Role-playing game "Model UN General Assembly"

Role-playing game "Model UN General Assembly"On December, 8th 2016 Gornaya Maiya, Evsyukova Julia, Rakhimbayeva Assel and Schwabauer Natasha, students of “International Relations”,with the help of “World Economics and International Relations” department’s lecturers – Baigozhina G. and Atabayeva D., participated in the Model United Nations, simulating UN General Assembly meeting and dedicated to the legal status of women in Central Asian countries. The RPG was organized under the auspices of the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. According to the results, among 15 delegations Gornaya M. and Evsyukova J. won nomination as a “Best Delegation”.


Role-playing game "Model UN General Assembly" Role-playing game "Model UN General Assembly"
3D тур КЭУ