• Платонус


Abilov Kosman Zhakupaevich - colleague, friend, teacher

On March 13, 2025, a significant event took place at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz — the opening of a named auditorium in memory of an outstanding scientist and teacher, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Abilov Kosman Zhakupaevich. This is not just an audience, but a symbol of...
Assemblies of the People of Kazakhstan: important steps towards social justice and sustainable development

Assemblies of the People of Kazakhstan: important steps towards social...

On March 13, 2025, our university hosted an international scientific and practical conference on "Social justice - the basis of sustainable development, stability and prosperity of society", dedicated to the significant date – the 30th anniversary of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan. The conference...
Modern approaches to career guidance: exchange of experience at the conference

Modern approaches to career guidance: exchange of experience at the...

On March 14, 2025, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted the conference "ProfStart: prospects and opportunities" with the participation of representatives of organizations of the Karaganda region. The conference is organized by the Center for Professional Guidance and Public Relations...
Informal learning in action: successful completion of courses

Informal learning in action: successful completion of courses

Advanced training courses for teachers and staff of the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Barimbek Beisenov have been successfully completed at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. The program included two areas: "Management in higher...
Forum at KAZPOTREBSOYUZ UNIVERSITY: discussion of working professions and cooperation with business

Forum at KAZPOTREBSOYUZ UNIVERSITY: discussion of working professions...

On March 5, 2025, our university hosted the regional forum "Education as a driver of sustainable development in the Karaganda region: recognition and popularization of working professions." The event was timed to coincide with the Year of Working Professions in Kazakhstan and brought together representatives...
Young geographers of Karaganda competed in the Olympiad at our university

Young geographers of Karaganda competed in the Olympiad at our uni...

On February 21, 2025, our university hosted the Regional Geography Olympiad for students in grades 9-11 of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, and colleges in the city of Karaganda and the Karaganda region. More than 170 students took part in the Olympiad. The purpose of the annual intellectual competition...

  • Speciality Code:


    Speciality Name:

    Economic (profile direction)


    Social sciences, economy and business

Содержание образовательной магистерской программы по специальности 7М04102 «Экономика» составляют такие дисциплины, как «Экономическая безопасность фирмы», «Организация инвестиционной и инновационной деятельности предприятия», «Современные проблемы экономики Казахстана», «Экономика социальной сферы», «Управление затратами» и др. Это позволяет приобрести компетенции в использовании методов принятия управленческих решений; в вопросах проведения в Республике Казахстан экономических реформ; в вопросах экономического развития страны; в вопросах методики преподавания экономических дисциплин.

Выпускники магистратуры по образовательной программе 7М04102 - «Экономика» в качестве  объектов профессиональной деятельности могут выбирать:

при научной и педагогической подготовке: научно-исследовательские институты; высшие учебные заведения; органы государственного и местного управления; производственно-экономические и планово-экономические, социально-управленческие и маркетинговые, финансово-аналитические службы предприятий и организаций; подразделения внешнеэкономической деятельности.

Выпускнику присваивается академическая степень:

- по научному и педагогическому направлению – Магистр экономических наук по специальности «7М04102-Экономика»;

Срок обучения:

по научному и педагогическому направлению – 2 года.

Форма обучения – очная.

3D тур КЭУ


Main building

100009, Karaganda, st. Academic, 9

Tel: +7 7212 441592
Fax: +7 7212 303171
E-mail: mail@keu.kz

Call-center: +7 7212 50-21-24
Phone dialer 44-16-24, 44-16-34, 44-15-68
