Student research projects

Student research projects11.04.2016 the department of "Economics and Management" within the SSS FEM "Zerde" at 15.10 hours in the classroom 305 was a competition of student research projects, conducted in three languages. Presentations were made by representatives of the departments' IE and IR "," Economics and Management "," Kazakh language and culture of Kazakhstan, "" estimates, statistics and economic - environmental problems "," Foreign and Russian languages. " The main event of the day was the first session of the "brainstorming" on the development of strategic projects, theses. As a result of the work agenda was established to further the practical work of students and joint theoretical research.

Open lesson

Open lesson8 November 2016. at 11:00 in 206 audiences in groups E and E-23c-32 senior teacher, Master of the Department of Economics and Management Idrisova AK on discipline "Economics of Enterprise" held an open session with the conduct of the business game on "Marketing - an effective tool for sales promotion" with the use of interactive department.

Press release

Press release11/02/2016 competition was held "Fair of Ideas" under the "School of the young entrepreneur" project, which was attended by graduate students, students of universities and colleges of Karaganda region. The competition has been granted 18 projects, among which our students (PhD) of the Karaganda Economic University under the guidance of Doctor of Philosophy Baibosynov SB, took prizes 1st and 2nd places. Assessed the project: deputy director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, Deputy Director of JSC "Damu" Fund, Technopark Director of LLP "Saryarka", executive director of the Association of Entrepreneurs "Іsker" and representatives of the regional management of business. 1 place was awarded c. E-32k Zhiembaevoy Madina, Koishybayev Maryam and Kultaevo Yernur. 2nd place was awarded to c. F-32 Sakenovu Amir, Kozhanova Didar and Tokenovu Zhasulanu.
Recall that these students had a 5-day training at the "School of the young entrepreneur" organized by the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" in the framework of a unified program of support and development of business "Business Road Map 2020" and received certificates.

Platinum lecture

Platinum lecture1.11.2016. Department of Economics and Management in the framework of international management Day organized a lecture for students of the FEU with an invitation to the practical worker of LLP "Efes-Karaganda" Shmanov Talgat Tolendiyevich - head of sales department of the Karaganda region.

Business meeting on the topic "Cross-Management"

Business meeting on the topic "Cross-Management"Department of Economics and Management in the framework of the events dedicated to the International Day of the manager, to the faculty of the chief of department of investment projects Kulmagambetovoy Zhanargul Zhumabaevnoy organized a business meeting on the theme "Cross-Management".

Off-site classes on the basis of the tourist company "Nomadic travel Kazakhstan» and historical-geographical society 'Avalon'

Off-site classes on the basis of the tourist company "Nomadic travel Kazakhstan» and historical-geographical society 'Avalon'7 and 8 November 2016 visiting classes on the basis of the tourist company "Nomadic travel Kazakhstan» and historical-geographical society 'Avalon' was held for the students of specialty "Tourism" KEUK Group Tour 22, 32, 14, 24 on training disciplines "History of tourism" and "excursion" (v. teacher of the department, PhD Bedelbaeva M.V.) according to the curriculum on "History of formation and development of tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Organization of methodical work in the tour business" . During the lesson, students listened to speeches manager turkampanii "Nomadic travel Kazakhstan», the graduate specialty "Tourism" KEUK 2008 Mary Brizitskoyi President historico-geographical society 'Avalon' Vitali Shuptar, who spoke about the formation of domestic tourism in the Karaganda region, tourist products for the entry of tourists - non-residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the region excursion destinations recommended as part of the EXPO 2017.

Round table on «25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: achievements and prospects»

Round table on «25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: achievements and prospects»October 28 this year from 14.00 to 15.00 in the auditorium. №103 Department of Economic Theory and SMM Provo roundtable discussion among students majoring SMM (1-4 year) «25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: achievements and prospects» dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Goals and objectives:
- The formation and education of patriotic feelings of today's youth in Kazakhstan;
- Attracting talented young people to the solution of topical scientific issues;
- Determination of the best research work, the authors of the award;
- Formation of students' skills in teaching and research activities.
According to preliminary results of the selection committee to participate in the round table of 10 scientific papers have been admitted. As a result of performances at the round table took prizes: First place - Zhenіs Daurhan GMU-11k, second place - Қunanbaev Sayhat, GMU-11K, the third place - Tursyn Aidos GMU-32k. Students Data Works awarded with diplomas and recommended for publication in the collection of articles KEUK student conference.

Duty at the hostels №1, № 3, № 4

Duty at the hostels №1, № 3, № 4November 2, 2016 the senior teachers of «World Economy and International Relations" chair - Baygozhina G.M., Talimova G.U., Shukusheva E.V. lead an intellectual game
in the framework of duty dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the hostels number 1, 3, 4, and professional work among the students of the university.

Career Guidance in KEBL

Career Guidance in KEBLNovember 3, 2016 senior teacher, master of the department "World Economy and international relations" Shukusheva E.V. conducted an explanatory talk about the specialties of the department with the students of the 3 courses of KEBL college.

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