CONGRATULATIONS!According to the results of the «ENACTUS READING CLUB»b competition, in which 37 universities of Kazakhstan took part, the Enactus KEUK team received 3 grants to participate in the summer camp Enaktus-2018.
For active participation, the project vice-captain Ms. Zarina Raimkhanova and vice-captain for administrative issues Ms. Altynai Zholdybai are granted with books signed by Azamat Utenov, the lead and a Directors’ Board member of Enactus Reading club.
The Enactus KEUK team is very grateful to the rector of KEUK, Doctor of Economics, Professor Yerkara B. Aimagambetov, as well as Mr. Azamat Utenov and Enactus Kazakhstan for the opportunity to take part in such events!


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