Unified National Testing (UNT)
Unified National Testing (UNT) is one of the forms of the final students' assessment in secondary schools, combined with the entrance exams.

UNT is conducted for:

- graduates who wish in the current academic year to go to the universities of Kazakhstan;

- applicants for the General Certificate of Secondary Education "Altyn Belgi" General Certificate of Secondary Education with honors;

- Winners of republican scientific competitions and olimpiads in general subjects of current year.

Applications submission for participation in the UNT from March 10 to April 25. The completion of application forms is done by the graduates in those schools in which they study.

NTC develops technologies, instructions and software for UNT. A state Commission are appointed aimed at organizing and conducting the UNT at each testing point. The control over compliance with the technology of the UNT is performed by the representatives of the Ministry.

UNT is held in 5 subjects including compulsory: Kazakh or Russian languages (language of instruction), mathematics, history of Kazakhstan, Kazakh language for Russian schools (Russian for Kazakh schools), and optional subject. UNT durationis 3,5 hours (210 minutes). Retesting is not allowed.

Testing is conducted on the tests developed by National Testing Center based on general education programs, their content cannot go beyond these programs.

Information disclosing the content of the tests and the codes of correct answers are of state secrets.

The number of tests in each subject is 25. The correct answer to each test item is evaluated as one grade.


Normative references:

Rules of conducting common national testing;

Instructions for the organization and conduct unified national testing.


3D тур КЭУ