Invited foreign scientists

One of the main indicators of increasing internationalization of educational and scientific processes in Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz is the involvement of foreign professors from leading foreign Universities to deliver lectures, develop joint educational programs, conduct research, guide as foreign scientific supervisors for our PhD students and participate in scientific events.

The work on attracting foreign scientists to the University is carried out constantly in the process of cooperation with foreign partner universities and in accordance with the preliminary agreement and the need of the University. As the main criteria and preconditions for the invitation of foreign scientists are:

  • the authority of the scientist in the international academic community, which is confirmed by experience, international activities, publications in scientific journals, recommendations of scientists in the relevant field of activity;
  • compliance of the purposes of stay of the foreign expert to strategic goals and tasks, priority directions of development of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and the structural division inviting a foreign specialist.

The invitation of foreign scientists allows us to develop the competence of students through new knowledge and teaching methods from the standpoint of the European approach to the educational process. The invitation of foreign scientists is aimed at internationalization of education at the University, stimulates the active implementation of the principles of the Bologna process, increases the competitiveness of the University, forms an attractive image of the University in society, and also contributes to the development of academic communication skills of students and teachers in English.

The involvement of scientists is carried out for the purpose of professional development of the teaching staff of the University, as well as to providing advice on various academic and scientific issues.

Contact information: 

Tel. +7 (7172) 44-16-12 (int.141), e-mail:

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