A meeting of the student scientific society "Zerde" was held

A meeting of the student scientific society "Zerde" was held

The research work of students is one of the most important means of improving the quality of training and education of specialists who are able to creatively apply the achievements of scientific, technical and cultural progress in practical activities. Attracting students to science allows them to use their creative potential to solve urgent research tasks.

On October 12, 2023, there was a meeting of the student scientific society “Zerde” at the Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz.

At the meeting, the issues of improving work of the student scientific society were discussed and goals were set for the academic year. One of the main goals is to actively promote science among first-year students and involve them in writing articles, scientific papers and projects. As well as attracting more students and awakening their interest in science.

The teaching staff, together with the chairman of the student scientific society, 2nd year student of group MO-22-2, Ertman Victoria, are ready for active work and promotion of science.



A meeting of the student scientific society "Zerde" was held A meeting of the student scientific society "Zerde" was held
A meeting of the student scientific society "Zerde" was held A meeting of the student scientific society "Zerde" was held
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