Career guidance in schools v. Topar, Abay district

Career guidance in schools v. Topar, Abay districtApril 13, 2018 master of the Department "Banking management and financial markets" Issanov Arman and senior lecturer PREO Amantay A. A. in multidisciplinary SCDO them.Kornienko and SOSH them Abay v. Topar, Abay district, conducted a career guidance for school leavers.
During the events, a video about the University was shown, talked about the benefits of studying in KEUK, about the rules of admission to the UNIVERSITY and distributed booklets
In General, the work with graduates was held at a high level. Was given sufficient information about KEUK and CABP. Similar meetings are planned in the future.


Career guidance in schools v. Topar, Abay district Career guidance in schools v. Topar, Abay district Career guidance in schools v. Topar, Abay district
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