X Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty "Logistics" in Almaty

X Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty "Logistics" in Almaty

The students of the educational program "Logistics" took part in the 10th Republican subject Olympiad on logistics among the Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M.Tynashpayev, in Almaty.
As a result of pre-University selection among students of specialty "logistics" KEUK was represented by the following second-year students:
1) Shevera Igor, student gr. Log-22;
2) Dubovtsev Veniamin, student gr. Log-22;
3) Karipov Sharizat, student gr. Log-22;
4) Shishlova Daria, student gr. Log-22;
5) Mitelglik Kirill, student gr. Log-23s.
According to the results of the past competitions, the student of the Log-22 group Shishlova Daria won the prize-winning place 2.
All team members under the guidance of teachers of the Department "Marketing and logistics": Doc. Smagulova K. S., Doc. Salimova J. D., masters, D. D. Lessov has shown good results and has performed well for what they were awarded certificates.


X Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty "Logistics" in Almaty

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