Сongratulations champions of "polylingual teacher" competition!!!

Сongratulations champions of "polylingual teacher" competition!!!25.10.2016 the department of foreign and russian languages held competition on multilinguism "Polylingual teacher" among the teachers. As a result the following teachers of the department "World economy and international relations" won:

1st place - team "POLYGLOT": senior teacher, master Syzdykbekov E.S., senior teacher, master Nazarov Y.Zh.
2nd place - team «NO PASARAN»: senior teacher, master Baygozhina G.M., tutor, master Atabaeva D.T.
The winners were awarded diplomas 1, 2 degrees.
We congratulate the winners and wish them new achievements!


Сongratulations champions of "polylingual teacher" competition!!! Сongratulations champions of "polylingual teacher" competition!!!
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