Fruitful career guidance work in Abay district.

Fruitful career guidance work in Abay district.

October 3 2018. master of the Department of "Banking and financial markets" in the city of Abay held a professional work for graduates of the school №5.they.Abay Abay and students of College of city of Abay.
Students and College students were shown a video about the University, told about the benefits of studying at KEUK, about the rules of admission to the UNIVERSITY. It is important to note that the graduates of the school and College actively participated in this event: they asked a lot of questions on the educational process, types of specialties, on the infrastructure of the University, etc.
The result of fruitful career guidance work was the organization of excursions in the walls of KEUK in October 2018.
Similar meetings are planned in the future.


Fruitful career guidance work in Abay district. Fruitful career guidance work in Abay district.
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