On April 25, 2019, the Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted the Republican scientific and practical seminar "Formation of environmentally oriented public opinion and environmental knowledge in the development of "green" economy", within the framework of the program "rukhani zhangyru", dedicated to the Year of youth in Kazakhstan.
The purpose of the seminar was: to draw attention to environmental problems and ways of their solution in the country, to improve environmental culture and to expand the ecological Outlook of the population.

In the workshop, the actions were performed:
1. Planting of tree seedlings;
2. Project "Lids": installation of boxes for the collection of plastic lids, for subsequent processing;

Participants of the seminar were: public services, Jul, LLP, NGOs and Universities.
The seminar held a discussion and exchange of views:
• on key issues and ways to address them;
• exchange of information on experience between participants in the field of practice and representatives of the educational environment;
• issues of formation of ecological culture of the population with the involvement of all stakeholders.

As a result of the seminar, proposals for the formation of ecological culture of the population were developed.





On April 23, 2019 the Chair of Kazakh language and culture of Kazakhstan in the Palace of Culture of KEUK students organized the regional aitys among the students of Karaganda region. Aitys was held in the framework of «Ruhani Zhangyru», «Year of youth» and was dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the famous akyn A. Tazhibayev.
The art of young akyns was evaluated by the jury of famous akyns-journalists E. Musabekov, I. Mukai, K. Imanbekov.
The results of competition places were distributed as follows: 1st place - Kamiev Ulangasir (KEUK), 2nd place - Botpaev Doskey (KSTU), 3rd place - Tileubek Zhanaris, Ergaliyev Alihan (Temirtau)


Congratulations!Congratulations to the student of the specialty "International relations" Mikhail Basumatorov of group MO-22, and his supervisor, teacher of the Department of "World Economy and International Relations" Kalieva Gaukhar Keneskhanovna with the 3rd place and diploma of the III degree in the X Eurasian economic youth forum on "Russia − Asia − Africa − Latin America: the economy of mutual trust" and the Congress of economists within which was held a competition of articles on "Behavioral Economics: the modern concept of economic development»

"Honest youth is the key to the prosperity of the country»

"Honest youth is the key to the prosperity of the country»Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for civil service Affairs and anti-corruption, Kazguu University. M. S. narikbaev and ALE "Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan" jointly with JSC "Center for international programs" held a national youth Forum on combating corruption "Adal Zhastar-elms Glenn cal" dedicated to Year of youth.
The large-scale event was attended by more than 300 people, the theme of the speeches were the involvement of young people in the fight against corruption, anti-corruption work in education, moral education of the young generation and the formation of "Zero Tolerance" to corruption in civil society

Nurbol Janibekov (Student of group th-32):” All the speakers were unanimous in their opinion: anti-corruption education begins with the family, so young people must first confront this social problem. As a result of the forum, a number of specific recommendations and proposals will be formed.”

Platinum lecture with representatives of the Public Fund "Ana Uyi" city of Karaganda

Platinum lecture with representatives of the Public Fund "Ana Uyi" city of KaragandaApril 22, 2019 in cooperation with the PF "Ana Uyi" Karaganda held a platinum lecture with representatives of the Fund in the face of Zholbaeva Nadezhda for students of the Department of "Social work and the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan". The lecture was held in the context of the courses "Social work with family and children", "Social work with women", "Social work with orphans and children left without parental care".
During the lecture, students got acquainted with the main activities of the Public Fund "Ana Uyi" and its directions. Special attention was paid to the activities of the social worker in the work OF "Ana Uyi" of Karaganda, namely, the technology of social work with a young family, social protection of single mothers, etc. The social video "Early pregnancy: how to prevent it and what to do if it happened?". In General, the lecture was held for students productively, learned a lot of new and interesting things. To consolidate the theoretical material studied in the courses is planned in the month of may the field trip, the Public Fund "Ana Uyi" of Karaganda.



Students are invited, under the leadership of candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor Tajbaev N. M. once again showing excellent knowledge in the Republican in a "Startup Business", held in "the Bridge-Incubator" and "Business Zhastar" in Almaty took 1st place. Congratulations to our students: Zhanbekov Adilkhan (F-22), Mazhitov Saken (F-22), Ptitsyn Nikita (IS-22). Well done!!!

Career guidance in schools Abay regions.

Career guidance in schools Abay regions.

April 19, 2018 master of the Department "Banking management and financial markets" Issanov Arman Abay district, conducted a career guidance for school leavers.
During the events, a video about the University was shown, talked about the benefits of studying in KEUK, about the rules of admission to the UNIVERSITY and distributed booklets
In General, the work with graduates was held at a high level. Was given sufficient information about KEUK and CABP. Similar meetings are planned in the future.

XI Republican student subject Olympiad on specialty 5B0090500 - "Social work"

XI Republican student subject Olympiad on specialty 5B0090500 - "Social work"

April 18-19, 2019 in KarSU named after E. A. Buketov was held the XI Republican students ' subject Olympiad on specialty 5В0090500-"Social work" where the students of 1-2 courses of the specialty "Social work" invited the Azine Sh, Berkimbai J., Kosaeva L., K. Shakenova took an active part.
The Olympics consisted of several stages. Stage I – competition "profession Presentation". It was performed by students as a homework. The team of students prepared a video clip, which revealed the features of the profession of social work, its social significance, focus on practical work in the social sphere. At the II stage of "Testing" students were tested in the disciplines of specialty: "Methods and technologies of social work", "Theory of social work". Each student's answers were evaluated. At this stage of the Olympiad student group SW-22 Kosaeva Laura received a III degree diploma of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan scored the highest score on testing. Stage III – competition of social projects on topical issues of social work. Development of the project was carried out as homework. Students presented the results of their research work of the social project, which reflected the relevance of the topic and its content, realism, resource and human resources.
At the end of the Olympiad, students were awarded certificates and letters of thanks.

“Career Fair – 2019”

“Career Fair – 2019”

On April 17, at 10:00 a.m. in the Karaganda Economical University of Kazpotrebsoyuz together with “Employment center of the population of Karaganda akimat” MPI, a “Career Fair - 2019” was held for graduate students and graduates of past years of the university, which was attended by directors and senior staff of state institutions, IT- companies, manufacturing companies, etc. (50 organizations).
During the event “Career Fair - 2019”, employers talked with students, students actively clarified information about the activities of companies, potential vacancies, and plans for companies. Employers conducted express-interviews with students, an informational and explanatory work on the “Youth Practice” program was carried out, CVs were selected, explained the features of work in a particular position.
Invited employers were provided with information on additional training programs of the Resource Center of the “COMPLETE” and “CACTLE” projects, as well as a plan of training programs for the near future. Individual representatives of companies showed an interest in the proposed training, which will be further worked with.

The project of students of the EP "SLG" was recognized as the winner in the nomination "Social start-up KEUK 2019"

The project of students of the EP "SLG" was recognized as the winner in the nomination "Social start-up KEUK 2019"

According to the results of the contest of innovative projects of students of Karaganda Economic University «SOCIAL INITIATIVES IN THE YEAR OF THE YOUTH» business project «FLOWERS 09», developed by students gr. «SLG-32k» Bakyt Aikkimis, Shaykenova Zarina under the guidance of the master of the department of «Economic Theory and the SLG» Yertay Khuanbek was declared the winner in the nomination «Social start-up KEUK 2019» and received a «certificate for 100 000 tg».
This business project provides for the organization of the enterprise for growing flowers in the city of Karaganda. The company will grow flowers - tulips and chrysanthemums.


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