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  • We congratulate our students on the taken 3rd place at the Republican student's subject Olympic Games in KazATK!

We congratulate our students on the taken 3rd place at the Republican student's subject Olympic Games in KazATK!

We congratulate our students on the taken 3rd place at the Republican student's subject Olympic Games in KazATK!On April 6, 2017 the Kazakh academy of transport and communications of M. Tynyshpayev, in the city of Almaty, has carried out the second stage of the Republican student's subject Olympic Games in the specialty 5B090900 – Logistics (on branch) among students of higher education institutions of RK.
Students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty – Karіm Diana Akimzhankyzy, Korenev Yegor Sergeevich, Oleinik Alexandra Stepanovna and Olzheguldinova Alima Magauiyanovna represented our KEUK among the leading higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan.
By results of the Olympic Games students Karіm Diana and Korenev Yegor have taken the Third and Fourth place.
We congratulate on a victory of our students, we wish new achievements in life and study!


We congratulate our students on the taken 3rd place at the Republican student's subject Olympic Games in KazATK! We congratulate our students on the taken 3rd place at the Republican student's subject Olympic Games in KazATK! We congratulate our students on the taken 3rd place at the Republican student's subject Olympic Games in KazATK!
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3D тур КЭУ