Equal opportunities, barrier-free environment!

Equal opportunities, barrier-free environment!The necessary conditions for people with disabilities have been created at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
For convenience and equal opportunities for students with special needs, there is a separate entrance to the university building with an equipped lift and a designated bell for calling the assistant; stationary ramps in front of the entrance to the dining room and library; a special lift for visiting the Student Service Center, accounting department, digital laboratory located on the ground floor. At the entrance, there is a mnemonic diagram of movement around the university for people with visual impairments. There is a specialized toilet; equipped parking lot with a special sign.
All pointers are made with hard yellow markings.
A special call is provided for the visually impaired; braille pointers of the main university locations; tactile tiles in front of the entrance to the dining room, auditorium, library, wardrobe.
The university library has also created conditions for people with disabilities: an entrance ramp, access to the electronic library system "IPRbooks" (http://www.iprbookshop.ru), which offers a special reader for the visually impaired and an adaptive mobile application for the visually impaired and completely blind.
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz - affordable education, equal opportunities, barrier-free environment!


Equal opportunities, barrier-free environment! Equal opportunities, barrier-free environment!
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