Victory at the international scientific forum of young scientists "East-West"

Victory at the international scientific forum of young scientists "East-West"On April 1-10, 2017, Smagulova Zhanara, a student of the MO-42 group, took part in the 1st European competition for the best research work among students of higher, secondary specialized schools and pupils of schools in Europe and Asia as part of the International Scientific Forum of Young Scientists "East-West". 30 countries took part in the forum. Scientific project of Smagulova Zhanary "The methods of popularization of the EEU in the youth environment" won in the nomination "The best work in the section". Zhanara was awarded a diploma, the project's scientific leader, assistant professor of the department "World Economy and International Relations" Vidritskaya N.I. - a letter of thanks of the organizers of the First International Scientific Forum of Young Scientists "East-West".
We are sure that our student -Smagulova Zhanara will make a significant contribution to the development of the scientific potential of young people. Congratulations!


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