"Job fair-2020" continues!

Youth practice is organized for graduates of educational organizations in order for graduates to get initial work experience in their profession (specialty).
An employer is most often interested in hiring an employee with work experience. In this case, the state comes to the aid of yesterday's graduates by implementing the programs "with a diploma in the village", "Youth practice "and"Youth personnel reserve".

In other words, this is a great opportunity to find a job right after graduation!

How do I do this? Where can I find such a job? How long does Youth practice last? How much will I get at this time? Many, many questions may arise from our graduate students.
These and other questions can be answered by the director of the KSU "employment center of the akimat of Karaganda" Syzdykov Nurzhan Khamitovich and the head of the Employer Support Department Asem Zhakanova.

We will meet tomorrow, November 19 at 16:00h on the ZOOM platform.
The conference ID: 298 060 2273
Access code: 112233.

Be sure to come! Add to your knowledge of various job opportunities in the summer of 2021!


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