Business Internship/School of Thought for MBA undergraduates

Business Internship/School of Thought for MBA undergraduates

As part of the training of MBA undergraduates, a Business internship / school of thought for undergraduates of the specialty "Management", "Strategic Management and Leadership" took place on 04/13/2024 in the format of a business game on the topic "Goal setting and planning". The game was conducted by an invited business coach, HR consultant, director of the company "Success Code" Andreeva Regina Alekseevna (gAlmaty) The purpose of the game is to analyze the strategy of interaction with partners (effective and ineffective); getting answers to difficult questions; understanding your motives and using them to achieve business goals; active interaction and improvement communication between the participants of the business game; disclosure of the potential of their own and fellow students. This game allowed undergraduates to think over strategic and tactical decisions to achieve their goals.



Business Internship/School of Thought for MBA undergraduates Business Internship/School of Thought for MBA undergraduates Business Internship/School of Thought for MBA undergraduates
Business Internship/School of Thought for MBA undergraduates Business Internship/School of Thought for MBA undergraduates Business Internship/School of Thought for MBA undergraduates
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