Binary online lectur

Binary online lecturWe continue to work online! And our partners help us in this.
On april 15, 2020, the head of the department of "Social work and ANC", associate docent M. K. Abdakimova organized a binary online lecture for students of the SR-18-2 group on the discipline "Social services in social work" with the participation of the head of the social and psychological service of LLP MF "Hippocrates" V.A. Nesterova.
The topic of the lecture is "Special social services in the field of health". The topic is relevant, especially in these difficult days for the whole country. For students who attended this lecture, it was very important to hear the opinion of a specialist practitioner who shared his knowledge and experience in providing social and psychological assistance to the population.

Online conference on the topic: "Conceptual problems of drug use in the Republic of Kazakhstan»

Online conference on the topic: "Conceptual problems of drug use in the Republic of Kazakhstan»

April 15, 2020 within the framework of the project of grant financing Of the Committee of science of the MES of Kazakhstan on the theme: "Criminal-legal and criminological problems of countering illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues in the Republic of Kazakhstan" online conference was held on the "Zoom" platform on the topic: "Conceptual problems of drug use in the Republic of Kazakhstan".
The videoconference was attended by scientists and experts, as well as representatives of research structures of the city of Karaganda.
During the online conference were discussed the problematic issues of combating drug-related crime in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Participants of the videoconference pointed to the need to improve measures to combat drug addiction and drug trafficking. As a result of the online conference, a Collection of scientific papers will be published.


V International Student Meeting «MODERN YOUTH: CREATING INNOVATION - STRIVING FOR THE FUTURE»On April 9-10, 2020, the V International Students rally “MODERN YOUTH: CREATING INNOVATION - AIMING FOR THE FUTURE” was held at the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.
Venue: Cabinet of Rukhani Zhangyru, 114 audience
Date: April 9, 2020 - Plenary Session
Date: April 10, 2020 - Sections in 12 directions.
Time: 14: 00-16: 00.
Format: Remote participation on the ZOOM platform.
During the conference, issues of scientific support for the implementation of the priorities of scientific and technological development of universities were considered.
The main conditions for the implementation of today's intellectual platform are the intensification of the professional growth of young researchers, the unification of their efforts to develop urgent scientific problems and solve priority scientific problems, as well as the development of innovative joint activities at the university level.
Despite the current situation, higher education institutions continue to remotely carry out their activities in all areas of the educational process. Our International Scientific and Practical Conference is a confirmation of this!
Today's format of the scientific forum is special and this is due to the fact that its organizers were representatives of the cooperative university, which was created in honor of the 50th anniversary of our university.

«Youth and Science: a New Vision and Dialectic of Development»

«Youth and Science: a New Vision and Dialectic of Development»

On April 9-10, 2020, Karaganda Economic University held the V International Meeting of Students "Modern Youth: Building Innovations - Strive for the Future."
As part of the meeting, the Faculty of Finance, Logistics and Digital Technologies organized the section work of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Doctoral Students, Candidates for a Master`s Degree and Students on April 10, 2020: "Youth and Science: a New Vision and Dialectic of Development." In connection with the state of emergency introduced in Kazakhstan, the section session was held for the first time using remote technologies. The section heard presentations by students of the specialties "Information Systems," Computing Systems and Software, "Finance," Logistics, "Accounting and Audit." The speakers presented current issues on the use of digital technologies in production and education. Industry 4.0, digitalisation of the financial market in modern conditions of economic development, problems and prospects of services development, accounting, analysis and auditing issues in modern conditions and application of mathematical methods in analysis and simulation of modern processes.

Management in Industry 4.0

Management in Industry 4.0

On March 27, 2020, the XII Republican student Olympiad was held at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University ( on the specialty " Management ", the theme was: "Management in Industry 4.0". This Olympiad was dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the great scientist Al-Farabi. The Olympiad was held online. The platform for conducting the online Olympiad is Zoom.

The KEU team took part in the Olympiad: Ferzauli Adam (group MN-18-2), Wagner Edgar (group MN-18-2), Abzhalelov Temirlan (group MN-18-2). Supervisor – PhD Omarova A.T.

According to the results of the Olympiad, the team of KEU “Leaders” took an honorable 2nd place among a dozen other teams. Congratulations to our winners!

I am studying at home

I am studying at home

Dear Kazakh students, undergraduates and doctoral students! We, undergraduates and doctoral students of the Karaganda Economic University, in connection with the current situation in the world fully support the transition to distance learning! And we urge each of you to stay home and study online with the # /I am studying at home !!!Take care of yourself and your loved ones!



Basic precautions against coronavirus infection

Wash your hands regularly
Treat your hands regularly with an alcohol-based product or wash them with soap. If a virus is present on the surface of the hands, then treating the hands with an alcohol-containing product or soap will kill it.
Keep your distance in public
Stay at least 1 meter away from people, especially if they have a cough, runny nose, or fever. Coughing and sneezing, a person with a respiratory infection spreads the smallest drops containing the virus around him. If you are too close to such a person, you can get the virus by inhaling air.
If possible, do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Hands touch many surfaces on which the virus may be present. Touching the hands containing the infection to the eyes, nose, or mouth can transfer the virus from the skin of the hands to the body.
Observe hygiene


Award ceremony for the holders of the title " Best University teacher»

Award ceremony for the holders of the title " Best University teacher»

On February 28, 2020, the award ceremony for the holders of the title "Best University teacher" was held with the participation of Vice-Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Miras Daulenov.
471 applicants from 81 higher educational institutions of the Republic took part in the competition for the title of "Best University teacher". Dauren Kazhabergenovich Sarzhanov, Professor of the Department of Marketing and logistics, was among the holders of the title "Best University teacher".
Scientific-pedagogical activity of the teacher was evaluated by qualitative and quantitative indicators: development, participation and publication of textbooks, monographs, manuals in English; a certificate of successful completion of training based on the platform of massive open online courses, etc.
This grant allows a teacher to complete an internship at leading universities in the world to improve their skills and conduct research.b
The chair "Marketing and logistics" congratulates the people of Kazakhstan of Kozhabergenov and wishes him further victories in scientific and educational activities!

Lecture "on prevention and prevention of tuberculosis".

Lecture "on prevention and prevention of tuberculosis".

On 13.03.2020, as part of the month of tuberculosis prevention, a lecture was organized among students of the faculty of Business, law and technology with the invitation of the senior nurse of the University , on the prevention of tuberculosis by giving up Smoking, alcohol and drugs, as well as on the importance of passing a fluorography examination.



The chair of Russian and Foreign languages held the annual intellectual game “Experts of languages” among school – graduates of 11 grade city schools.
All the participants were awarded with diplomas:

1st place – MSI SS №15
2nd place – MSI Gymnasium №93, MSI SS №16
3rd place – MSI SS №17, MSI SS №18

We thank all the pupils for active participation!

The meeting «A thousand Fates - one people»

The meeting «A thousand Fates - one people»

The department of SW and ANK held a meeting with representatives of the Karaganda german society «Wiedergeburt» - members of deported german families, dedicated to the Day of gratitude and memory of the outstanding writer, translator, essayist, public figure Gerold Belger.
Korevko V.V., Zvizhinsky L.R. shared their memories of the events of the war years, deportation and expressed gratitude to the Kazakh people, who extended a helping hand to the germans in dashing years.

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