01 Mar 2021 in celebration of the Day of Gratitude for the initiative of the Faculty of Economics, management and business conducted online interactive quiz on the topic: "How to say "thank you" ethnic groups of Kazakhstan" among University students. The game was played in Zoom using the Kahoot system. Students were presented with 30 questions consisting of only one question: "As they say..." with 4 possible answers. In a hard fight, it was not clear with the leader in points. With a large competition of participants, the leaders were determined only by the end of the game. They were Temirlan Kadir from VT-20-1k (3rd place), Igor Sorokin from VT-20-4s (2nd place) and Victoria Strizhko from GMU-19-2 (1st place). We congratulate the winners of this game. And we thank all the students for participating in it!
Annual Language Olympiad among 1st and 2nd year students The winners by the English language: 1st place - Mamutov Farid IR-20-2 and Abay Korlan IR-20-1k 2nd place - Baiseitov Bauyrzhan IR-20-2 and Ustimenko Polina RB-20-2 3rd place - Ulan Sagindykov J-20-4. The winners by the Russian language: 1st place – Elubay Sherhan (J-20-1k), Arlieva Inabat (IR-20-1k), Gerdulaeva Ainur (SPD-20-1k) 2nd place –Amirzhanova Sabina (SPD-20-1k), Tursynhanova Moldir (UA-20-1k), Nygmetzhanova Aruzhan (IR-20-1k) 3rd place – Ashat Aihanym (MN-20-1k), Abysh Diana (UA-20-1k), Kadyrbek Zhanerke (SPD-20-1k) The winners by the Chinese language: 1st place – Kasym Akbota IR-19-1k 2nd place – Aitzhanov Sanzhar IR-19-2 3rd place – Akynbaeva Gulim IR-19-1k
The winners by the German language: 1st place – Temirgaliyeva T. SPD-20-2 2nd place – Koshkarbaeva A. MN-20-1k 3rd place – Vasilyevskaya A. SPD-20-2
We convey our thanks to all students for their active participation!!!
Dear teaching staff and students! Please accept the words of congratulations from the university students on the Day of Gratitude! This holiday, embodying friendship and harmony, is a creative symbol of solidarity and unity of the fraternal people of Kazakhstan. Let the spiritual holiday of Gratitude Day on the first day of spring contribute to the further preservation and enhancement of the main asset of our country — the unity of the people. We wish your families peace, prosperity, happiness and kindness!
Every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan should know and follow the procedure for the signal «Attention please!» transmitted by means of sirens or other signaling means, launched to attract the attention of the population in in case of a threat or emergency. Having heard the signal «Attention please!», the population is obliged to turn on TVs, radios and other means of receiving information, carefully listen to the transmitted information and comply with the requirements step by step. The information transmitted can be of various nature: about the accident of a chemically dangerous object or railway transport, about the threat of chemical, radioactive contamination, about natural disasters, about the possible air danger and other emergencies threatening the life and health of people, as well as about the actions of the population in these emergencies. The text of voice information will be transmitted in Kazakh and Russian languages. In places where due to the distance there is no sound of sirens and no loudspeakers of central radio broadcasting, the signal «Attention please!» and voice information will be transmitted by special cars equipped with a signal-speaker. Inform relatives, friends, neighbors - they may not have heard the information being transmitted. Stop any public panic and spreading of rumors immediately.
On February 20, 2021, the Department of "Social Work and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" held the subject Olympiad "Kazakhstan Tarikhy" among schoolchildren in online mode. The Olympiad was attended by students of 11 classes of schools in the city. Students answered questions on the text, analyzed the presented theses on the given topics. The winners of the subject Olympiads will receive diplomas of 1-2-3 degrees and letters of thanks. According to the results of the Olympiad, the students who took prizes among the students of the Kazakh and Russian classes: 11th grade (kaz): I-place-Bolat Balnur (secondary school No. 15)Karaganda) II-place-Kamila Nurkenova (Secondary school No. 27)Karaganda) III-place-Amanzholov Shyngys secondary school No. 15.Karaganda) 11-class (rus): I-place – Maikenov Kirill KSU "school Support" (resource centre, No. 12) II-place-Bekezhanova Dana (secondary school No. 59Karaganda) III-place-Ksenia Sapozhnikova KSU "Support School" (resource center No. 12) Congratulations to all the winners of the Olympiad.
Congratulations to the student of the TD-18-1k group Menei Zhuldyz on receiving the Diploma of the laureate of the III degree in the category "Pop Singing"of the All-Russian open remote vocal competition"VOICE OF RUSSIA". We wish you further creative success!
On February 12, 2021, the Department of "Social Work and APK" held a round table "Military uniforms of Kazakh batyrs", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of sovereign Kazakhstan, with the participation of teachers and students of the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. University students of the university told about the varieties and features of the military uniform of the Kazakh batyrs (Akizhanova J); military clothing and equipment of a nomad (Amangeldin N); The connection of the military clothing of the Kazakh batyrs with the program of Rukhani zhangyru (Karimova R). The round table was attended by Abdakimova M. K, head of the Department of Social Work and the APK, teachers of the department and students of the University.
The necessary conditions for people with disabilities have been created at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz. For convenience and equal opportunities for students with special needs, there is a separate entrance to the university building with an equipped lift and a designated bell for calling the assistant; stationary ramps in front of the entrance to the dining room and library; a special lift for visiting the Student Service Center, accounting department, digital laboratory located on the ground floor. At the entrance, there is a mnemonic diagram of movement around the university for people with visual impairments. There is a specialized toilet; equipped parking lot with a special sign. All pointers are made with hard yellow markings. A special call is provided for the visually impaired; braille pointers of the main university locations; tactile tiles in front of the entrance to the dining room, auditorium, library, wardrobe. The university library has also created conditions for people with disabilities: an entrance ramp, access to the electronic library system "IPRbooks" (http://www.iprbookshop.ru), which offers a special reader for the visually impaired and an adaptive mobile application for the visually impaired and completely blind. Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz - affordable education, equal opportunities, barrier-free environment!
In the framework of the state program on combating religious extremism and terrorism "Department of religious Affairs of the Karaganda region" together with the Center of youth initiatives 17-18 Feb 2021 were organized a number of meetings advocacy on issues of formation of the youth of immunity to radical ideology offline with students of 1st course of University. The main task of the meeting is to form a religious consciousness that corresponds to the traditions and cultural norms of secular society, to prevent the influence of religious radicalism and extremism, where young people become tools of religious radicals and are subjected to any discrimination in the family and society. The data of the meeting held by the speakers Daribaeva G. B. – head of outreach, analytical and counter-propaganda work of KSU "center for the study and analysis of problems of inter-confessional relations of the Karaganda region", Temirkhanov A. N. – Naib - Imam of the regional mosque "Net Baba", Nygyman Z. - the chief Imam of the mosque with Stbe Bukhar-Zhyrau district, Karsybekova B. J., Metreveli, K. V. - religious scholars, Muratov, K.- Islamic scholar, Mukanova S.M. - psychologist. During the meeting, the main concepts of the traditional Hanafi madhhab in Kazakhstan, the negative influence of destructive religious movements, the principles of destructive religious organizations, the appearance and appearance of religious sects were explained. During the conversation, the public danger of preachers of radical religious ideology was revealed, and questions about the essence of religious views were clarified. At the end of the event, the students were given answers to their questions.
On 15.02.21 in the framework of "Spiritual Revival" on the Zoom platform was held round table on "The spiritual heritage of Abay Kunanbayev" dedicated to the life and work of the great Kazakh poet Abay Kunanbayevich. The round table was organized by the Department of Kazakh Language and Culture. Purpose: to acquaint with the moral life of the great poet, to propagate the wisdom and spiritual heritage of the poet, to express his poems and songs, to help speaking fluently, to search independently, to work creatively. The round table was attended by teachers and students of the department. The topics of the round table were "Biography of Abai Kunanbayevich", "Abai's poems", "Abai's songs", "The Book of words", "Abai's traditions, lessons". The round table was led by Master of Pedagogical Sciences K.K. Bazhikeev. Master of Pedagogical Sciences L.M. Akshabayeva, students Kaderbek Zh., Abdrakhmanova A. shared their thoughts about the biography of Abay Kunanbayevich. Associate Professor M.A Topashev, teacher D.U. Urazbekova, students Kurmetovich E., Tleuberlin A., Ibraeva A. spoke about the work of Abai. Gataullina Z., Nikiforova M., Mazhidov B. read the poems of the great poet. Associate Professor ZK Zhangabulova spoke about Abai’s the Book of words, Kagarmanova A. read the Book of words. Kutzhanov N., Ilichyeva A. sang Abai's songs. Head of the Department of Kazakh Language and Culture of Kazakhstan Ph.D. Associate Professor Sh.B. Akatayeva summed up the study of Abai's teachings. Abay's spiritual heritage is eternal.
On February 16, 2021, the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of KUK held an online scientific seminar on the topic: "Organization of research work" (PhD speaker, senior lecturer Zhanna Shugaipova). The seminar discussed topical research issues, the structure of dissertations. Speaker Zh.G. Shugaipova fully explained the preparation for scientific research, the need to achieve the set goals and objectives. The participants asked questions about the research carried out in Kazakhstan, what motivation is there for young scientists in our time. The speaker gave detailed answers to the questions raised.