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  • Students of specialties "Tourism" and "Restaurant business and hotel business" have visited the 13th Kazakhstan International Tourism Exhibition «Astana Leisure 2016"

Students of specialties "Tourism" and "Restaurant business and hotel business" have visited the 13th Kazakhstan International Tourism Exhibition «Astana Leisure 2016"

Students of specialties "Tourism" and "Restaurant business and hotel business" have visited the 13th Kazakhstan International Tourism Exhibition «Astana Leisure 2016"Each year the Department of tourism and restaurant business holds events dedicated to the world tourism day celebration. This is the third consecutive year in the framework of the events dedicated to the professional holiday when teachers of the Department Bedelbayeva M.V. and Garipova A.A. arrange visits to international tourist exhibitions. In the residential year 57 students took the part in the trip. The aim of exhibition attending is to acquainting with the trends of fall-winter season. There is an opportunity to meet and obtain information from representatives of tourist companies, air companies, develop the skills of professional communication has been given to the students. The students received all the necessary information about current offers of the new season.

Students of specialties "Tourism" and "Restaurant business and hotel business" have visited the 13th Kazakhstan International Tourism Exhibition «Astana Leisure 2016" Students of specialties "Tourism" and "Restaurant business and hotel business" have visited the 13th Kazakhstan International Tourism Exhibition «Astana Leisure 2016"
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