Platinum lecture "Cross-cultural management in the business environment"

Platinum lecture "Cross-cultural management in the business environment"23.02.2017 a platinum lecture was held for students of the specialty "World Economy" and "International Relations" by the department of IR and WE. Visiting specialist - KulmagambetovaZh who is the head of project management department of the chamber of Entrepreneurs of Karaganda region. The theme of the lecture was "Cross-cultural management in the business environment."
Cross-cultural management is essential for building effective business relationships with representatives of foreign companies, enterprises, organizations. It is an essential element of the program of preparation of future international relations to the practice. Lecture was rich with many examples from practice and evidence, aroused great interest among the students and a desire to further explore this aspect of international relations.


Platinum lecture "Cross-cultural management in the business environment"

Электронный университет
3D тур КЭУ