Annual language Contest among of 1st year students

Annual language Contest among of 1st  year students

On the 15 ͭ ͭͪ of February, 2018 at 13.00 Department of Russian and Foreign languages and Multilingual Education Center held annual language contest among 1st and 2 nd year students.
The winners by the English language (among students of specialty "International Relations"):

1 st place – Aitova Zaria MO-11k
2 nd place- Gadjieva Saida MO-12
3 rd place Maminova Malika MO-12

The winners by the English language (among the students of all specialities)
1 st place Akopyan Elina RD-12
2nd place- Urazshaev Alibi ME -12
3 rd place – Alshimbek Akhat MK 11r

The winners by the Russian language:
1 st place- Talipova Anel RD-11
2 nd place- Sabirova Anel Tour – 11k
3 rd place- Agderbek Aitolkyn TPP-11k

We thank all students for active participation !!!


Annual language Contest among of 1st  year students Annual language Contest among of 1st  year students
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