"Day of Unity of the people of Kazakhstan: the history of the holiday"

"Day of Unity of the people of Kazakhstan: the history of the holiday"

May 1 is the Day of Unity and Friendship of the peoples living in our country. "Where there is unity, there is life," says our people. It is of great importance that various cultural centers participate in the holiday in order to familiarize the people of Kazakhstan with the traditions of other nations.

Within the walls of our university, a round table was held on the topic: "day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan: the history of the holiday". The Round Table was attended by the head of the Department of scientific and expert support and methodological support "Kogamdyk kelisim" of the Department of internal policy of Karaganda region Duman Bazarkeevich Malaev, honorary citizen of Karaganda region Valery Gromov, member of the management board of the NGO "ethno-cultural association of Koreans of Karaganda region" Hegay Asya Aleksandrovna, head of the public Association "Polish Society of Karaganda region" Polonia " Vitaly Khmelevsky, Teachers of the Department of socio-political disciplines and the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan and students of Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz took part.

The moderator of the round table was the head of the Department of "Socio-political disciplines and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan", PhD, Professor Minzhanov Nurlan Adilbaevich. The conference participants talked about feelings of patriotism, respect for culture, traditions and customs, history and heritage of the Kazakh people, as well as other ethnic groups living in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


"Day of Unity of the people of Kazakhstan: the history of the holiday" "Day of Unity of the people of Kazakhstan: the history of the holiday" "Day of Unity of the people of Kazakhstan: the history of the holiday"
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