Tourist and sport relay race, devoted to the World Tourism Day

Tourist and sport relay race, devoted to the World Tourism Day28.09.2016 by the Department of Tourism and Restaurant held tourist and sports relay race, devoted to the World Tourism Day. In the relay active participation of the students of specialties "Tourism", "Restaurant business and hotel business."
Tourist and sport relay race consisted of 3 phases: presentation of teams (business card), sports stages of the relay, a quiz on local history.
As a result of tourist-sport relay race winners were determined:
1st place - team "Puma" (the students of the Tour-14c);
2 nd place - the team "Sapar tour" (students groups Tour 11k, Тour-13c / c);
3rd place - team "Snow Leopard" (the students of the Tour-21K), the team «Bonifase» (students of RD-12 group).


Tourist and sport relay race, devoted to the World Tourism Day Tourist and sport relay race, devoted to the World Tourism Day Tourist and sport relay race, devoted to the World Tourism Day
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