On November 26, 2021, the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work organized an interuniversity intellectual and cognitive game «TAUELSIZDIK - TUGYRYM», dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Berkut group from the Central Kazakhstan Academy, the Kamkor group KarU Kazpotrebsoyuz part in the competition. The intellectual and cognitive game consisted of 4 stages:
1) Let's get acquainted;
2) «Situational cases» concerning the future profession;
3) «Blitz questions» about our independence;
4) «1001 proverbs and sayings».
The winners were awarded with diplomas and letters of thanks.

The winners of the contest «The State of Alash Orda and Independent Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the anniversaries of public figures-founders of «Alash Orda» A. Bukeikhan, A. Ermekov, Zh. Akbayev, were awarded at the House of Friendship. A scientific article by a student of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work Seitkerei Raizhan, written under the guidance of Professor of the Department of SPD and APK, Candidate of Historical Sciences Birlik Kizdarbekovich, took 3rd place and was awarded a certificate of the prize of 30,000 tenge.
The Republican contest of patriotic songs «Otanym-bak mekenim» was held at the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.K. Zhurgenov in Almaty. 83 participants from 14 regions took part in the competition, of which only 15 participants received tickets to the final. The final was held in Almaty. A student of the SR-18-1k group of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work, Mayral Rosa, received a ticket to the finals and became the owner of an incentive prize. The jury awarded Honored Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and art stars!
At the XIII Republican online Subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Aida Toleutayeva, a student of the SR-19-1k group, was awarded for the III place in the educational program 6B10201 - Social work.
Azine Shynargul crossed the threshold of the secondary school of the Zhanaarkinsky district of the Karaganda region in 2007 and became the «Student of the year-2017» in 2017. In 2018, she graduated from secondary education with «excellent» and entered the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz for the educational program «Social Work», where she is currently studying.
In 2021, KAZENERGY Association received a grant due to its achievements in studies and life position. The university has increased interest and creativity, she has written articles for regional, republican competitions. Along with excellent studies at the university, he takes an active part in public events of the city, volunteer work among young people.
The department is proud of the achievements of its students and wishes them further success in life!

The Enactus team of Karaganda University Kazpotrebsoyuz consisting of 5 students participated in the FALL BUSINESS COLLABORATION DAYS forum from November 18-19, 2021, where teams from all cities of Kazakhstan also participated.
ENACTUS KAZAKHSTAN annually holds an autumn forum of ENACTUS participants dedicated to the opening of a new season and the launch of projects, where schoolchildren and students, leading businessmen, academic leaders and guests of the ENACTUS program gather in order to develop youth entrepreneurship in our country.
Within the framework of the FALL BUSINESS COLLABORATION DAYS, a special Competition "Caring for the earth, caring for people" was held from the platinum sponsor of ENACTUS Kazakhstan - the holding of the agro-industrial sector "Olzha Agro" with a prize fund of 2,000,000 tenge. The participants of the competition had to present and defend a project for the improvement and sustainable development of rural areas in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The final of the BEELINE digital projects competition with a prize fund of 1 800 000 tenge.
The participating teams presented the results of the digital projects they worked on during the BEELINE business incubator.
During the event, an exhibition of environmental, social, digital projects was held - ENACTUS Kazakhstan EXPO
Within the framework of the forum, Top To Future Top Forum was held - a dialogue platform with the participation of schoolchildren, students, academic leaders and business experts to work on mistakes and prepare for the new season of the national cup of school and student entrepreneurship
According to the captain of the Enactus team of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, a student of the U-20-3 group, Bozhbanov Aldiyar ,, For us it was the first forum, as a result we gained experience, received valuable advice on projects, got a boost of motivation and will continue to prepare diligently for the national cup and international events" the team gained valuable experience that will help prepare for upcoming events.
On November 24, 2021, the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work, together with partners in the UPKK, conducted a training on providing first aid for students of the EP «Psychology and Educational Management», «Fundamentals of Law and Economics», «Social Work». The meeting was held with the support of VA Nesterova, Deputy Director of the Socio-Psychological Service of LLP MF «Hippocrates». and cardiologist Tastambekov A.S.
From November 22 to December 2, 2021, teachers of the Department of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work and students of the EP «Psychology and Educational Management», «Fundamentals of Law and Economics», «Social Work» attended the lectures of Doctor of Economics, Professor, Kiev National Shevchenko University (Ukraine) G.I. Kupalova on the topic «Methodology and organization of scientific economic research with the basics of intellectual property: adaptation of international best practice».
On November 30 and December 3, within the framework of cooperation between the university and the Kuban State University for teachers and students of all forms of education - EP «Psychology and Educational Management», «Fundamentals of Law and Economics», «Social Work», an online lecture was held on the topic «Training for trainers», Professor of KubSAU, candidate of psychological sciences Petrova NP.
On December 2, 2021, the head of the Laboratory of Innovative and Scientific-Educational Technologies, PhD Bashirov A.V., held a scientific seminar on the topic "Processing experimental data using standard software".
The seminar was planned by the Calendar of events of the TBI "Coworking Center "Dostyk" on the development of entrepreneurial skills among students, as well as the plan of scientific seminars of the RI ELS for students and undergraduates.

Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoz closely cooperates with large industrial companies in the region. On December 2, 2021 representatives of Eurasian Foods JSC, a part of the Eurasian Foods Corporation holding, met at the university. Eurasian Foods Corporation Holding is one of the leading and significant enterprises of the food industry of Kazakhstan and Central Asian countries, the recognized leader of the republic among producers of fat and oil products that meet the highest international standards, with a production volume of more than 150,000 tons per year. The holding consists of three largest enterprises of the food industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan: JSC "Eurasian Foods Corporation", Almaty, JSC "Eurasian Foods", Karaganda and LLP "Eurasian Milk", Petropavlovsk. The main principles of the Eurasian Foods Corporation holding are the continuous improvement of product quality, focused on consumer preferences, and ensuring the safety of its production.
At the enterprises of the holding, constant quality and safety control is carried out at all stages of production: from receiving input raw materials to the release of finished products. For this purpose, the plants have created and successfully operate their own certified physico-chemical and microbiological laboratories, which are equipped with the most modern equipment, a food safety management system has been introduced. Employees for these laboratories were selected by representatives of the Karaganda plant among the final year students of the educational program "Technology of food products" of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
Oksana Funt of the innovative technological laboratory of Eurasian Foods JSC - Margarine Plant, told about the main activities of the company, voiced the requirements for the company's employees and her laboratory, outlined the necessary skills and competencies, answered students' questions about social guarantees of employees, the recruitment procedure. A preliminary competitive selection of applicants was conducted among interested parties.
We are looking forward to the results and hope that our guys will be able to become new worthy representatives of this company in the future!

On November 30, 2021, the Department of "Socio-Political Disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz organized and held an International scientific and practical seminar dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan in an online format.
The Vice-rector for Social Affairs, Doctor of history since, Professor Abilov K.Zh. addressed the participants of the seminar with a welcoming speech.
Of particular interest were the topics of the speeches:
- Ahmad Malik-PhD, expert on alternative perspectives and global issues, Lecturer in Islamic Studies at the Department of Higher Education of Jammu and Kashmir (India) "Is religion cause of conflictor concord
- Rafael Isharianto - PhD of Radboud University (Netherlands, Nijmegen) "Building solidarity with the poor in Indonesia";
- Emrah Kylysh, a student of the Medical Faculty of Uskudir University (Turkey) "The importance of the language in which people live in their own culture";
- Ahmet Shishmek - Doctor of Hadji, Faculty of Philosophy of Kastamonu (Turkey) "Kunimiz de din zhane madeniyetke kozkarasy";
- Klishina Marina Vasilyevna - Ph.D., Professor of the Department of SPD and APK"Contradictions of education of the XXI century: challenges of contradictory globalizing reality;
- Kyzdarbekov Birlik Kyzdarbekovich - Ph.D., Professor of the Department of SPD and APK "Kazakstandagy algashky darigerler" and others.
The seminar discussed the problems of political modernization of Kazakhstan, the correlation of tradition and innovation in the culture of Kazakhstan, modernization and digitalization of education, the Kazakh model of social harmony and national unity as the spiritual basis for the stability of sovereign Kazakhstan, interfaith and intercultural dialogue in the modern world, the problems of values of modern Kazakh youth in the context of global trends and challenges.
Based on the results of the scientific and practical seminar, it is planned to publish a collection of seminar materials.

On November 5, 2021, the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz hosted an online conference "Problems of secular and religious spirituality in modern Kazakhstan and issues of prevention of spiritual confrontation" in modern conditions within the framework of the Program "Rukhani Zhangyru" within the framework of the Program "Rukhani Zhangyru", organized by the Department of LDS and APK, in which 1st year students actively participated.
Reports were discussed that are important both in the framework of students' research activities, the development of their creative potential, and in the framework of the formation of a worldview, culture of thinking, modernization of the public consciousness of students, in particular overcoming the influence of the ideology of religious extremism and terrorism and the formation of spirituality:
1."The concept of "Religious extremism" Irina Gayvoronskaya SPD-21-3;
2. "Countering religious extremism and terrorism" Zagainov Vladislav MO-21-2;
3. "Religious extremism and terrorism: the essence of manifestation at the present stage" and "Youth extremism" - Bednova E.A. ME-21-2, Zeynegabidenovaanel A.S. SPD 21-3, etc.
In the introductory speech , the moderator Prof. Klishina M.V. drew attention to the high degree of importance of the issues discussed, to the dramatic reality of increasing lack of spirituality, in which humanity was forced to learn the first lessons of the strengthening of the influence of the ideology of religious extremism aimed at the formation of quasi-values.
The concepts of secular and religious spirituality were considered, it was emphasized that spirituality is the embodiment of a moral principle in the views of a person, the affirmation in a person's mind of faith in moral absolutes - conscience, honor, dignity, etc.
The round table was prepared and held within the framework of the OPS and the initiative theme "Philosophical analysis of the theory and practice of modern education", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence.

On December 2, 2021, teachers of the Department of «Socio-Political Disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan» G.N. Jabayeva and A.S. Issabekova together with the library of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz organized an interactive portrait evening "Leader of the Nation and Independence" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Day of the First President of the country.
Senior lecturer G.N. Jabayeva made an introductory speech, who told that Kazakhstan is a young, free and independent state, successfully developing its economy and moving forward on the road of reforms and transformations to prosperity and stability.
The library staff organized an extensive book exhibition "N.A.Nazarbayev bolashakka umtylgan kazirgi Kazakstandy kurushy", the materials of which reflect the bright achievements of Kazakhstan and tell about the activities of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev.
Bibliographer Ibraeva M.N. conducted a bibliographic review of the literature presented and told about the main milestones in the life of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev - facts from his childhood, youth and maturity, about the role of the Head of State at the main stages of the formation and development of Independent Kazakhstan.
In the review of the exhibition, the topic of the formation of an outstanding personality was touched upon.
At the end of this event, the participants were shown a video dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and an interactive game was held, in which students of the educational program "Jurisprudence" actively participated. The most active participants were awarded with memorable prizes and gifts.

The Karaganda regional branch of the Nur Otan party and the Karaganda regional branch of the Academy of Public Administration and the youth wing of Jas Otan organized an intellectual game "Zhasampazdykka toly zhyldar" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the set of principles «Seven Pillars of Statehood».
The event was attended by active members of the Nur Otan party, young deputies, newly elected young akims, civil servants and active youth.
Among the participants were invited Deputy for educational work of the Faculty of Business, Law and Technology Zholamanova Moldir Kayrkhanovna and an active student of the faculty, chairman of the Youth Wing “Jas Otan” in the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, a student of the group C-20-2 Seidakhmet Asylkhan, a student of the group U-18-4 Maitanova Karina, students of the groups TD-18-1k Meney Zhuldyz and SR-18-1k Myrol Rosa sang songs about the Motherland and students the faculty expressed their support.
At the end of the evening, the participants were presented with letters of thanks! Information about the event was shown on the Saryarka TV channel.