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  • KEUK students took the IInd place in the X Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty "Finance" in Almaty

KEUK students took the IInd place in the X Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty "Finance" in Almaty

KEUK students took the IInd place in the X Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty "Finance" in Almaty

March 30, 2018 in JSC NARXOZ in Almaty hosted the II stage of the Republican subject Olympiad among students of the specialty 5B050900 - "Finance", in which the students of the "Bank deal" department took the 2nd common command place among 13 universities. The knowledge of the participants was assessed along with the teachers and specialists of the business environment.
Participants students of F-32nd group Oborina Karina, Kushnarenko Olga, Khmeleva Yekaterina under the guidance of associate professor, PhD Omarova A.T. chair of "Bank deal" were awarded diplomas of MES RK and memorable gifts.


KEUK students took the IInd place in the X Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty "Finance" in Almaty KEUK students took the IInd place in the X Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty "Finance" in Almaty
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