International students round table on sustainable development issues

International students round table on sustainable development issues

On April 11-th, 2024 in Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsouz the International student round table “European practice of managing sustainable development on the way to green transformation” was held as part of the Erasmus project + JEAN MONNET 101082914-EPOS-ERASMUS-JMO-2 2022-2025 EPOS “European practice of sustainable development management towards green transformation”, funded by the EU.

The purpose of the event was to create conditions for self-realization, professional and creative development of young researchers, identify and support talented youth, as well as disseminate European experience and Kazakhstani practice in sustainable development management.

The international student round table was organized in three directions:

  1. “Managerial aspects of sustainable development”;
  2. “Social aspects of sustainable development”;

III. "Environmental aspects of sustainable development."

PhD students, Master students, Bachelor students, and college students took part in the international round table, presenting relevant research in the field of ecotourism, gender policy, sustainable development policy in universities, sustainable finance and financing of green projects.

Thank you very much to all participants for their active participation and interest in the topic of the round table!!!

Based on the results of the round table, an electronic collection of scientific papers will be published. Participants will be awarded diplomas of 1st, 2nd, 3rd degrees and letters of gratitude.


International students round table on sustainable development issues International students round table on sustainable development issues International students round table on sustainable development issues
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