«Eco-clean-up: university students for cleanliness and waste recycling»

«Eco-clean-up: university students for cleanliness and waste recycling»

The topic of ecological culture is relevant at all levels, and its importance has been repeatedly emphasized by the Head of State.

On September 21, 2024, by order of the State Institution "Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of the Karaganda region", as part of the implementation of the project "Divide, surrender, recycle", an Eco-clean-up day dedicated to World Cleanliness Day was held. The students of our university of the ECO-24-1, ECO-24-2 groups have actively joined this initiative, contributing to the maintenance of a clean environment.

The purpose of the event was to draw attention to the importance of separate garbage collection and waste recycling. Our students, together with other participants, cleared the territory, demonstrating their concern for nature and responsibility for the ecological future.

The active participation of young people in such events helps to form environmental awareness and strengthen the culture of respect for nature.


«Eco-clean-up: university students for cleanliness and waste recycling» «Eco-clean-up: university students for cleanliness and waste recycling»
«Eco-clean-up: university students for cleanliness and waste recycling» «Eco-clean-up: university students for cleanliness and waste recycling»
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