"Career Day 2017" in the KEU. «Банк ісі» кафедрасы.

«Мансап күні-2017». Department of "Banking".November 18, 2016 in the walls KEUK held "Career Day - 2017" with an invitation to commercial and non-profit organizations. The purpose of the event: the employment of graduates in 2017.

Department of "Banking" directly participated in this event. For the purposes of the employment department of "Banking" was invited to the following event organization JSC "Delta Bank", JSC "Sberbank", JSC "BankTsentr Credit", JSC "Kazahbank", JSC "Kazkombank" and other financial institutions. During the event the employment actively involved teachers of the department "Banking" under the direction of Head of the Department Doctor of Economics, professor Talimovа L.A. and Associate Professor J.A. Gusmanova J.A. The result of activities -2 017 graduates were given their resumes.

 «Мансап күні-2017». Department of "Banking".«Мансап күні-2017». Department of "Banking".«Мансап күні-2017». Department of "Banking".

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