Competition focused on «The best innovation project in IT-technology»

Competition focused on «The best innovation project in IT-technology»On the 30th of April, 2016 in the frameworks of professional-oriented work there was the competition focused on «The best innovation project in IT-technologies» between students of technical and professional educational Institutions of Karaganda region, conducted by the Information system department.
According to the results of competition in «The best innovation project in IT-technologies», medal places were taken in the following way


place Student’s name, surname Educational Intitution Director’s name, surname

Ageev Kirill,

Kostin Denis

Karaganda college of economics and statistics Zhumakayeva Kulban Nigmetovna
II Samorukov Korney Temirtau multi-disciplinary college «Miras» Trofimova Yekaterina Sergeevna
III Kan Tasen Economics, buziness and law college of KEUK Muzalevskaya Marina Alexandrovna

Winners of competition were awarded with I, II, III degrees certificates and presents, laureats were awarded for participation in the 1st round tokens, teachers were given thanksgiving letters.

Responsible for professional work teacher of
Information system department

Kydyrmanova S.K.


Competition focused on «The best innovation project in IT-technology» Competition focused on «The best innovation project in IT-technology» Competition focused on «The best innovation project in IT-technology»
Competition focused on «The best innovation project in IT-technology» Competition focused on «The best innovation project in IT-technology» Competition focused on «The best innovation project in IT-technology»
Competition focused on «The best innovation project in IT-technology» Competition focused on «The best innovation project in IT-technology» Competition focused on «The best innovation project in IT-technology»
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