XII International Conference on Risk - Management

XII International Conference on Risk - ManagementSembekov A.K., Head of "Finance, Insurance and taxation", took part at the XII International Conference on Risk - Management in Almaty (the organizer was insurance company "Eurasia") with the participation of leading reinsurers of the world in April 15-16, National Bank of Kazakhstan, Russia and other countries of the EAEU , the CIS, Kazakhstan Association of Insurers, the international rating agencies, insurance companies of Kazakhstan, representatives of the media. Among the speakers were the director of the Risk Assessment Group Dosym Satpayev, a professor of the Higher School of Economics (Moscow) S. Medvedev, general secretary of the International Union of Marine Insurance Lars Lange, a spokesman of the German Insurance Association Frank Tirolf and many others.

XII International Conference on Risk - Management XII International Conference on Risk - Management
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