• Платонус

  • ATTENTION! From January 20, 2021, the official name of the university was changed to "PRIVATE INSTITUTION "KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY OF KAZPOTREBSOYUZ" All contracts concluded before the date of re-registration are valid until the conditions are fully met. Please take into account the change in the name of the university when sending documents to our address.


Meeting with a practitioner: a graduate shares her work experience in psychology

Meeting with a practitioner: a graduate shares her work experience...

Psychologists have been trained in the educational program "Psychology and Management in Education" at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz since 2021, and the first graduation took place in 2023. Our first graduates are currently working as psychologists in various fields: healthcare, education,...
International Round Table on the Improvement of Students' Research Work in Universities

International Round Table on the Improvement of Students' Research...

On October 17, 2024, Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted a significant event – the International Round Table as part of the implementation of the grant project AP19676691, “Innovative Model for Improving Students' Research Work in Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” The round table...
Day of Spiritual Harmony: round table at the University

Day of Spiritual Harmony: round table at the University

October 18 is the Day of Spiritual Harmony. The date dates back to 1992, when the first World Congress of Spiritual Harmony took place in Kazakhstan. On the occasion of the Day of Spiritual Harmony, a round table was held at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the topic: “Problems of secular...
Presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program at the University

Presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program at the University

Our university hosted the presentation of the Teach for Qazaqstan program, which opens up new opportunities for talented graduates and professionals. The program provides a unique chance to become a teacher in regional schools of the country."We recruit and select promising graduates/leaders of leading...
The University's Career Center has received international recognition!

The University's Career Center has received international recognit...

The Career Center of Karaganda Kazpotrebsoyuz University has become a full member of the Kazakhstan Career Development Association (KazCDA), affiliated with the Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA). The certificate confirms the active participation of the Center in the activities of...
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Challenges

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Ch...

On October 10, 2024, the University held the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Artificial Intelligence and Challenges of the Digital World” in offline and online formats.During the conference, topical issues of using artificial intelligence in various fields were discussed. Participants...

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Economic (scientific and pedagogical direction)


    Social sciences, economy and business

  • 2021-22 Contingent of master students on educational program for
    Master students, studying on the basis of the state educational order
    Master students, studying on a paid basis

Содержание образовательной магистерской программы по специальности 7М04101 «Экономика» составляют такие дисциплины, как «Экономическая безопасность фирмы», «Организация инвестиционной и инновационной деятельности предприятия», «Современные проблемы экономики Казахстана», «Экономика социальной сферы», «Управление затратами» и др. Это позволяет приобрести компетенции в использовании методов принятия управленческих решений; в вопросах проведения в Республике Казахстан экономических реформ; в вопросах экономического развития страны; в вопросах методики преподавания экономических дисциплин.

Выпускники магистратуры по образовательной программе 7М04101 - «Экономика» в качестве  объектов профессиональной деятельности могут выбирать:

при научной и педагогической подготовке: научно-исследовательские институты; высшие учебные заведения; органы государственного и местного управления; производственно-экономические и планово-экономические, социально-управленческие и маркетинговые, финансово-аналитические службы предприятий и организаций; подразделения внешнеэкономической деятельности.

Выпускнику присваивается академическая степень:

- по научному и педагогическому направлению – Магистр экономических наук по специальности «7М04101-Экономика»;

Срок обучения:

по научному и педагогическому направлению – 2 года.

Форма обучения – очная.

Degree program: Master of Economic Sciences specialty 7М04101 "Economy" scientific - pedagogical direction
Degree and duration Single degree (one university)
(131 ECTS - credits / 59 Kaz. Credits)
Education alin stitution Karaganda University Kazpotrebsoyuz
Accreditation Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance (IKAQA)
Period of validity This program is approved by the University for a period of 2 years for persons who receive a degree at the university from 2018
Level QF for the EHEA (Qualifications Framework for the European Higher Education Area): 2nd cycle; EQF (European Qualifications Framework): Level 7; NQF (national qualifications framework): level 7
  • A) Purpose
    • Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of sustainable development economics at the macro-, micro-level, with in-depth competencies for conducting research and experiments
      Successful graduates must:
      - apply scientific methods of knowledge in professional activities;
      - critically analyze existing concepts, theories and approaches to the study of processes and phenomena;
      - integrate knowledge gained in various disciplines;
      - use them to solve analytical and managerial tasks in new unfamiliar conditions;
      - to conduct a microeconomic analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise and use its results in the management of the enterprise;
      - put into practice new approaches to the organization of marketing and management;
      - put into practice the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of regulation of economic relations;
      - to think creatively and creatively to solve new problems and situations;
      - to carry out information-analytical and information-bibliographic work with the involvement of modern information technologies;
      - summarize the results of experimental research and analytical work in the form of a thesis, article, report, analytical note, etc
  • B) Characteristics
    • 1.Discipline/Subject area
    • Basic disciplines: History and Philosophy of Science, Foreign language (professional). Pedagogy, Psychology, Organization and planning of scientific researches, Science in the national economy of Kazakhstan, Methods and technologies of education in higher education, Kesibi-pedagogykariyam-Katynasnegіzіderi, Academic writing, Academic style in writing, Mathematical methods for assessing and managing economic risks, Mathematical modeling macro and micro level
      Main disciplines:
      Economic security of the company, Micro-macro economic analysis,
      Measurement of indicators of macroeconomic development of the economy of Kazakhstan, Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the development of the company, Modern concepts and applied research in the field of economic analysis, Organization of investment and innovation activity of an enterprise, Investment design, Modern business' economy and strategies of development, Social economy, Kazakhstan салалардың бәсекеге қабілеттілігін бғалау, Шығындарды бақару, Cost management, Health economics, Industrial Economics
    • 2.General information/Specialization
    • When implementing the educational program of the specialty 7М04101 "Economics", a credit-modular system for organizing the educational process is used, based on the modular principle of the curriculum, using the credit system and the corresponding educational technologies
    • 3.Direction
    • Business and management
    • 4.Specialfeatures
    • Graduates of the educational program 7М04101 "Economics" are focused on:
      - solving standard scientific and professional tasks;
      - scientific analysis and solution of practical problems in the organization and management of the economic activities of organizations and enterprises;
      - professional communication and intercultural communication;
      -the use of public speaking skills, the correct and logical design of their thoughts in oral and written form;
      - Expansion and deepening of knowledge necessary for everyday professional activities and continuing education in doctoral studies;
      - the use of information and computer technology in the field of professional activity.
  • C) Employment and further education
    • 1.Employment
    • - scientific research institutes, higher educational institutions, state and local government bodies, production and economic, and economic planning;
      - social - managerial and marketing; financial and analytical services of enterprises and organizations; commercial and business structures;
      - units of foreign economic activity.
    • 2.Further education
    • Grand PhD courses 6D050600 "Economics"
  • D) Educationstyle
    • 1.Approaches to learning and teaching
    • The educational process widely uses innovative educational methods of conducting classes (role-playing, business games, case-method, training, field classes in organizations and institutions, round tables, discussions, drawing up individual and group projects). The training courses include meetings with representatives of various organizations and institutions.
    • 2.Evaluation methods
    • Midterm; intermediate certification; protection of RPRP reports on pedagogical and research practices (reports); scientific foreign internship (report), final certification (state exam, defense of the master's dissertation)
  • E) Programmatic competencies
    • 1.General competencies
      GK1 - To possess the methodology of scientific research, the basics of psychological and pedagogical activity and in-depth communication skills in terms of foreign language education for self-realization in the professional field
      GK2 - To carry out research work and professional and pedagogical activity using modern educational technologies, skills of academic literacy and mathematical apparatus
    • 2.Specific competencies
    • PC 1- Be able to perform analysis of indicators of economic security, achieve and ensure the economic security of a company, enterprise, region, understand the reasons, capture trends, analyze and predict economic phenomena occurring at the micro and macro levels
      PC 2 - To be competent in interpreting and understanding the results of the innovation and innovation activities of an enterprise, to carry out an economic assessment of the competitiveness of firms, industries, regions, to understand the role and importance of the process of optimization and cost management in increasing the efficiency of a company
      PC 3 - To be competent in the issues of economic management of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to be able to apply the methodology of economic analysis in the social sphere and the spheres determining the sustainable development of the economy, understand the patterns of functioning of modern economic agents and develop strategies for their development
  • F) Full list of program learning outcomes
    • In the context of master's professional practice, in work in an organization, as well as with a client, undergraduates can demonstrate the ability to do the following:
      - understand professional practical problems;
      - apply the techniques of analytical, advisory activities;
      - master the most important and sustainable knowledge;
      - to implement the results of research in the educational process and practice;
      - be responsible for maintaining partnerships, trusting relationships;
      - develop the skills of initiative, independence, tolerance, ability to successfully socialize in society and actively adapt to the labor market and solve modern scientific and practical problems.
  • Economic security of the company 2 credits /3 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: disciplines: mastery of the basics of economic theory, marketing, management, statistics, micro and macroeconomics, as well as the socio-economic situation and the state of the national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For the most high-quality mastering of the course, the student must possess knowledge of such disciplines as “Enterprise Economics”, “Entrepreneurship”, “Cost Management”.
    • Post requisites: after mastering the discipline "The economic security of the company" it is possible to study the following disciplines: "Business planning of innovative projects", "Anti-crisis policy of the enterprise", "Economics of industries", "Organization of investment and innovation activities of the enterprise" and other disciplines aimed at studying features and patterns of formation and development of economic security of enterprises and organizations in the system of the national economy of Kazakhstan.
    • Purpose: is to study undergraduates the theoretical and practical bases and mechanisms to ensure the economic security of the enterprise and the organization of the national economy.
    • A brief description of the course: The subject, method and objectives of the course "The economic security of the company." The essence and principles of economic security. Basics of the functioning and development of economic security. Indicators and indicators of economic security. Mechanisms for ensuring economic security. Technical and technological safety fundamentals of the company. Protection of economic interests and protection of trade secrets. Innovative investment security mechanisms of the company. Organizational and informational aspects of economic security. State mechanisms to support economic security. Formation strategy for the crisis management of the company. Evaluation of the economic security of the company.
    • Expected results: as a result of studying the discipline the undergraduate must know the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the formation and development of the economic security of the real sector of the economy; possess the skills to perform calculations and justifications when choosing forms and methods of project planning, studying and systematizing the factors ensuring the economic security of an enterprise and organization.
    • Professor’s full name: Doctor of Economics, Professor Salzhanova Z.A.
  • Foreign language (professional) «English language» 2 credits / 3ECTS
    • Prerequisites: systemic deepening of communicative competence in the framework of international standards of foreign language education based on the further development of skills and abilities of active language proficiency in the professional activities of the future master.
    • A brief description of the course : Modern foreign language teaching relies on a competence-based approach, according to which, on the basis of the knowledge gained, the skills and abilities necessary for solving practical problems are developed. As a result, undergraduates acquire such competencies as general - intercultural, sociocultural, and cognitive; communicative-linguistic, sociolinguistic, professional-oriented.
    • The specificity of mastering a foreign language in a master’s degree consists in studying current general scientific and specialized literature, using innovative methods and technologies, and attracting modern means (Internet-resources).
    • Expected results: at the end of the course “Foreign Language (Professional)” the undergraduate should know:
      • functional and stylistic characteristics of the scientific presentation of the material in the foreign language being studied,
      • General scientific terminology and terminological sublanguage of the corresponding specialty in a foreign language,
      • basics of business correspondence within the international
    • cooperation;
      • free to read, translate the original literature on the chosen specialty with the subsequent analysis, interpretation and evaluation of the extracted information,
      • to participate in professional discussions, scientific debates, debates, round-table discussions,
      • to make a presentation of scientific research (at seminars, conferences, forums),
      • perceive and understand public speaking (lectures, reports, television and Internet programs).
    • Professor’s full name: Aubakirova G.T.
  • History and Philosophy of Science 2 credits / 3ECTS
    • Prerequisites: philosophy, political science, cultural studies.
    • Post requisites: Basics of professional pedagogical communication, higher school pedagogy, psychology.
    • The purpose of teaching the discipline: the formation of philosophical and methodological culture, the ability of theoretical thinking and analysis, high morality and culture, the development of analytical skills and research skills.
    • A brief description of the course: forms the ability of theoretical and methodological thinking and analysis, high morality and ethical responsibility of the scientist, his culture, since behind all the philosophical constructions there is an ethical idea. The study of the history and philosophy of science is not only an introduction to the philosophical culture, it is a condition for the development of the ability to reflect and hermeneutic activity.
    • Expected results: in order to master the course, the undergraduate must know: the history of the formation of world philosophical theoretical thought, the peculiarities of basic philosophical concepts, in order to understand that philosophy is a special form of reflection connected
    • First, with a critical position,
    • secondly, with the construction of general ontology schemes in universal and normative forms,
    • thirdly, with the creation of conditions for understanding, explaining and seeing the world.
    • Professor's full name: Klishina M.V.
  • Pedagogy 2 credits / 3ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "Psychology", "History and philosophy of science"
    • Post requisites: "Methods of teaching special disciplines"
    • Purpose: mastering the fundamentals of the professional and pedagogical culture of a higher school teacher, familiarizing future teachers with general problems, methodological and theoretical foundations of higher school pedagogy, modern analysis technologies, planning and organizing training and education, communicative technologies of subject-subject interaction of a teacher and a student in the educational process high school.
    • Expected results:
      • to form an idea of the actual problems of higher education and pedagogical science;
      • to form ideas about the essence of pedagogical activity;
      • to form an idea of yourself as a subject of professional activity and master the way of self-determination and analysis of your own professional activity;
      • to form the skills of pedagogical activity;
      • to form the skills of organization and management of students;
      • improve research skills;
      • improve the skills of professional thinking.
    • Professor's full name: Mulikova SA
  • Psychology 2 credits / 3ECTS
    • Prerequisites: the study of the course "Psychology" is based on the knowledge gained from previous undergraduate disciplines: philosophy, sociology, cultural studies.
    • Post requisites: all subsequent humanitarian disciplines, which are the practical field of application of psychological knowledge and expanding the possibilities of professional training of a specialist: Pedagogy, Methods and technologies of teaching in higher education, pedagogical practice.
    • Purpose: training of undergraduates in the basics of higher education psychology, expansion of their professional capabilities in the application of psychological knowledge in the field of educational activities.
    • Expected Results: In order to master the course the undergraduate must:
    • to reveal the psychological and pedagogical essence of the educational process in higher education.
    • to give undergraduates a holistic view of the most significant theoretical concepts, empirical studies and the main applications of general, social, age and educational psychology in relation to the course "Psychology".
    • to consider the main trends in the development of higher education at the present stage.
    • develop the psychological and pedagogical thinking of undergraduates.
    • Professor's full name: Kenzhebayeva SK
  • Organization and planning of scientific исследований2 credit / 3ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, History and philosophy of science.
    • Post-requisites: research practice, writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose: To provide the knowledge necessary for a full understanding of the role and place of the scientific sphere as a subsystem of modern society, the nature and content of scientific research as a type of professional activity, as well as to form students ' master's ideas about the process of normative and documentary support of scientific research.
    • Brief description of the course: Science as a system of representations of the world and as an institution. Institute of science in modern society. Elements of science in Kazakhstan. Science resources. The current state of science in Kazakhstan. The essence and content of scientific research. Methodology of scientific research. Logical foundations of scientific research. Methods of scientific research. Preparatory stage of research work. Collection of scientific information. Realization of research. The process of scientific research support.
    • Expected result:
    • Master the basic concepts, methods and stages of research, in accordance with the latest requirements for scientific and innovative activities.
    • To be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and understand their purpose and role in solving professional problems.
    • Develop arguments and make decisions through the search, collection, analysis and systematization of information.
    • To provide information in various forms of communications, to cooperate and work in the group, to discuss and defend their position, to make decisions.
    • Acquire the skills to implement a set of research activities in the development of the chosen direction of master's research.
    • Name of teacher D. Ulybyshev N
  • Science in the national economy of Kazakhstan 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Philosophy, microeconomics, macroeconomics, economic theory
    • Post-requisites: economic security of the company, the practice of modern economic development
    • The goal:to Give students the knowledge necessary for a full understanding of the Institute of science, its aims, tasks and functions in relation to the national economy of Kazakhstan, to identify the key elements of the scientific sphere, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of its development, the interaction of the scientific sphere of the country with other subsystems of the national economy; to form the students a comprehensive idea about the current problems in the functioning of the scientific sector in Kazakhstan, as well as developed and developing countries.
    • Brief description of the course: Theoretical foundations of innovative development of modern economy. Modern ideas about science. Institute of science and its components. Intellectual capital as the main resource of science. Science as a type of professional activity. Foreign experience in the organization of the scientific sphere (USA, EU, Russia, Japan). Trends in the development of the scientific sector in Kazakhstan. The relationship of science and the state. The relationship of science and business. The infrastructure of science. Legal regulation of scientific activity. Preparation of scientific research. Support of scientific research.
    • Expected results: to Acquire knowledge about the scientific sphere in the context of modern concepts of social development, the formation and development of science as a key element of the modern market economy, the interaction of science with other subsystems of the national economy; to be Able to apply in practice the knowledge about the mechanisms of functioning of the scientific sphere, sources of research funding, legal support of scientific activities, organizational support of scientific research; Argumentative and logical to prove their own position on the applied scientific methods, preparation and writing of scientific works, the role of science in the modern economy; to collect and interpret the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the development of science within their own position on the role of the state and business in its development, to discuss the most pressing problems of the state of science in Kazakhstan; to Acquire the skills of organizing independent and collective research, writing scientific papers (applications, articles, projects).
    • Name teacher: candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor Ulybyshev, D. N.
  • Мethods and technologies of higher education 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: management, economic theory, pedagogy, History and philosophy of science
    • Post-requisites: micro-macroeconomic analysis, social Economy
    • Purpose: to form competencies in planning, development and organization of the educational process at the University.
    • Brief description of the course: Priorities of reforming and modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan. The content and forms of methodical work of the University teacher. Forms of organization of training of students in higher school. Methods and means of education at the University. Modern technologies of higher education.
    • Expected results: to know prospects of development of pedagogical science and professional activity of the teacher of higher education institution, to understand the essence of technologization of training; to apply in professional activity the methods of training adequate to the purposes and the maintenance of educational discipline, effective pedagogical technologies of preparation of specialists; to carry out analytical and synthetic activity in an assessment of opportunities and restrictions of methods, means, forms and technologies of training at higher education institution, reflection of the conducted training sessions and to formulate conclusions on this basis; to present the interpretation of positive pedagogical experience, teaching materials and results of educational and cognitive activity of the student in various forms of messages (references, reports, expert opinions, mini-studies, etc.); the need for personal development and professional self-education.
    • Name of lecturer: candidate of pedagogic Sciences, Professor, Kenjebayeva S. K.
    • Prerequisites: pedagogy, psychology and human development, philosophy, introduction to the teaching profession, pedagogical psychology.
    • Post-requisites: pedagogical practice.
    • The purpose of the discipline: formation of professional activity of future teachers-educators in the process of teaching the discipline "fundamentals of professional pedagogical communication", mastering the basics of theoretical knowledge of professional pedagogical communication. Reveal the size, norms of speech and the essence of the structure of communication.
    • Tasks :
      • education in the field of professional pedagogical communication;
      • reveal the functions, styles, types of professional pedagogical communication;
      • mastering the skills of teachers-educators to observe the ethics of communication.;
      • familiarization with the theoretical and methodological problems of modern professional pedagogical communication, its basic principles
  • Academic writing (Academic Writing) 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Professional foreign language.
    • Post-requisites: NIRM, Master's thesis
    • Purpose: formation of undergraduates ' skills of structured presentation of their own ideas, the ability to create scientific and scientific-information texts of various types, taking into account the specifics of academic discourse. Development of the ability to generate your own thoughts and build your own arguments, organizing it all in the most accurate and clear text form
    • Brief description of the course:
    • Concepts and models of academic writing. Scientific text and academic writing. Publicity and communication. Culture, structure and literature: the boundaries of scientific and non-scientific. Writing as a process, product and practice. The integrity of the academic text. Models and principles of writing. Academic literacy and the assessment criteria letter. The appropriateness of the writing assessment. Technology organization of the writing process and generating ideas. Organization of the writing process. Technologies of generation and organization of ideas. Text as an intelligent action. Academic text as a system. Organization of the whole text. The practice of non-linear text organization: from method to technology. Logical and syntactical problems of academic and scientific text.
    • Expected results: thus, as a result of the development of the course of academic writing undergraduates will be:
    • know-the basic principles of non-linear construction of the scientific (academic) text as an integral system; - fundamental differences between the scientific text of the journalistic and artistic; - international norms and requirements for the scientific text;
    • be able to-use modern methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages; logically organize the text and organize its elements; - use different models and technologies of academic writing in the work on the text; - interact with the reader, to understand and respect someone else's point of view; - to put forward and justify their own hypothesis, to formulate a thesis and build a text from hypothesis to conclusions; - critically evaluate, select, summarize and use information from various sources; - impartially, objectively and reasonably conduct its own line of evidence based on logic and facts, avoiding various types of plagiarism; - use different types of logical order and methods of argument; - write syntactically consistent and logically coherent text; - Express your thoughts in clear and accurate language;
    • own technologies generate their own ideas; ‒ skill of building a text-based models; ‒ the skills of paraphrase and quotation; ‒ skills for building coherent and logically ordered text; ‒ the skills to use evaluation criteria academic text as applied to his and others ' text; ‒ the skills to repair complex syntax and logic errors
    • Teacher's name: Minanov N. K.
  • Аcademic writing style 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Foreign language, Professional foreign language.
    • Post-requisites: NIRM, Master's thesis
    • Goals and objectives: the study of the specifics, typology and types of academic style in the letter; review of effective communication technologies, including in the academic community; the study of the principles and methods of creating a scientific text in a number of its main modifications; the study of the rules of construction of scientific texts of various genres and sub-genres (actually scientific, scientific and educational, popular, etc.); providing undergraduates with practical skills of creating and editing a scientific text for publication; mastering the features of the academic tradition in a particular field of scientific activity in accordance with the profile of training undergraduates.
    • Brief description of the course:
    • Features of scientific communication. Academic writing and academic community. The problem of plagiarism and citation. The culture of written scientific language (scientific style and its sub-genres). Consistency and consistency. Dialogue and intertextuality. Hypothesis. Rational explanation. Analogy. Pseudo-reasoning. Features of the use of description and narration. The main components of the scientific article. Speech forms in the scientific text.
    • Еxpected results: thus, as a result of the development of the course of academic writing undergraduates will be:
    • Know:
    • peculiarities of presenting the results of scientific activities in oral and written form when working in Russian and international research teams;
    • methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages;
    • stylistic features of presentation of the results of scientific activity in oral and written form in the state and foreign languages;
    • normative documents for preparation of applications, grants, research projects;
    • requirements for the content and rules of manuscripts for publication in the
    • peer-reviewed scientific publications;
    • Know:
    • follow the standards adopted in scientific communication when working in Russian and
    • international research teams to solve scientific and educational problems;
    • follow the basic rules adopted in scientific communication in the state and foreign languages;
    • to present scientific results on the topic of dissertation work in the form of
    • publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals;
    • present the results of research (including dissertation) to the academic and business community;
    • Own:
    • skills of analysis of the main ideological and methodological problems, including interdisciplinary nature, arising when working on solving scientific and educational problems in Russian or international research teams;
    • different types of communication when working in Russian and international teams to solve scientific and educational problems;
    • skills of analysis of scientific texts in the state and foreign languages;
    • skills of critical evaluation of the effectiveness of various methods and technologies of scientific communication in the state and foreign languages.
    • Teacher's name: Minanov N. K.
  • Мathematical methods for the evaluation and management of economic рисками3 credit / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic and mathematical methods, Econometrics, Mathematics in Economics, Microeconomics, Statistics, Organization and planning of scientific research (Organizationandplanningofscientificresearchs)
    • Post-requisites: Economics of modern business and development strategy, cost management
    • Purpose: to learn how to use mathematical methods to assess the degree of economic risks, to manage industry and regional risks.
    • Brief description of the course: the Essence of economic risk. Mathematical models and methods of risk assessment. Absolute indicators of risk assessment in conditions of certainty. Relative performance of risk assessment under conditions of certainty. Probabilistic risk measures under partial uncertainty. Statistical method of risk assessment. Risk assessments under uncertainty. Analysis of profitability and risk of financial operations on the basis of Pareto optimality principle. Expert methods of risk assessment. Assess the consistency of expert opinions. Specific indicators of the project's risk appetite. Analytical method for assessing the risk of investment. Market model of capital assets valuation of Sharpe. Selection of the optimal plan by the method of constructing event trees. Management of investment projects in terms of risk.
    • Expected results: acquisition of competencies in the field of risk management; skills related to identification, risk analysis and decision-making, which include maximizing the positive and minimizing the negative consequences of the occurrence of risk events; forecasting the risk situation, determining the permissible limits of risk, choosing the most preferred option for risk management.
    • Teacher's name: Kozlova K.
  • Мathematical modeling at the macro - and micro-levels 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic and mathematical methods, Econometrics, Mathematics in Economics, Microeconomics, macroeconomics, Statistics, Organization and planning of scientific research (Organizationandplanningofscientificresearchs)
    • Post-requisites: management of competitiveness of the organization, Analysis of regional markets, Management analysis
    • Purpose: this course is aimed at studying the economy with the help of mathematical models at the macro and micro levels, the main methods of analysis of economic data for decision - making and forecasting of socio-economic development.
    • Brief description of the course: Modeling in Economics and its use in the development and formalization of economic theory. Utility maximization. Study of consumer choice model. Slutsky's Equation. Models of manufacturers ' behavior. Models of inventory management. Economic interaction of consumers and producers. The Walras Model. Leontief's model of a diversified economy. Linear model of trade. Employment modeling. Inflation models. Economic growth model. Public debt model. Mathematical models of market economy. Modeling of investments and analysis of their efficiency.
    • Expected results: knowledge of the main types of models, methods of constructing functions that describe the dependence of the main economic factors and the acquisition of practical skills in the application of the studied models in the formulation and solution of problems of analysis and optimal choice.
    • Name teacher: candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor Emelina N.К.
  • Мicro-macroeconomic analys3 credit / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic theory, microeconomics, macroeconomics, entrepreneurship, organization of production, economic security of the company
    • Post-requisites: organization of investment and innovation activity of the enterprise, Economy of modern business and development strategy, cost Management
    • Purpose: development of economic thinking and communication of economic knowledge necessary for future scientific, pedagogical or economic activity
    • Short course description: Modern micro-macroeconomics and its methodology. Theory of elasticity of supply and demand. Consumer choice theory. Theory of production. Production cost. Offer in conditions of perfect competition. Monopoly. Monopolistic competition. Oligopoly. Markets of factors of production. Macroeconomic indicators. Macroeconomic instability: economic cycles, unemployment, inflation. National income: production, distribution and consumption. Total supply and demand. Model "AD-AS". Macroeconomic balance in commodity and money markets. Model "is-LM". Open economy. Economic growth.
    • Expected results: the Development of market relations, increasing the role of organizations and firms in the recovery of the country's economy have necessitated a significant improvement in the quality of training of specialists engaged in the study of the economy. Master student must be able to: form a set of knowledge about Economics; develop specific skills to select and prepare for the implementation of specific situations; to be able, successfully and at the lowest possible cost to implement projects (especially in the field of development of new products, which enables the company to significantly improve its competitiveness) and effectively manage them.
    • Name teacher: candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor Gimranova G. I.
  • Measurement of indicators of macroeconomic development of the economy of Kazakhstan 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "enterprise Economics", "macroeconomics", "Economic theory", "Statistics", " Economic analysis»,
    • Post-requisites: Modern problems of management in the economy of Kazakhstan, Regional innovation system, NIRM, Master's thesis
    • Goals and objectives: the purpose of the discipline-the development of undergraduates ' skills in the use of modern methods of measuring macroeconomic dynamics, familiarization with their advantages, disadvantages and areas of application, the formation of skills of the use of knowledge in the analysis of economic dynamics using real statistics
    • Objectives of the discipline:
      • to form an understanding of different methods of measuring macroeconomic dynamics;
      • to develop the ability to analyze economic dynamics using real statistical data;
      • to form the skills of educational and research activities.
    • Brief description of the course:
    • Indicators of economic dynamics. Economic indices. Indicators of the SNA. Measurement of economic growth of Kazakhstan. The measurement of inflation in Kazakhstan. The measurement of the labor market of Kazakhstan.
    • Expected result:
    • As a result of the development of the discipline the student must:
    • know the theoretical foundations of modern methods of measuring economic dynamics;
    • be able to apply methods of measuring economic dynamics when working with real statistics;
    • have the skills to analyze the economic dynamics and understanding of macroeconomic indicators of the economy of Kazakhstan.
  • Аnalysis and evaluation of the company's development efficiency 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "enterprise Economics", "macroeconomics", "Economic theory", "Statistics", " Economic analysis»,
    • Post-requisites: Modern problems of management in the economy of Kazakhstan, Modern business’ economy and strategies of development, Regional innovation system, Master's thesis
    • Goals and objectives: the Goal is to develop undergraduates skills and practical skills in the use of subject and professional knowledge for the analysis and evaluation of the company in economic and social aspects.
    • Course objective:
      • development of the ability to apply the principles of a systematic approach to solving economic problems,
      • formation of scientific and theoretical basis for independent research and development of scientific and qualification work (master's thesis)
    • Short course description: Tasks and methods of preliminary data analysis. Structure of analytical tasks. Technologies and concepts of modern strategic analysis. Analytical tasks of tactical control. The generalized complex assessment of activity of the organization. Assessment of socio-economic activities of the company. The impact of social activities of the company on the cost structure, resources and performance.
    • Expected result:
    • As a result of the development of the discipline undergraduate should:
      • to form a master's ability to critically analyze and select the most suitable methods of economic analysis for research,
      • develop the skills of information consolidation for conceptual, institutional qualitative analysis,
      • to develop the ability to carry out a critical assessment of the company's performance indicators
      • to form a complete system of knowledge on understanding the nature and regularity of the processes occurring both within the enterprise and in its external environment;
      • to instill and develop professional skills in conducting economic analysis of financial and economic activities of the enterprise in terms of the efficiency of the use of attracted resources and the achievement of the planned results;
      • to consolidate practical skills in the development and use of a system of indicators to assess the effectiveness of various aspects of financial and economic activity of the enterprise.
  • Organization of investment and innovation activities of the enterprise 2 credits / 3ECTS
    • Prerequisites: economic security of the company, Mathematical methods of assessment and management of economic risks
    • Post-requisites: Research work, work on master's thesis
    • Purpose: to give undergraduates the knowledge necessary for a full understanding of the purpose, objectives and functions of investment and innovation of the enterprise, the development of undergraduates comprehensive understanding of the role of the enterprise in the innovation and investment process.
    • Brief description of the course: the essence and content of economic security in terms of national, regional and sectoral, technological, intellectual and information security; study of economic security through the use of tools of system and structural and functional methodology; assessment of economic security of production and financial activities of the company; ensuring external economic security of the company; security of the company in bankruptcy; economic security of banking systems; ensuring the protection of information objects of the company; organization of protection of trade secrets.
    • Expected results: in the study of the discipline "organization of investment and innovation activities of the enterprise" undergraduate must master the knowledge of investment and innovation in terms of its role and importance, its components, the interaction of the state and private business entities, the state as a subject of investment and innovation process.
    • Name of lecturer: doctor of Economics, Professor Alimbaev A. A
  • Investment design 2 credits / ECTS
    • Prerequisites: micro-macroeconomic analysis, economic security of the company, economic analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the company, mathematical methods of assessment and management of economic risks, etc.
    • Post-requisites: writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose: to teach undergraduates to think systematically, comprehensively, strategically, effectively to focus their activities on innovation and competitiveness of managed objects,
    • Brief description of the course: improving the competitiveness of the organization - one of the most pressing issues for the modern economy of Kazakhstan.
    • Knowledge and application of tools of competitive economy - essence and mechanism of action of economic laws, laws of the organization, scientific approaches, principles, modern methods and models of management will help to solve complex problems in the conditions of fierce competition.
    • Competitiveness synthesizes many factors: political, economic, technological, cultural, psychological, managerial, etc. Therefore, the idea of ensuring the competitiveness of various objects should permeate all regulatory, legal, technological and economic documents, educational, methodological and business literature, etc.
    • Methods to be used in the study of the course: methods of analysis (system, comparative, factor, SWOT-analysis, international, correlation and regression, cluster, balance, etc.); methods of forecasting (parametric, expert, mathematical and statistical, etc.); scientific approaches (system, complex, marketing, reproduction, structural, cluster, functional, etc.); tools of competitive economy (economic laws (laws), laws (laws) of the organization, scientific approaches, principles, etc.).
    • Together, the scientific approaches, methods and situations considered by the discipline represent the theory of competitiveness management, which will provide a breakthrough of the Kazakh economy as a whole.
    • Expected results: in the process of studying the discipline master student will master the principles of competitiveness management in the context of globalization; methods of assessing the quality of management of competitiveness of the organization; methods of rationing competitiveness; methods of resource saving and pricing.
  • Assessment of competitiveness of enterprises and industries of Kazakhstan 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: "competition", "enterprise economy".
    • Post-requisites: writing a master's thesis
    • Goals and objectives: the purpose of the discipline is to determine the system of competitive advantages of undergraduates and factors affecting the competitiveness and efficiency of enterprises and industries. One of the key concepts reflecting the essence of market relations is competitiveness. The study and analysis of the competitiveness of enterprises and industries, especially those that are the main link in the economy, the formation on the basis of which the skills of adaptation to the development of recommendations and conclusions with high practical value.
    • Objectives of the discipline:
      • in-depth study of the theoretical and theological foundations of the concepts of competition and competitiveness;
      • study of evolutionary theories of competition and competitiveness;
      • identification of internal and external factors of competitiveness of enterprises and industries in a market economy;
      • evaluation of the efficiency of enterprise competitiveness management;
      • study of methodological directions and practical aspects of the analysis and evaluation of competitive economic entities
    • Brief description of the course:
    • Level of competition. Competitiveness of the industry. Enterprise competitiveness. Competitiveness management system: the concept and features of the relevance of competition in the market. Factors of competitiveness of economic entities.
    • Expected results: at the end of the course undergraduates:
      • mastering the principles of managing the competitiveness of economic entities;
      • to know the basic laws of development of the competitive environment;
      • factors affecting the competitiveness of the industry and enterprise;
      • proposed measures to increase competition;
      • understanding of the features of the formation of economic entities in a competitive environment
    • ability to make decisions based on the search, collection, analysis and systematization of information.
    • Cost Management 3 Credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites discipline: "Economic Theory", "Business Economics", "Microeconomics", "Management".
    • Postrequisites of the discipline: Research work, work on the master's thesis
    • The purpose of the discipline. The main objective of the course "Cost Management" is to provide undergraduates with the necessary information in the process of formation of production and operating costs, costs of occurrence and various types of products when making decisions on theoretical and practical aspects of the costs of various economic categories, planning, management and control managers.
    • Tasks:
    •  to form the concept of laws and objectives of cost management in market conditions;
    •  to generate knowledge about the principles of cost savings and enterprise planning;
      • to study the basic principles of calculating the cost of operating expenses;
      • to form knowledge about the mechanism of formation of production costs;
    • Teach to analyze costs when making investment decisions.
    • Brief course description:
    • The role and importance of cost management in market conditions. Classification of costs and content. Cost planning (budgeting). Calculating the cost of goods. The cost of the product. Cost analysis when making short-term management decisions. Analysis of costs and benefits when making investment decisions. The basic principles of calculating the cost of turnover. Cost control. Transfer prices.
    • Learning outcomes (competencies):
    • Know the main categories of the subject, the methodology and methods of studying the “Cost Management” discipline that influences the thinking of future managers ,;
    • To be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and understand their role in solving professional issues;
    • Process arguments and decision making based on search, collection, analysis, and systematization;
    • Provide information in various ways, communicate with the group, work, participate in debates and justify your decision, make the right decision;
    • Build skills to implement a set of measures for inclusion in the management system.
  • Social economy 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: economy of branches, State regulation of economy, Micro-macroeconomic analysis
    • Post-requisites: Research work, work on master's thesis
    • The goal: to give students the knowledge necessary for a full understanding of the system of economic relations existing in the social sphere of the modern market economy, to develop in students a comprehensive understanding of the role of different economic actors in the development of the social sphere and social services.
    • Brief description of the course: the Concept of the social sphere, its goals and objectives in the modern state. Forms of organizations in the social sphere. Structure of education management, levels of management and distribution of functions. Educational institution. Science and scientific activity. Science management bodies, functions, distribution of functions. Forms of organization of science management, scientific institutions. Features of economic relations in health care. Health financing models. Sphere of culture: peculiarities of organization and management, tools and mechanisms, state policy. Financing of the sphere of culture in the modern economy. State social insurance. Pension programs and pension funds. Special social services. Social assistance
    • Expected results: to acquire knowledge in the field of economy of the social sphere of the national economic system and regional socio-economic systems, the formation of the strategy of development of the social sphere and the practice of its implementation; to be able to apply in practice the knowledge gained in the theory of formation and functioning of the social sphere; reasoned and logical to prove their own position on the tools to achieve the maximum possible provision of the population with social services and ensure their availability; to collect and interpret quantitative and qualitative parameters of the social sphere development and their meanings within the framework of own position on the role of the state in its development, to discuss the most acute social problems of the modern market economy; to acquire skills of independent collection, analysis and presentation of information about the social sphere.
    • Name teacher: candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor Ulybyshev, D. N.
  • Health Economics 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economic theory, macroeconomics
    • Post-requisites: writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose: this course examines the current important economic aspects of the development of the health sector through the mastery of tools for assessing public policy in the field of health.
    • Short course description: health Economics: basic problems and concepts Individual demand for health. Formation of demand for medical services. Offer of medical services. Features of the health insurance market
    • Expected result: as a result of the study of this discipline undergraduates will be able to analyze the most significant problems of economic development of the health sector, be able to apply an analytical approach in the study of health problems and have the skills to assess the factors affecting the health of the individual and the nation as a whole.
  • Мodern problems of management in the economy of Kazakhstan (author's course) 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Economics and management in agriculture, Mathematical methods of assessment and management of economic risks, Micro-macro economic analysis
    • Post-requisites: Research work, work on master's thesis
    • Purpose: formation of undergraduates ' understanding of the actual problems of functioning and reforming of the national economic system of Kazakhstan in the context of increasing its competitiveness in the world economic system.
    • Brief description of the course: in this course, undergraduates study the Theoretical foundations of the identification of the national economic system of Kazakhstan; Stages of reform of the national economy of Kazakhstan; the Main factors of sustainable socio - economic development, modernization and restructuring of the Kazakh economy; Problems associated with the formation and development in Kazakhstan of elements of socially-oriented market economy; Problems related to the innovative and technological development of the economy of Kazakhstan; Problems associated with the reform of the public sector of the economy of Kazakhstan; Problems of improving the efficiency of public Finance through the introduction of results-based budgeting; Problems of ensuring rational subsoil use in Kazakhstan, etc.
    • Expected results: mastering the basic theoretical concepts of identification of the national economic system, the definition of the main factors and problems of sustainable development of the economy of Kazakhstan, its modernization and restructuring, to identify the main problems of the economy of Kazakhstan at the present stage and to learn possible ways of their effective solutions.
    • Name of lecturer: doctor of Economics, Professor Pritvorova Etc.
  • Мodern problems of the international economy 3 credits / 5ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Mathematical modeling at the macro and micro levels, the Practice of modern economic development
    • Post-requisites: Research work, work on master's thesis
    • Purpose: to form undergraduates system, professional knowledge of the problems of industrial and innovative strategy of the state
    • Brief description of the course: Theoretical and methodological foundations of world economic processes. The contemporary importance of theories of international trade. Models of international economic relations. Foreign economic activity: policies and procedures. Objectives and opportunities of non-tariff restrictions in international trade. International lending: theory and methodology. Economic consequences of population migration. Modern forms of technology transfer in the world economic space. Analysis of integration processes in the world economic space. Modern world monetary and financial system. The problem of stability of the exchange rate. Foreign exchange markets in international trade. Methodological approaches to the problem of balance of payments regulation.
    • Expected results: the development of entrepreneurship, increasing the role of business in the recovery of the country's economy have necessitated a significant improvement in the quality of training of specialists engaged in the study of foreign management experience in the field of entrepreneurship
    • Name of lecturer: doctor of Economics, Professor Pritvorova Etc
  • Economy of modern business and development strategy 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Economic Theory ..
    • Post requisites: research practice, writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose: The purpose of the course is to develop the knowledge and skills of analyzing the activities of enterprises in modern conditions and management practices. Discipline focuses on the main roles, skills and management functions, focusing on management responsibility for the effective and efficient achievement of goals.
    • Brief course description: Economic concepts of strategy justification. The evolution of modern firms. The scale and boundaries of the company. Integration and its alternatives. Diversification strategy. Markets and competitive analysis. Market barriers. Strategic position and competitive advantage. Maintain competitive advantage. Strategy and internal organization
    • Expected results:
    • know:
      • behavior models of economic agents and markets
      • basic concepts, methods and tools for quantitative and qualitative analysis of the economic aspects of strategic decisions
    • be able to:
      • analyze the economic characteristics of the competitive position of the company and its competitive advantages
      • manage the development of the organization to analyze and develop the strategy of the organization on the basis of modern methods and advanced scientific achievements
      • independently use analytical tools for relevant economic problems
    • Lecturer: Abdikarimova A.T.
  • Industrial Economics, 3 credits / 5 ECTS
    • Prerequisites: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Economic Theory .
    • Post requisites: research practice, writing a master's thesis
    • Purpose and objectives of the discipline:
      • provide analytical skills needed to understand the problems of industrial economics, including on the basis of game theory
      • explore key issues on the internal organization of the company
      • analyze theoretically and empirically various aspects of strategic interaction between firms, both in price and non-price aspects
      • describe the theory and empirical data on the determinants of the industrial structure
      • Provide you with the ability to apply a firm's economic behavior model to analyze issues in business strategy, competition policy, and regulation.
    • Brief course description: The contents of the industrial economy. Theory of the firm. The main microeconomic indicators. Game Theory and Competition. Market structure and market forces. Product Differentiation.
    • Learning outcomes (competencies):
    • describe and explain the determinants of firm size and structure and the consequences of property separation
    • describe and explain the pricing behavior of companies with market power and its implications for welfare
    • apply analytical models of company behavior and strategic interaction
    • evaluate various business practices, including deterrence, product differentiation, price discrimination
    • recognize and explain the main determinants of market structure and key issues of competition policy and regulation.
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