Meeting with representatives of the anti-corruption service: dialogue with students

Meeting with representatives of the anti-corruption service: dialogue with studentsThe Anti-Corruption Coworking Center of the University hosted a regular meeting of students and teachers with employees of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption in the Karaganda region.
The speakers of the event were the deputy head of the Department for Detection and Suppression of the Department, Major of the Anti-Corruption Service Abdiev Olzhas Kalybekovich and the officer for particularly important cases, Major of the anti-corruption service Sharkov Zakhar Sergeevich.
The guests shared their experience, talked about the key aspects of the work of the Agency and the Department, as well as the specifics of operational and investigative activities. Special attention was paid to the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2026.
Such meetings play an important role in the formation of an anti-corruption culture among students and teachers. An open dialogue with representatives of the service allows young people to better understand the mechanisms of combating corruption, learn about legal aspects and responsibilities, as well as realize their role in combating this phenomenon. The University continues to actively support initiatives aimed at developing civic responsibility and legal literacy among its students.

Meeting with representatives of the anti-corruption service: dialogue with students Meeting with representatives of the anti-corruption service: dialogue with students
Meeting with representatives of the anti-corruption service: dialogue with students Meeting with representatives of the anti-corruption service: dialogue with students
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