KarEU of Kazpotrebsoyuz invites you by April 10, 2018 the International scientific and practical on-line conference named
«Theoretical, legal and law enforcement issues of improvement of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution»
Dear colleagues!
Department of "General Legal and special disciplines" of Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz invites you to participate in the International scientific and practical on-line conference named:
"Theoretical, legal and law enforcement issues of improvement of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution»
Presentation of materials for the conference
To participate in the conference by April 10, 2018 materials of the scientific article must be sent to the following e - mails-
1. For publication we accept the articles presented in MS Word (doc or docx), pdf and tex formats will not be accepted.
2. The volume of the article should be 5-7 pages.
3. The article should consist of the following elements in the given order:
• index of UDC;
• article title;
• surnames, names, middle names of authors;
• names of the institutions in which they operate;
• e-mail addresses of all authors;
• abstract;
• text of article;
• list of references.
The elements of the article should be drawn up in accordance with the following requirements.
1. In the upper left corner indicate UDC index (font – 14 points, left alignment).
2. Title of the article (bold, font size 18 points)
3. Surnames, names and patronymics of the authors and their working places (font size - 14 points, names of the authors separated by commas).
4. Abstract - should summarize the subject of the report and the main results contained therein (font – italics, font size – 14 points, page width alignment).
5. Keywords - no more than 5 (font – italic, font size – 14 points, left alignment of the page, keyword separator – comma).
6. The text of the article (font – 14 points, line spacing – 1.5 lines, paragraph indentation – 1 cm, page width alignment).
The symbols and abbreviations found in the text should be disclosed the first time they are mentioned in the text.
7. References-sources are arranged in the order of their mention in the article (font – 14 points, alignment to the width of the page).
The sequence number of the reference should be given in brackets in the corresponding line of an article.
The names of books, articles, other materials and documents published in a foreign language, as well as the names of their authors should be given in the original transcription.
8. The working languages of the conference are Kazakh, Russian and English.
Articles submitted after the deadline or that do not meet the requirements will not be published.
The collection will be published in electronic form with the assignment of ISBN index and sent to the authors in accordance with the specified e-mail addresses. Publication in the collection is free.
Responsible for the formation of the conference collection:
Candidate of Legal Sciences, associate Professor AU T. I. - 8701 779 7901,
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor Kakimzhanov M. T. - 8701 377 4442,
Candidate of Legal Sciences, associate Professor Filin V. V. - 8701 328 8566