Further education

additional education
Ctio to V S P E C U

Changes in the labor market, taking place under the influence of the global financial crisis, changing employment strategy. It is based on the principle of the priority programs of training and retraining.

This principle is the basis for national policy in all developed countries. In Austria, in the programs of training and retraining of personnel involved 89% of the population in Denmark - almost 80%, Finland - 77%, Sweden - 71%, Switzerland - 68%.

Especially interesting is the experience of Japan. One of the secrets of "Japanese miracle" lies in understanding the new role of education in society, is that business has made a major bet on the person. Continuous training of all categories of staff, continuous training and professional development - these are the basic strategy and objective of the personnel policy of Japan. On retraining Japanese companies spend annually by 10-12% payroll.

The faculty of the Karaganda Economic University developed the program of retraining and qualification focused on getting new employee competencies. The main purpose of these programs is the development of new forms and methods of doing business, the introduction of modern financial technology allows to adapt to new prevailing conditions, and aimed at minimizing the negative effects of the crisis. These programs are implemented on the basis of existing knowledge and stimulate the launch of advanced training.

The effectiveness of training programs implemented by Karaganda Economic University contribute to:

practical orientation, coupled with the necessary theoretical background;
surgical correction of programs in relation to changes in the economic environment and regulatory framework;
extensive use of interactive teaching methods;
the use of professional knowledge and experience of highly skilled local and foreign practitioners, leading scientists and faculty advisors;
use in the classroom of modern innovative technologies;
monitoring the quality of teaching.
On the basis of the Department of postgraduate and further education operates a flexible system of training of professors and teaching staff, which includes a set of measures aimed at improving the various components of teaching. This, above all, training in the use of modern innovation and information technology in the educational process.

The preparation and implementation of each course, very high requirements: Conduct a thorough study selected topics of educational workshops are invited to cooperate respected lecturer who share with the audience their knowledge and experience.
Wishes to take courses must send a request to:

100009, Karaganda, ul. Academic 9. Cabinet 391

Our contacts: 8 (7212) 44-15-88; 44-16-24 * 199

fax: 8 (7212) 44-16-32

E-mail: DPDOKEY@mail.ru

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