CONGRATULATIONS!The Chairman of the Board, member of the Council for the transition to a green economy under the President of Kazakhstan S. Rakhimbekov, expressed gratitude to the head of the "Coalition for green economy and development G-Global". Department of "Ecology and assessment" and The Department of "Ecology and assessment" for the Republican scientific and practical seminar "Formation of environmentally oriented public opinion and environmental knowledge in the development of "green" economy" and effective partnership in the framework of the Concept of the transition of Kazakhstan to a green economy.

“KEUK Talks” Conference– Talking about Culture Entrepreneurship Uniqueness Knowledge in KEUK!

“KEUK Talks” Conference– Talking about Culture Entrepreneurship Uniqueness Knowledge in KEUK!

On April 30, 2019, the “KEUK Talks” conference, the first conference-platform of this format, was held at the university.
“KEUK Talks” is a KEUK platform, which allows people to keep up their desire for knowledge, to acquaint them with advanced ideas and experience in all areas of science, culture and practice.
4 speakers (3 from them external) took a part in “KEUK Talks” conference:
1. Zhanabayev Daniyar – “Bolashak” Academy student – “Reducing youth employment”. Daniyar spoke first and touched on one of the most important problems of today's youth, he announced the causes and solutions to the problem.
2. Rakhimov Yerlan - Director of the Language Center, teacher, entrepreneur, lawyer, spoke on the topic “Business development without investments”. Yerlan shared how from scratch and without investments people can open successful business, and Yerlan revealed marketing secrets.
3. Turakova Madina - “Bolashak” Academy student – “Visualization as a way of successful learning languages”. Madina made a presentation in English, shared methods of learning foreign languages by visualizing on the example of English.
4. Kose Zhanna – c.e.s., business coach, psychologist, ICU professional coach, neurography specialist – “How to fill the life with meaning?” Zhanna shared her life experience, giving advice on the real life purpose.
Students listened with interest to the invited speakers, there was a lively dialogue, and students had the opportunity to get answers to all their questions. Invited speakers were given letters of appreciation for participating in the conference.
After the conference, feedback was received from KEUK students and “Bolashak” Academy about the event.

Round table "Continuity of the course of Elbasy N. Nazarbayev".

Round table "Continuity of the course of Elbasy N. Nazarbayev".May 3, 2019 at Karaganda economic University under the leadership of Vice-rector K.Abilov held a round table "Continuity of the course of Elbasy N. Nazarbayev". The reports were made by the delegate of the 27th session of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan "Formula of peace and harmony: unity and modernization" M.Abdakimova and senior lecturer A. Badel. In the process of working with students discussed the current situation in the world and Kazakhstan, the tasks set before the APK and society, the prospects for further growth and development on the basis of preserving and strengthening peace, harmony, unity in the country.

Library morning in KEUK.

Library morning in KEUK.KEUK library held “Library morning” devoted to the World Book Day and Copyright: "Book. Youth. Success". Students of the college of Business, Economics and Law and university were invited to the event. They were offered an interesting and diverse activity program.
The Library staff conducted Libmob (Library mob) with the distribution of lottery tickets at the entrance to the university.
All students were treated to hot tea and coffee in the lobby of the library. Then the participants of the event took part in the game “Harry Potter: the world of magic and the world of reality”. Next was a master class "Do-it-yourselfer" for the production of hairclips. Sporting and intellectual contests turned out to be fun and exciting; book exhibition "One Country - One Book" was designed with A. Kekilbayev’s books particularly with a book of the year "The End of Legend". An interesting meeting was held with A. Omarova, a participant of the project "100 new faces of Kazakhstan". The finale of the event was the draw of all-prize lottery provided by the trade union organization of KEUK. Photo zone “Magic in Books” was available during the day.

The winners of the Erudite-2019

The winners of the Erudite-2019

Olympiad are determined. On April 27, 2019, at 09.00 the Department of Economic Theory and SLG (Faculty of Economics and Management, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz) held the Erudite 2019 Intellectual Competition for students of 11th grade schools, gymnasiums and lyceums of Karaganda. The main objectives of the Olympiad "Erudite-2019" is to identify and develop the creative abilities of students of educational institutions, to stimulate their learning and cognitive activity and assist them in vocational guidance.
Graduates of the following schools took part in the competition: Secondary School No. 52, Secondary School No. 17, Secondary School No. 16, Secondary School No. 61, Secondary School No. 76, Gymnasium No. 41 named after A. Baitursynov Secondary School No. 33, Secondary School No. 17 in Temirtau and Secondary School No. 16 Shakhtinsk. Only 35 school graduates of this school year and 10 school teachers.
According to the results of the Olympiad:
1st place - Nursulu Mukanova (Secondary School No. 76 named after A. Bekeikhanov), A. Abdrakhmanov Secondary School No. 16 in Shakhtinsk
2nd place - Kenzhebek Nurbek (Grammar school number 41 named after A. Baitursynov), Khabibulina Alina (KSU secondary school No. 17).
3rd place - Danil Roshchin (KSU school №61), Orazbekova Ulpan (Grammar school number 41 named after A. Baytursynov).
According to the regulations on the intellectual Olympiad "Erudit-2019", the participant who took the 1st place gets the right to enter the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz for the specialty "State and local government", with a 15% discount on payment for the 2019-2020 academic year.
- the participant who takes the 2nd place gets the right to enter the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the specialty "State and local government", with a 10% discount on payments for the 2019-2020 academic year.
- the participant who takes the 3rd place gets the right to enter the Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz on the specialty "State and local government", with a 5% discount on payment for the 2019-2020 academic year. In addition, active participants were issued membership cards of the “Activist” of the Faculty of Economics and Management of KEUK. And teachers were given letters of appreciation from the rector of KEUK.


National Cup Enactus 2019

National Cup Enactus 2019

On April 22-23, 2019, in Almaty, the annual national cup of student entrepreneurship, start-ups and innovations "Enactus Kazakhstan National Expo 2019" was held in the grand palace "Bakhchisarai", where more than 60 teams took part. Contests were held from such partners as: "Beeline Kazakhstan" @beeline_kz, in which more than 10 teams participated, among which were us. For the young team of our team, the trip turned out to be very informative and motivating. Yes, although they did not take an honorable place, but our team reviewed the tactics of the game and several important decisions were made that in the future will help our team to reach more significant heights.

Round table dedicated to the Day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan "Birligimiz zharaskan!"

Round table dedicated to the Day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan "Birligimiz zharaskan!"The teacher of the Department "Social work and the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan" Aitkhozhina S. K. held a round table dedicated to may 1 - the Day of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan on "Birligimiz zharaskan!". The round table was attended by the group SW-11 K and CM-11 K. Participants were presented reports on the history of the holiday, as noted on may 1 in other countries. Students noted the importance of honoring and preserving the traditions of ethnic cultures living in Kazakhstan.

Regional competition of student research works

Regional competition of student research worksOn April 29, 2019, E. A. Buketov Karaganda state University hosted a regional competition of student research works devoted to the rule of law and human rights. According to the results of the competition, the student of the group TD – 21-K of Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz Amangeldieva Aigerim kairatovna, scientific supervisors of the Department of oyud AU T. I. and Professor of the Department Balgimbekov D. U. with a report on "Protection of children's rights: international conventions and legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan", took 1st place and awarded a diploma of 1 degree.

The field trip

The field tripSenior teacher of chair of "Tourism and catering business» Ayeshova N. T. organized outdoor lesson for the 2,3 year students of specialty "Restaurant and hotel business" in the chain of "Dodo Pizza" pizzeria.
Dodo pizza is a Company that was founded in 2011 in Syktyvkar city. Today the Chain includes pizzerias in Russia, USA, China, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Romania, Estonia, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan!
The Manager of pizzerias organized an interesting information tour of the reception of visitors, separate service and household premises of the enterprise, answered all the questions raised by the students on the organization of service.

Curatorial hour

Curatorial hourThe Department of "Tourism and catering" together with the students held an open curatorial hour in a roundtable on the Message of the President N.. Nazarbayev in the framework of the program "Modernization of a step into the future:Рухани жаңғыру".
The 2nd year students of the group RD-23s, 22, 21K prepared reports and presentations on the results of activities in schools, universities, colleges of the Karaganda region on the topic: "Summing up the implementation of the program "Modernization step into the future: rukhani zhangyru", which raised questions about the activities held and dedicated to this program in the Karaganda region.

The field trip

The field trip Master, senior lecturer Abdurahmanova Z. A. was organized the field trip with a group RD-11K, 14s, RD-15, RD-22 on the subject "Fundamentals of the hospitality industry" on the theme: "Modern trends in the restaurant business" in the hotel and restaurant complex "Emerge city" Karaganda.
Exit classes were held to increase students ' interest in the chosen profession, to demonstrate the latest technological equipment at the enterprises of nutrition, accommodation and recreation. They got acquainted with the restaurant, hotel complex with rooms and pub, as well as received very useful, interesting and quite extensive information. Elements of the discipline were also covered.
The administration of the "Empire city" became interested in our students and proposed the initiative on the passage of our students ' production practices in this institution, with the further employment of our students.

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