Platinum Lecture professor Frank Gillert

Platinum Lecture professor Frank Gillert

On February 16, 2024, Frank Gillert, professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Wildau (Germany), gave a lecture on “Trends in Logistics” to students of the Logistics educational program.

Frank Gillert is Professor of Logistics Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Wildau, is the head of the research group on secure identification and authentication of objects, and has management experience in the companies Meto GmbH, Checkpoint (RFID) and Infineon (chip cards and security chips). He is the founder of a strategic consulting firm (Ubiconsult), since 2005.

In addition, Frank Gillert is the head of the digitalization project “Centers of Excellence Mittelstand 4.0”, sponsored by the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy. Deals with issues of international training programs and internships in Georgia and the UAE.

His professional activities are focused on research in the field of logistics and civil security, logistics consulting for enterprises in Germany, the United Arab Emirates, and Georgia.

Gives lectures in many countries around the world, on topics such as:

- Logistics management

- Introduction to Database Systems

- Telematics in logistics

- Risk and safety management in logistics

Students learned about the latest trends and changes in the logistics industry, gained new knowledge and skills in the field of logistics, which will be useful for their future careers. Such a meeting with a German professor promotes the development of critical thinking and information analysis.

Students asked the professor questions that interested them, and he gladly shared his experience and knowledge.



Platinum Lecture professor Frank Gillert Platinum Lecture professor Frank Gillert
Platinum Lecture professor Frank Gillert Platinum Lecture professor Frank Gillert
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