The Best teacher of the University

ORDER № 22

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  1. In order to determine the participants of the Republican contest "The Best teacher of the University" it is necessary to carry out the intra-university stage. When conducting the intra-university contest, the qualitative and quantitative indicators for the last five years approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan are used as a basis.

    To this end, establish a Commission composed of:
    1. Bugubayeva R.O. - Chairman, Prorector for Academic Issues and New Technologies;
    2. Nakipova G.E. - Prorector for Scientific Work, Strategic and Innovative Development;
    3. Taubayev A.A. - Director of Monitoring and Development Centre of Research work;
    4. Mulikova S.A. - Director of the Department of Strategic Development;
    5. Serikova G.S. - Dean of Accounting and Financial Faculty;
    6. Yesenbayeva G.A. - Head of the Department of Merchandizing and Certification;
    7. Talimova L.A. - Head of the Department of Banking management and financial markets;
    8. Kalkabayeva G.M. - Associate Professor of the Department of Banking management and financial markets;
    9. Salzhanova Z.A. - Secretary of Board of Studies;

    1. To provide to deans of faculties participation in the contest from one to three teachers depending on number of teaching personnel.
    2. Full names of the participants must be submitted by October 3, 2019.


    Prorector for Academic Issues
    and New Technologies,
    Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor                                                       Bugubayeva R.O.

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