«HR Day»

day hr

  • Are you looking for a job?
  • Would you like a bright resume?
  • Would you like to prepare for an interview or interview?
  • Want to find the right company for yourself?
  • Want to know which solution will be more favorable for you?
  • Want to know what is important to you in the process of approaching the goal?
  • If you want to have a test interview If you got more “Yes” answers, then we are waiting for you on Fridays from 15:00 to 17:00 in 107 office (next to the admissions office).

“Coach Meetings with Janna Kose”


Coaching will change your life if you are ready to work on yourself, your habits, your way of thinking and perceiving reality. If you are ready to face your fears, get new experience, fall and rise, but steadily move forward, relying on your values and ideals.
- If you are interested in career growth; - If you strive for success;

- If you set big goals;
- If you want to decide on the choice of your professional path;
- If you want to learn new things;
- If you want to know about a certain area of future work;
- If you want to evaluate yourself correctly;
- If you want to achieve something specific, then we are waiting for you to meet every Tuesday from 14:00 to 16:00 in 107 rooms (next to the selection committee).

Kose Janna Komekovna

Education: Economist, psychologist, professional coach, business coach. PhD in Economics, The Professional Certificate in Management, Professional Coach ICU. He has entrepreneurial experience, coaching experience of more than 7 years.

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