An advanced training course «New methods and approaches to teaching and learning courses in English»

An advanced training course «New methods and approaches to teaching and learning courses in English»As a part of the implementation of multilingual education, the Department of postgraduate and additional education organized an advanced training course «New methods and approaches to teaching and learning courses in English» for the faculty of KEUK. The course was held from 15 to 24 June, 2016 and taught Gulsum R. Mukusheva, an associate professor of the Chair of Foreign and Russian languages and a candidate of pedagogical sciences.
The courses main aim was to perfect the participants skills of all types of English speech activities and to help the teachers evaluate and improve their pedagogical practice, consider modern approaches to teaching, applying the practice of the teacher and professional-pedagogical context .
The participants have shown a great interest in the course and noted the high level professionalism of the lecturer of the lecturer Gulsum R. Mukusheva. By the end of the course, the participants received their certificates of participation.

An advanced training course «New methods and approaches to teaching and learning courses in English» An advanced training course «New methods and approaches to teaching and learning courses in English»
Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ