

 Initiative research projects:

  1. Perspective directions of development of appraisal activity in Kazakhstan: theory and practice. Implementation period: 2019 – 2022. Scientific adviser: Sikhimbaev M.R.
  2. Innovative system of the mineral resource complex of Kazakhstan: strategies and prospects Implementation period: 2017 – 2019. Scientific adviser: Sikhimbaev M.R.
  3. The use of information technology in natural and humanitarian applications. Implementation period: 2017 – 2019. Scientific adviser: Bashirov A.V.
  4. Prevention, disclosure and investigation of juvenile crimes (Criminological, criminal-legal and criminal-procedural aspects). Implementation period: February 2018 - December 2020 Scientific adviser: Shaimukhanov A.D.
  5. Analytical research and development of a software package for modeling and predicting the properties and parameters of nonlinear electro-optical and electrical elements for quantum electronics, optoelectronics and laser technology. Implementation period: February 2020 - December 2022. Scientific adviser: V.A. Kalytka.
  6. Organization of research work of university students. Implementation period: February 2020 - December 2022 Scientific adviser: Khanov T.A.


Research Institute staff:

  1. Director of the Research Institute of ELS - Khanov Talgat Akhmatzievich
  2. Head of the legal research laboratory of the Research Institute - Bakishev Kairat Alikhanovich
  3. Head of the Laboratory of social-economic research of the Research Institute - Sikhimbaev Muratbai Ryzdikbayevich
  4. Head of the Laboratory of Innovative and Scientific and Educational Technologies of the Research Institute - Bashirov Alexander Vitalievich
  5. Chief Researcher of the Institute - Shaymuhanov Ahmetkali Dyusetaevich
  6. Chief Researcher of the Institute – Sikhimbaeva Dinara Rakhmangaziyevna
  7. Leading Researcher of the Institute - Fetkulov Alikzhan Khalelovich
  8. Senior Researcher of the Institute - Seitkhozhin Bulat Umerzhanovich
  9. Senior Researcher of the Institute – Sarsembaev Bolat Shaimenovich
  10. Researcher of the Institute - Orynbekov Almas Sabitovich
  11. Researcher of the Institute - Pupysheva Tatyana Nikolaevna

Information about research Institute employees

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