Since 2004 at the university functions credit system of training.

The total duration of the academic year is on all areas of training not less than 30 weeks, with 2 semesters of 15 weeks.

The total duration of vacations is 7 weeks.

Practice - 6 weeks.

The sequence of the learning process is described in the academic calendar of the University.

Each program includes 128 credits, 36-38 credits for each year. Each training program consists of compulsory subjects and disciplines of your choice.

The university operates office of Register - Student support services concerned with recording the history of academic achievements and the registration of elective disciplines.

Registration for elective disciplines

Determining the choice of subjects is carried out under the guidance of Advisor. Advisor by the presentation offers students an alternative to each discipline from the list of elective courses, advises in determining the sequence of the study subjects.

Choosing discipline, the student forms his/her individual curriculum.

Individual training plan is drawn up for each year of training.

On the basis of individual training plans are formed academic groups and streams.

If a student is not registered for elective disciplines, the basis for his teaching was adopted core curricula drawn up for this course.

The student also has the right to choose the candidate of teachers of compulsory subjects. Teacher candidates’ choosing makes by order of registration priority.

The preferential rights to choose candidates have excellent teachers’ successful students.

Your’ schoolmaster – tutor and advisor

Each of the university students has two schoolmasters – tutor and advisor.

Tutor carry outs educational-training work, makes more closely contact between university administration, public organizations, university’s academic staff and group students.

Advisor is a teacher, who helps to choose individual education trajectory and development of programs during the training period.


Monitoring complex and evaluations of student’s knowledge intend to carry out operating, landmark, final control and final state attestation.

By the all types of control grade for each disciplines sets on-scale a lot of scoring alphabetic system of evaluation of knowledge

Operating control is a systematic evaluation of the student’s knowledge, which is carrying out by the teacher in classes.

Landmark (rating) control of student’s knowledge- carries out on each discipline twice – the first and second rating accordingly on 8th and 15th weeks during the semester.

The final control of students’ knowledge. It carries out during the exams.

Student can call on the results of exam.

As an indicator of student's use GPA (Grade Point Average) - the weighted average estimation of the level of educational achievements of students in the chosen specialty. 

Summer semester

University organizes paid summer semester for students, who have backlogs. For remedial students-who couldn’t transfer rating, or pass academic failure during the summer semester, provided second academic year.

For what can EXPEL from university?

The violations under the Charter of the university duties, internal regulations, the violation of discipline, the university have the right to expel you from the university.

You may also be forcibly expelled from the university, if we assume 40 or more passes during the academic year without good cause and supporting documents.

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